
JMenuBar at the top in MacOSX

In the Java Desktop Application template used by Netbeans, a menu bar is created with JMenuBar and JMenuItems. How can I get that bar displayed at the top, where menu bars are displayed in MacOSX instead of in-window, like in Windows? ...

How can I modify the shortcut/hotkey "description" in a swing JMenu item?

Our swing application uses the "spacebar" key as a shortcut key. In other words, if you press the spacebar anywhere within the application window, it will perform a certain behaviour. What's more, this same behaviour can also be performed by using a JMenuItem in the window's menu bar. The normal way to implement this is to simply ...

Adding a clickable, action-firing JMenuItem directly to a JMenuBar?

Is there a way to add a JMenuItem (or similar button-type object) to a JMenuBar? Adding a JMenuItem doesn't play well with the layout of a JMenuBar, and buttons look too button-like. Should we be tweaking the button to look like a JMenuItem or tweaking the JMenuBar to display the JMenuItem correctly? Or something else altogether? ...

Java JMenuItem Accelator Snow Leopard

about = new JMenuItem("About"); about.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A((Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutMask())))); JMenu help = new JMenu("Help"); help.add(about); I was wondering why my aaccelerators were not working. I am running this in snow leopard with JavaSe-1.6 VM. They do work if I pull the menu d...

JMenuBar disappears when I add paint method

Im trying to use the following code to eventually make a game. The code, as shown below, works. import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class GUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener { public static void main(String[] args) { GUI g = new GUI(); } public GUI() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManag...

Fickle JMenuBar

I ran the following code 10 times. Of the 10 runs, 3 showed both the menu bar and the rectangle, 3 showed only the rectangle, and 4 showed nothing at all. What am I doing wrong? import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import static java.awt.Color.*; import java.awt.image.*; public class GUI extends JFrame imp...

Java JMenu setAccelerator() problem

Hey, When I set setAccelerator() to Control + A or Control + P and I run the program it doesn't detect the keystroke. Here's the code: menuItem = new JMenuItem("About"); menuItem.setActionCommand("About"); menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, Event.CTRL_MASK)); menuItem.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_A); me...

How to make a JMenu have Button behaviour in a JMenuBar

Hi I was trying to make a JMenu behave like a JButton but I'm having some problems and hopefully someone here can help! I've added a MenuListener to the JMenu item with this but I cant get the popup menu/focus to leave to enable me to properly click the JMenu repeated times to trigger this function and i was hoping someone could tell m...

changing jtoolbar images when JMenuItem is clicked

Hi, I need to develop a swing application with a menubar. When a menu is clicked, I have to display the menu items as icons in one bar. Same like when another menu is selected, corresponding menu items should be displayed in the bar. How can I achieve this functionality using Swings? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance, M...

Java - Is It Possible To Add A JMenu Over On The Far Right-Hand Side Of A JMenuBar?

Hi Coders, I am in the process of developing a simple JFrame based GUI to which I've added a JMenuBar and which in turn has the usual JMenuItems added to it - "File:", "Edit:", etc. I would like to be able to add another JMenuItem - "About:" - to the far right-hand side of the JMenuBar. Is this possible without too much hackery - I w...

Swing JMenuItems getting shown behind Applet

I am working on a Swing application in which I am trying to display an Applet (processing PApplet) inside of a JFrame. The frame has a JMenuBar attached to it. When I click on the menubar, the menu items are being shown behind the applet. Does anyone know what's going on here and a workaround? I didn't see anywhere where you can set the ...

How to add JMenuBar shortcuts?

Adding shortcuts to JMenuBar submenu items in the Java Swing GUI designer is obvious, but how are shortcuts added to JMenuBar main menu items? ...