
Does Liferay require the Jikes compiler?

All Liferay docs seem to suggest that it is necessary to install the Jikes compiler in addition to the JDK. Is this really needed, to do Liferay portlet dev, or can I just suffice with the JDK. ...

How to implement On The Fly garbage collector in Jikes RVM

I am working on Jikes RVM. I want to know how to modify the present stop the world mark sweep garbage collector into on the fly mark and sweep garbage collector. I know there are some handshaking mechanism used to implement on the fly, but i do not understand from where i should start, Which packages i need to modify. ...

Is it possible to cache JSP bytecode to avoid recompiles w/ Tomcat?

Hi, Is there any way of caching the bytecode for JSP webapps/ In particular, using Tomcat as the Java servlet? I'm getting really fed up of Tomcat taking up all the CPU for 10 minutes while it compiles 4 different webapps every time I restart it.... I'm already using Jikes to "speed up" the compiles, but it's really killing me. The cod...

Why does javac checkcast arrays twice?

Examining bytecode, I've noticed javac seems to duplicate checkcast instructions when casting to array types. Cast.java: class Cast { void test(Object a) { Object[] b = (Object[])b; } } javap disassembly of the javac compiled version void test(java.lang.Object); Code: 0: aload_1 1: checkcast #2; //class "[Ljava/...

Jikes RVM as distributed compiler

Can we use Jikes RVM as distributed compiler? Thanks Rahul ...