
Leading Zero is dropped when converting a csv file to data table using oledb

I have a csv file from which I have to populate different tables in database I am using Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0 to convert csv file to data table from where I proceed forward the problem is when I do this a value such as "0261" is stored as 261, the leading zero is dropped, is there a way to prevent it??? Thanks in advance... ...

Access/jet equivalent of Oracle's decode

Is there an equivalent for Oracle's decode() in Access (or Jet, for that matter). The problem I am facing is: I should sort (order) a resultset based basically upon a status and a date (with all records having status = 2) at the end. In Oracle I'd go something like select ... from ... where .. order by decode(status, 2, 0, 1)...

Is Jet database engine included in Windows xp, vista and Windows7?

I need a data store for single-user, read-only access. I need multiple tables, but not related. I also need to do two-column indexing. Seems like Jet is a good choice. Front end will be either VB or C#. The data is not user-entered data, but meta data about users and external files. What are the deployment issues for Jet -is it built int...

Determine existence of results in jet SQL?

In Jet, I want to test if certain conditions return any results. I want a query which returns exactly one record: "true" if there are any results, "false" otherwise. This works in MS SQL: SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM foo WHERE <some condition>) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END; This is what I have tried in Jet: SELECT IIF...

How can I import an Excel spreadsheet on a 64 bit OS using ASP.NET?

I wrote an ASP.NET page that imported data from an Excel spreadsheet without any problems. Then I moved it to the server and found out that it didn't work on a 64 bit OS. After some Googling I found that MS does not have nor will it ever have a Jet DB driver for 64 bit OS. Does anyone have any suggestions for a way to easily import da...

NHibernate + Jet Replica Database - Exception thrown when committing transaction ("a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session).

I have an application where we're using NHibernate and the NHibernate Jet Driver to open existing .MDB files (Access 2003 / Jet 4.0 databases), read some information and add some new records. Unfortunately we have no control over the database format - so we're stuck having to support Jet. The problem I'm facing is that when performing ...

Change all primary keys in access table to new numbers

I have an access table with an automatic primary key, a date, and other data. The first record starts at 36, due to deleted records. I want to change all the primary keys so they begin at 1 and increment, ordered by the date. Whats the best way to do this? I want to change the table from this: | TestID | Date | Data | | 36 |...

Problem with unregistered Jet 4.0 on Windows 7 64 bit

I am trying to run a program, running on the hard drive, that uses Microsoft Jet OleDB to open and get info from an MS Access database. The problem is that when I try to run the program Visual Studio gives me this error: "The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." I tried building the program to tar...

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine

I created a windows application developed in .NET 3.5 in a 32 bit Windows 2008 server. When deployed the application in a 64 bit server it shows the error "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine ". So as a solution to this issue, i have changed the build property of the project to X86, so that it will b...

"is not a valid name" error while retrieving data from csv/txt file using oledb

I retrieving data from a csv/txt file using oledb driver ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0; Data Source = " & System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(strFileName) & "; Extended Properties = ""Text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited""" strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [" & System.IO.Path.GetFileName(strFileName) & "]" In the last line I am getting ...

Does a command-line client exist for Microsoft Jet database engine?

Is there such a thing as a shell-based command-line client for Microsoft's Jet database engine? Something similar to SQLite 3.x (sqlite3.exe) for SQLite. ...

Delphi 2009 ADO database access in cmShareDenyWrite mode

Hi there, I have a Delphi 2009 application that is attempting to open an ADO connection (dbGo) to a Microsoft Access .MDB file in cmShareDenyWrite mode, using the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. The goal is to open the .MDB file in read/write mode, but to prevent other applications from opening the file in write mode: Other applications access...

Is there a way to use OLE DB Provider for Jet on an unsaved Excel workbook?

I am working with the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet to execute queries on spreadsheets in Excel using VBA. Is there a way to execute the following code on an unsaved workbook? For example, ActiveWorkbook.FullName returns "Book1" if the workbook has never been saved. In that case the Data Source will assume the path is the active dir...

What is the alternative to OleDB data providers?

I have to import data from a variety of sources: text delimited with comma, tab, custom delimiter, Excel files, SQL Server and Oracle. The logical choice seemed to be an OleDB Connection, that would allow me treat any input as a DataSet and have very few implementation differences to worry about. Problem is that good ol' "Microsoft.Jet....

How do I move (INSERT+DELETE) the last n rows from a table in Jet SQL / Access 2003?

Hi, I have a system that receives input from the public each day. Each morning when it starts up I want to run a VB script that moves every input beyond the latest 500 entries into a backup table. This is kind of a complete archive of the systems activity. I want to move (INSERT row from table 'active' into table 'archive' and then D...

Get all field names in Microsoft Access Table using SQL

Hello all, How do I get all the field names in a Table in Microsoft Access using JET SQL? Thanks all ...

DAO large query lockup on Win7 multicore

I have a C++ app that uses a Jet database through DAO. Large queries work well up through Vista but lockup under Win7 on a multicore machine. I have tried both jet 3.5 and 4.0. Both fail. I have tried disabling threads in calling prog (my app) - still fails. ...

Where to find NHibernate Jet driver

Hi, I don't know if it's just me, but I just can't seem to find the NHibernate Jet driver anywhere. I have not yet looked into the source, but looking at the main project files or the NH Contrib files, did not give me any results. Enough time wasted, who can show me the way? Thanks! ...

How to reset autonumber seed - MS Access/VB6

I have a VB6/Access application that occasionally encounters a problem with wrong autonumber field seed. Lets say there is a table MYTABLE with an autonumber field ID (that is also the primary key). Lets say at the moment the maximum value of ID is 1000. When the application inserts a new record (ID value is not provided explicitly), f...

Provider selection, when trying to access Excel table in Delphi 7

I am trying to connect to excel table from Delphi 7 using TAdoConnection component. The problem is when I select Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0, Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;", I sometimes receive error, that external table is not in the expected format. When i select: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;...