
Can a Jersey GET request return a polymorphic entity?

I've got a Resource class that attempts to return an interface type, say "Shape": public interface Shape {...} @XmlRootElement public class Circle implements Shape {...} @Path("/api/shapes") public class ShapeResource { @GET @Path("/{shapeId}") public Shape get(@PathParam("shapeId") String shapeId) { .... r...

Sending a application/x-www-form-urlencoded list on html

I need to send an HTTP Post request to a RESTful service written in Java and uses Jersey. My java function that handles request is like that: @POST @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public Response update(@FormParam("items") List<String> items) { ... } How can a create a request on html and send it, so that they are pa...

parsing subnodes with Jersey

We are connecting to a third party using Jersey. We then want to extract the returned xml into our class. This is actually working fine except for one node in the xml that is in a subnode. Here is the xml returned: <response> ... <langISO>en</langISO> <acquirerAmount>1000</acquirerAmount> <acquirerCurrency>GBP</acquirerCurrency> <subXml>...

jersey: composite resource

How can I have a resource that is a composite so that a GET to it returns a list of GET to all its subresources so that they can accept a GET also? Having two methods like @Path("students") and @Path("student") with @QueryParam doesn't fit what I'm looking for, which is that the composite resource is just a dumb container for heterogene...

Jersey: Inject Spring component into ContainerRequestFilter

I am using Jersey 1.4 ea together with Spring 3.0 and the jersey-spring integration. Integrating Jersey and Spring works fine for resource classes as described here. How ever I want to inject a spring component into a ContainerRequestFilter to do some pre-processing of requests. @Component public class SecurityFilter implements Contai...

Attaching parameters in calling Apis

Hi , I have writing Java code Using Jersey library to call Rest APIs. For my first method to display all blogs i have written the code like return webResource.path(ConfigurationUtil.LIST_BLOGS).header(ConfigurationUtil.AUTHENTICATION_HEADER, authentication) .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE).get(new GenericType<List<Co...

Outputting Jersey logging to a file?

We've added these to our web.xml: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequestFilters com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponseFilters com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter Which is nice for debugging in my dev environment, but, I can't see any examples ...

Unable to retrieve security context from within Spring-Jersey

Hello all, I am trying to retrieve a security context within my spring-jersey bean, however I keep getting Null authentication. When I run the same command from within my spring application it correctly retrieves the current logged in users security context. The configuration of spring-jersey requires creating a separate servlet to the...

How can I tell Jersey to use my MessageBodyReader instead using JAXB?

Basically, I have some models which all use JAXB. However, I have some highly custom functionality to convert to JSON and back so I want to write my own MessageBodyReader/Writer to do the job for me. Right now, the writing portion is done: if i return one of my models from a REST resource, it goes through my writer. But when I try and a...

Jersey @Provider not recognized

We are using a Jersey JAXBContext resolver implementation using @Provider. It appears that Jersey is not recognizing the @Provider class - the code is never being executed. Is there a reason that Jersey/JBoss isn't properly identifying the class? ...

Jersey JSON marshalling of empty lists

We have a Java List of objects which is marshalled via JSON which is created by Jersey. The List is called "rows". When there is data we have: {"records":"1","page":"1","total":"1","rows":[{"id":"692334","cell":["ECS","D","201009","","0","ABCD","11","11","","201009"]}]} When there is no data we have: {"page":0,"records":0,"total":...

jersey webservice returns a 415 when executing a PUT from Ext.Ajax.request

Hey all, So, I've got a pretty simple RESTful jersey webservice, and I'm wanting to call it from my javascript code. I have no problem executing a GET request, but for some reason, when I execute a PUT, I get back a "415 Unsupported Media Type" error. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Here's my webservice : package servlet; import jav...

How and who should inject PersistenceContext when running tests through Jersey/Grizzly?

I have this class (mix of JAX-RS/Jersey and JPA/Hibernate): public class Factory { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "abc") EntityManager em; @Path("/{id}") @GET public String read(@PathParam("id") int i) { return em.find(Employee.class, i).getName(); } } This is the unit test: public class FactoryTest extends JerseyTest...

How do I get the URL of a request ?

I am using Jeresy Jax-RS to build a web service. Now I need to get the url of the request with the port # if one exist. So if my service runs on I want to capture the How can I do this ? ...

unable to find com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.GrizzlyAdapter.setResourcesContextPath(String)

I trying to expose some groovy service with jersey and girzzly. but i got a wierd error when i'm launching my servlet container. Here is the snippet which lauch it: ServletAdapter adapter = new ServletAdapter(); Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new GmediaModule()); GuiceContainer container = new GuiceContainer(injector); adapte...

I'm trying to mock Jersey WebResource with Mockito, and can't do it...

This is my code (Jersey 1.4 + Mockito 1.8.5): import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; public FooTest { @Test public shouldMakeAHttpCall() { WebResource wr = mock(WebResource.class); doReturn(wr).when(wr).accept(anyVararg()); ...

Passing parameters in the message header with a REST API

Hi, I'm developping a REST API and I need to tranport cryptograms to authenticate the message for each request in a applicative process (MAC encryption from secret keys). I was thinking about putting them in the message header to avoid adding non-data information in the message body which contains the posted/retrieved object (XML or JS...

Good tutorial for jsonlib and jersey

Hi I want to use jsonlib(for mashalling) and jersey(for mapping). But i wasn't able to find a good tutorial. Any help? ...

Return a file using Java Jersey

I am using the Java Jersey to implement a REST service. One thing my service should provide is a file download option. These files are quite big and are constructed from data from db. Currently I am fetching all data from the db and saving it to a file and returning a Response.ok().entity(new FileInputStream(file)).build(); Is there...

How to retrieve the data from associated tables Using Java calling Rest APIs

Hi, I am working in Ruby on rails. I am trying to call APIS of my rails application using Jersey library.I am having 2 tables namely blogs (id,title,desc) and comments (id,commentdata,blog_id).. I have written a function which retrieves the blog by giving its title. All these working fine. Now i am trying to fetch the comments also ...