
Synchronization help in Java

Hello, looking at, I don't seem to understand why there needs to be a synchronization block in a synchronized method, like so: private synchronized void chat(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,String username,String message) throws IOException...

How do I hide stack traces in the browser (using Jetty)?

I'm using Jetty as my servlet container. If an exception is thrown in one of my servlets the browser will display an HTTP ERROR 500 with the exception message and a stack trace. For security reasons I need to hide the stack trace. Is there a way to configure this generally? Or do I need to trap all Throwables in my Servlet? Thanks ...

Why does the maven eclipse plugin break the maven jetty plugin?

I would like to have the maven eclipse plugin regenerate my .classpath whenever a build is run, and I did so by using the following configuration: <!-- Generate a new .classpath each time the build is run, but don't try to download sources or javadocs --> <profile> <id>elipse-update</id> <acti...

How to run jetty:run-war using a war defined by maven coordinates?

Background: I'm setting up a functional tests module in a maven project. We use the maven-jetty-plugin for testing. I've got the jetty plugin set up as described here (to play nicely with the Failsafe plugin), but what I'd like to do is deploy the war artifact from our main web module using jetty (which has just been installed into the...

Atlassian Bamboo behind IIS7 with Isapi redirect

I'm attempting to use Bamboo behind IIS 7. I have exhausted all of my resources so Im hoping someone here can help. After starting bamboo and trying to connect my browser eventually times out with a 503. Please note that only bamboo currently has a problem. JIRA,Confluence and Crowd all work without issue The logs from bamboo state j...

jetty: dynamically changing idle time

I have a jetty server which is configured to expire requests after 30 seconds, this is the configuration line in the xml config file: <Set name="maxIdleTime">30000</Set> There are two kinds of requests that are accepted by this server: requests which have to be served in real time and requests that come from batch scripts that can tak...

Anyone using JRuby-Rack with Rails 3?

Is anyone else out there running Rails 3 and JRuby-Rack, or Jetty and Rails 3? Any trick to it? I'm going insane with some debugging, and at this point I just want to know that it's possible. ...

How can I prevent spring-security from appending ;jsessionid=XXX to login redirects?

When an unauthenticated client requests a URL that requires a non-anonymous access level as defined in security-config.xml, spring security sends an HTTP redirect to our login page (e.g. /login). That's fine. The issue is that absent an existing session (identified by a cookie provided in the client's request), spring-security issues a...

Jetty Doesnt Seem to Load jars located in WEB-INF/lib folder of an application.

Hello. First, apologies, but I am green when it comes to JAVA. I have a Jetty instance that I am starting using start.jar and passing it a start.config file. The config file properly references additional lib folders that have shared jars in them. The instance starts and runs properly. I then want to deploy an application via a war...

Multiple solr instances within Jetty or run Multiple Jetty servers, which is less intensive?

Hi, I am about to embark upon a new linode VPS server.I currently use both Tomcat and Jetty (on my development server) to serve different Solr, but having read around a bit I realise Tomcat can be quite a resource hog, hence the suggestion for me to use Jetty. I already have a Jetty development server set up with an application in Jetty...

Webapp requiring additional jars (eg webservices-rt.jar) works in jetty 6 but not 7

I have a really simple web service which works fine in jetty 6: java -Djetty.class.path=/path/to/webservices-rt.jar -jar start.jar but the same commandline for jetty 7 fails with a ClassNotFoundException for WSServlet. I also tried adding the jar to lib/ext but that didn't work either. I've tried an example "hello world" app (also re...

GWT eclispe embedded jetty and DBCP connection pooling

Hi all, I am trying to setup the embedded Jetty that comes with the GWT (2.0.3) Eclipse plugin to use a JNDI connection pool that works perfectly under Tomcat, without success. Now since i have read some things regarding the issue, i have managed to do the following: Included the Jetty naming initial context factory to the classpath by ...

Jetty6 service and administrator rights

How do I determine if my Jetty6-service run with administrative rights? I need to setup Jetty on my XP dev box to run as a service. It installs OK and I can see the Jetty6 Service in windows services manager. But when I try to start it I get this error in the log file: STATUS | wr...

solr admin gives 404 errors after integrating nutch

I've followed the instructions from Had solr up and running before that, could handle test cases, access admin pages, etc. Copied the nutch schema.xml over to solr as per instructions. Worked, could access admin. When I added in the requesthandler snippet (see 5d on the websi...

Tomcat - Asynchronous HTTP Calls Super Slow vs. Jetty

We have a java-based web application that makes a couple bursts of asynchronous http calls to web services & api's. Using a default Jetty configuration, the application takes roughly 4 seconds to complete. The same operation in Tomcat is taking over a minute. A slew of configuration changes for Tomcat have been attempted, but nothing se...

How can i deliver jetty with many webapps via jnlp?

Hello, i have a webapp ( wich use jsf in a servlet container. This works fine with jetty-maven-plugin run-war target at my local pc. In the future i would like make mo...

Jetty datasource with Atomikos UserTransaction

I have two datasources in my Web application (principalDB and backupDB) on two Postgresql DBs, and a web container managed transaction manager (with Atomikos) for them. Spring FW and Hibernate are my building blocks for the application. The problem I am running into is that Jetty 6.1.3 web container does not seem to load the app specific...

Jetty: To embed or not to embed?

What are the benefits of embedding jetty vs deploying your webapp(s) in jetty? If you are planning on deploying more than one web app, should you strictly stick with deploying a war file for each web app (as opposed to writing an embedded server which calls each web app)? ...

hot deploy in embedded jetty

Hi, I have a Spring Roo project and I use mvn jetty:run to run my app. The only problem is changes to the *.java classes do not hot deploy, while changes to *.jspx hot deploy fine. So how can I configure mvn jetty to hotdeploy for java classes ? Thanks ...

Detect client has disconnected from jetty server (using continuations)

Hi all, I am using jetty continuations and I was wondering if I can detect that the client has disconnected(closed connection to jetty server) from the server. Thanks, Alfred ...