
Disabling logging for jetty run from maven

I downloaded a big framework which I need to built from source. The project uses a maven build structure, and includes a demo application which can be viewed with an embedded jetty. Maven plugins handle all this stuff. However when I run the demo application (with mvn jetty:run), I can't really use it because for some reason logging on ...

How can I define the current directory for the execution of the <jetty>-task?

I use in my project the Jetty-task to execute a webapp. Can I somehow set the working-directory used by Jetty as the servlet-container is started? ...

Running Jetty 7 as Windows Service

Did Jetty 7 drop support to run as a service using Java Service Wrapper? What options do I have now? ...

Test large number of webservices on a single computer

We have a large system of physical devices which all run a web service for control and a central control system for controlling these devices. I need to make a substitute for such a physical device in order to test the controlling unit. How will I go about running more than one instance of a test device on a single computer. The protocol...

Initialization error with Log4j 1.2.12 and Jetty 6.1.21

I'm trying to setup a simple Jetty ServletTester with a servlet from a colleague. But now the initialization of the log4j Logger fails, giving me a bunch of exceptions. Do I need to setup permissions on the ServletTester startup? This is the line in my servlet: private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( MyServlet.class ); ...

communication between an embedded jetty and its parent application

i have windows service app and i want to use web interface for my app instead of gui. But i wonder how to make a servlet in jetty communicate with its hosted application - the windows service app. Thank you. ...

Jetty: how to disable logging?

I am trying to embed Jetty 6.1 in another program. Jetty is dumping INFO-log information and I need to turn it off. Is there a simple way to disable logging programmaticaly? ...

Jetty mysql connection-pool configuration error: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; remaining name 'env/jdbc/---(mysql 5.0+jetty 7.0.1)

My configuration files project/WEB-INF/web.xml: <resource-ref> <description>ConnectionPool DataSource Reference</description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/mysql</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref> project/WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml: <New id="mysql" class="org.eclip...

Separate webapps in Jetty on different ports

I need the following setup. Jetty must listen on port 8080 and 9090 Each port must have its own separate applications (i.e. webapp1 runs on 8080 and webapp2 on 9090). The web-apps should only be accessible on their designated ports (i.e. webapp2 must not! be available on port 8080). I have successfully added extra connectors to etc/j...

How can I get Eclipse/Jetty/GWT2.0 to find org/apache/commons/logging/Log

I followed the example at and built the example GWT application, but then I wanted to build something else, and I plan on using Google AppEngine. I started a new GWT2.0 + AppEngine project and followed the same setup of adding the same libararies, copied an...

cannot load JSTL taglib within embedded Jetty server

I am writing a web application that runs within an embedded Jetty instance. When I attempt to execute a JSTL statement, I receive the following exception: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(1,63) PWC6188: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed wit...

Adding classpath to jetty running in maven integration-test

I'm trying to set up integration tests for a Maven project that produces a war file. (As seen here However I the war file requires a bunch of .properties files on the classpath, that I don't want to bundle in the war. Is there a way (preferably through plugin configuration) t...

How to force Jetty to ask for credentials after invalidating the session?

I'm using jetty 6.1.22 with BASIC authentication as my login mechanism. The first time I log into the web app, the browser requests the username and password. If it try to log out using a session.invalidate(), the session is invalidated but the credentials are cached. This means that if I try to connect to a secured URL, I will see a d...

How scalable is Jetty?

Greetings! I wrote a highly scalable HTTP event (long-polling) server in C/C++ using libevent. However, it's messy, hardly portable, and lets face it: it's C. Let alone that I've been having some major issues with the mysqlcpp connector (which is complete trash), and some minor issues with libevent (it could be because I'm using 2.0.1-al...

cxf jaxws with spring on gwt 2.0

Hi, I'm trying to use an application which uses cxf-jaxws in bean definition: <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:jaxws="" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.or...

How to set the path of web app in META-INF/context.xml in Jetty?

I know how to do it in Tomcat configuration but how to do the same in Jetty server? ...

jetty configuration: what is "lowThreads"?

I'm writing a jetty configuration file, and I haven't been able to find information about a thread pooling parameter. My aim is to tune jetty for performance, and I would like to understand what the "lowThreads" item means for a ThreadPool object. Up to now, I've found that it's used to "set the low resource threads threshold", and tha...

Java Servlet Container on a small VPS

A while back I was using Virtual Private Server (VPS) that had very limited RAM. I used it to host Jetty. It was so slow that it became completely unusable. I believe the main problem was memory-related. I switched the project over to PHP and the problems disappeared. Needless to say, I'm very hesitant to try Java again in a VPS. E...

comet HTTP patterns in Java

I'm writing/porting a C++ HTTP event server to Java. I'm wondering what are the best paradigms for implementing comet with Jetty, Tomcat, any other server, or natively. Threaded Continuations NIO Servlet 3.0 Scalability is an absolute must as I'm developing a new protocol that uses up to 3 concurrent connections per client. Any help...

Maven's jetty plugin SSL configuration issue

I'm using Jetty's plugin for Maven, version 7.0.0.pre5, but I have issues configuring it to have a SSL Connector. Whenever I start the application, it fails stating that the requested implementation is not found. This is the plugin's configuration within my pom.xml <plugin> <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId> <artifactId>jetty-mav...