
JMail does not detect Default Pickupdirectory in registry

I use JMail to send emails in ASP. I have manually configured Default Pickupdirectory in registry for JMail to euqueue emails to the specified folder. But every time JMail says cannot find pickup directory. It seems it is not able to detect the registry value. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks ...

How to fix remove whitespace from email headers in classic ASP?

I have a email function which sends email. The thing is done in classic ASP/VBScript and uses Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail") JMail. How can I remove extra whitespace (= bad MIME encoding) in the header? ...

Jmail vs System.Net.Mail

Currently all our projects use jMail. It has been this way since .NET 1.0. Should I start my next project using System.Net.Mail? Are there any advantages that one has over the other or is it just preference? ...