
broken img tag with JEditorPane / ListCellRenderer

I have this code in a ListCellRenderer which extends JEditorPane. The editor pane doesn't show the image, but instead shows a 'broken icon'. What's wrong with it? public class TweetCellRenderer extends JEditorPane implements ListCellRenderer { public Component getListCellRendererComponent( javax.swing.JList list, Ob...

adding a JList to a table and adding the table to a scroll pane

I have created a JList and I want to add it to the table and then add the table to the scroll pane so that both of them will be contained in the scroll pane. import model.*; import java.awt. *; import java.text.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; public class ScrollPanel extends JPanel implements View { priva...

How to show items on a jList in java?

I have made a java GUI program and have added a jList on that GUI so as to print output of the program on that jList by adding an item by calling listBox.addElement(""); // where listBox is an instance of jList But the problem is that the items are not being displayed at the time of addition. They are being shown when the program is ...

Convert jlist selection into a string

I am trying to figure out how to get the program to create a text string based on which item in a jlist is selected. At first I tried ListModel custTypetxt = custType.getModel(); System.out.println(custTypetxt); but that just gave me.. customerInfoUI$3@1820dda ...

Have something loaded only when JList item is visibile

Hello, i'm implementing a Jlist populated with a lot of elements. Each element corresponds to a image so i'd like to show a resized preview of them inside each row of the list. I've implemented a custom ImageCellRenderer extending the Jlabel and on getListCellRendererComponent i create the thumbnail if there'snt any for that element. Eac...

Changing JList row color at runtime

Hi, I am trying to change JList rows dynamically. I need change nth row colour, highlight it(n is unknown during compilation). I saw a lot of examples with custom ListCellRenderer, but all were "static". In other words I have JList with x rows. During runtime my "business logic" detects nth row is important. So I want make its backgroun...

swing, show a JList over a editable jTable to select entries to autocomplete the text

Hello World ! I have a JTable with editable cells. Each Cell contains a CarretListener for quick validation of the entered text. But in one special cell you should be able to select entrys out of a list. The List is generated when you enter a text. The Programm serach in a list for entrys equal so the entered text, like google suggest. ...

resize problem with JList?

Hi, i am having resizing problem with JList ... Below is my code ...my requirement is to add a JList with some fixed size into a Panel and when i maximize/minimize the Frame the JList should increase/decrease accordingly .please help me ..how to achieve this? Following is the design: Hi Carl , It works in simple cases but not in the a...

Java Dropdown Checklist

I understand how to make a multiple-select list box using JLists but I want to add JCheckBoxes to the list and make it dropdown like. The best visual representation I have found online is dropdown-check-list. What would be the best way to accomplish the above? I was thinking of a TableList. Any suggestions? ...

JList item : changing the vertical alignement

My application is using a JList to display numerical values. Here is the default display : +-----------------+ |value 1 | |value 2 | |value 3 | | | | | | | | | +-----------------+ I would like to change the vertical alignement, so that the valu...

how can i insert a image in swing JList menu?

this is my code: URL imageUrl = status.getUser().getProfileImageURL(); ImageIcon tivitImage = new ImageIcon(imageUrl); listModel.addElement(tivitImage.getImage()); // maybe this part is wrong ...

How can we make a list editable??

I'm using NetBeans and I want to make my list editable,what should I do ?/ also I work with NetBeans GUI builder. ...

Java - updating textFields from JList

I am making an address book GUI with Java and I have a JList that displays all the names of the people in my ArrayList (this is populated by the updateinfo method mentioned below). I want it so when I click an item on the JList, the TextFields are then updated with that persons details. Before I have only used buttons and therefore actio...

JList containing JCheckBox and a String, with non ctrl click selection?

Hi all, Been a while since I posted on here, and now I am at a point where I find myself stuck yet again. For my assignment at uni, we have been asked to create an address book application. It is going well, and it's nearly completed, however one part of the project, which is purely my preference, eludes me. I'm not asking for help on ...

Elements not adding to JList

For some reason, I can't add anything to my JList. The JList is visible but simply shows white - nothing can be selected. List list; DefaultListModel listModel; //... list = new JList(); list.setBounds(220,20,150,200); listModel = new DefaultListModel(); listModel.addElement("ONE"); panel.add(list); Am I missing something? ...

Find out if JList has an item currently selected.

I have a JList which is populated after importing a file. Is it possible to have the first item/element of the JList highlighted/selected. I have browsed many places hoping to find a line along the lines of list.setFocus(0); //or listSelectionEvent.setSelection(0); //0 referring to index point of the list Maybe this isn't even possibl...

Java Swing JList

Hello. I'm trying to make a JList to display the contents of an array. The array itself is not an array of strings, however, but an array of Objects. Is it possible then, to use the same array of objects as the parameter to construct my JList (if the Objects are given a toString method)? Thanks. ...

Java Swing Updating JList

Hello again. I'd like to know if there is any way that I can update a Jlist after the user adds or removes an item to it and after a user sorts it. Is there any way that I can write a standardized method to update the display based on the order of items in an array or vector, and when the user remove or adds an object from the array tha...

Java: Nested Tree Structure

I am looking for a way to create a nested tree structure in my GUI. I have a few "boxes" that have items in them. I would like the boxes to be collapsed but expanded when clicked on, like the way folders are navigated on the sidebar. The first way I considered was treating the "boxes" as JList, with the items in each box stored in a nest...

How to add objects to a already instantiated JList in Java?

I want to add objects to a JList which has already been instantiated by the Netbeans genrated code. I can't pass my own list model in the JList constructor as I can't modify the Netbeans generated code. How can I add object to that JList. ...