I have recently discovered message selectors
propertyValue="Fragile IS TRUE")
My Question is: How can I make the selector dynamic at runtime?
Lets say a consumer decided they wanted only messages with the property "Fragile IS FALSE"
Could the consumer change the s...
If so, what would be the message like? An XML document with the SOAP request or response?
Does this makes sense?
I have a problem where I need to synchronize processing for multiple threads across multiple different servers for a Java service on Windows.
In this application, I have multiple consumer threads pullings messages off the same JMS queue. Messages come in in groups of 3 or 4, and I need to make sure the messages in each group are proces...
I've got a REST service that in response to a request, posts a message on a JMS queue. All of the main http functional testing is done using JMeter, so I was wondering if anyone has successfully pulled a JMS message off an existing queue in JMeter?
I'm investigating using ActiveMQ as an embedded in-process message queue in my
application, but I'm a bit stuck on how I go about starting such an application
up. I envision it like so (pseudocode, of course):
configureBroker ()
broker.start ()
createProducer (broker)
producer.start ()
for each desired consumer
createConsumer (br...
I have been searching the web, but can't find any good tutorials for getting started with JMS under Spring connecting to TIBCO EMS.
Anyone can point me to a good one?
I have an application that does a delayed operation. User generates 1 million messages that are stored in the JMS Queue and then a MDBeans are consuming these messages and performing some action and storing data in the database. Since JMS Queue is working too fast, it tries to create 1 million MDBean instances which in turn try to create...
I inherited a project that makes extensive use of JMS. It compiles, runs and passes all of its unit tests using Java 6 SE. I created a netbeans (v 6.5) free form project to go along with it. I added all the libraries and everything correctly (checked this several times). Now, here is the problem: it produces tons of Netbeans error messag...
JMS using in spring, how to config and what type of dependency to use
Is there any way to view the messages that reside inside a JMS Topic destiantion?
I've got a problem with messages not being released from Topic destination. The Topic has got 1 producer and 7 consumers and none of them is durable.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
hi i am monitoring jvm and i am getting it statics like memory,number of threads etc
and i want to generate mail notification depending on that conditions. can any give me some sample code on how to generate mails
We are just starting to build our JMS architecture and have the following basic setup:
GLassfish v2.1
MDB listening on a Topic through a TopicConnectionFactory (all on local server)
Now, the MDB spawns a worker thread when a new message arrives and even though we have in order delivery of messages, we need a synchronization mechanism...
I need to implement handling of redelivery of JMS messages in the application that is deployed on the IBM-backed environment, so JMS provider is standalone MQ V6.0.
Do you know if it is setting JMSXDeliveryCount property correctly and I can rely on the values of this very property?
Hi everyone!
I decided that it is time for me to dig into the whole Java EE stuff. I am using EE some techniques whithin Java SE like JPA or JMS, but i still messing around with Java SE and i believe Java EE and an application server will solve some of my problems i have.
BUT: I have still some questions after reading some articles on ...
What are the big advantages from JMS over Webservices or vice versa?
(Are webservices bloated? Is JMS overall better for providing interfaces?)
For enterprise integration projects, a non-Java access to message brokers like JJBoss Messaging can be very helpful. For the Apache ActiveMQ and the GlassFish Open Message Queue products there are many different client implementations available, using native or standard protocols like Stomp.
JBoss Messaging has a task "Implement STOMP p...
I have a JBoss server (Server A) that is publishing messages on a topic.
I have a message driven bean on another server (Server B) that needs to retrieve the messages from Server A.
How do I go about it? I can easily get everything working if the publisher and subscriber are on the same server but I can't find any information about how ...
One of my colleagues is having an issue creating a (non-durable) subscriber to an Oracle queue from Java.
The queue is owned by one schema (say OWNER); he's trying to connect as another user (say SUBSCRIBER). SUBSCRIBER has been granted DEQUEUE privileges (and ENQUEUE, for what it's worth) by OWNER.
When he creates the queue with the ...
What is the differece between a dead letter Queue and a back out queue?
In WebSpehre MQ terms and in terms of Application Servers.
All J2EE app servers have a MQ Provider do they also have a construct of a Dead Letter Queue or is that something specific to WebSphere MQ?
My understanding of a back out queue is as follow:
If MQ is...
I am doing a POC for runnig JMS on JBoss 4.0.5 GA. can anyone privide me a link which shows examples on how to
1. Create a queue in Jboss
2. Crate a factory in Jboss.
3. Configuration
If the above are not applicable, the is there a default que, topic, factory in Jboss.