
How does JConsole decide what order to use JMX keys to render a tree?

Hi, When viewing JMX beans in JConsole it renders all the beans under a given domain part as a hierarchy. (JVisualVM has the same behaviour with the JConsole MBeans plugin.) I realise that JMX object names are not hierarchical, but nevertheless JConsole is picking the keys in some order so that it can render them hierarchically. Does...

ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer() vs MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer()

Can anyone please clarify what the differences are between the two? The Javadoc is really obscure for my proper understanding. One thing I have noticed is if I use ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer() to register my MBeans, I can view them in Jconsole. But, not so if I use MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(). Why is that? I...

How do I create a thread dump via JMX?

I have a Tomcat running as a Windows Service, and those are known not to work well with jstack. jconsole is working well, on the other hand, and I can see stacks of individual threads (I'm connecting to "localhost:port" to access it). How can I use jconsole or a similar tool to dump all the thread stacks into a file? (similar to jstack)...