
Simple Routing of TCP Endpoints in activemq whats wrong??

I am trying to get a simple demo started with ActiveMQ that will demonstrate a TCP to TCP route. I am coding the endpoints and routes in a camel context in my activemq.xml configuration file. <camelContext id="camel" xmlns=""&gt; <package>org.myorg.codec</package> <endpoint id="lis...

Is there a way to get the origin IP address from a JMS message?

I have a system in which different server processes are handling requests passed as JMS messages from various clients via a JMS broker. I am trying to identify the source of the messages. Is there a way to get the IP or some identifying information about the origin ? Clarification: I already have the client deployed by unknown users, s...

Long lived JMS sessions. Is Keeping JMS connections / JMS sessions allways open a bad pratice?

Is keeping JMS connections / sessions / consumer always open a bad practice? Code draft example: // app startup code ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory)jndiContext.lookup(CF_JNDI_NAME); Connection connection = cf.createConnection(user,pass); Session session = connection.createSession(true,Session.TRANSACTIONAL); MessageConsumer...

QueueConnectionFactory for MQSeries

Does anyone know if there is an implementation of javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory for MQSeries and where to get it? I Googled it and searched IBM website but couldn't find anything. I don't want to retrieve the connection or factory from Websphere MQ via jndi, I need my own connection factory. ...

MQRA:MC:Warning:createConnection API used w/o username, password for Application Auth|#]

Anyone know why does this error occur exaclty and how to resolve it? It seen to occure only when we hit exception [#|2008-11-14T14:49:12.482+0800|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.2||_ThreadID=12;| MQRA:MC:Warning:createConnection API used w/o username, password for Application Auth|#] ...

Using ActiveMQ 5, is it possible to configure the broker with in memory and network connections?

We have a set of applications that I want to use JMS for messaging between. Right now, our applications all make TCP connections to the ActiveMQ broker. Is it possible to make the 15 or so applications that are on the same host use the inVM connections or use a form of shared memory while the remaining 20 or so applications that are of...

javax.jms.JMSException: Enlist failed caused by XAER_RMERR

Any idea why this might happen. Usually the error happens on message arrival. It causes listener to restart. Actual message did not get consumed. The log dumps follow. [11/19/08 10:55:37:552 GMT] 1cc4d8ed XATransaction E J2CA0027E: An exception occurred while invoking start on an XA Resource Adapter from dataSource JMS$TSC_VFQCF$JMSMan...

JMS/DDS Integration

I have a legacy C++ application that uses DDS for asynchronous communication/messaging. I need to integrate this application into a JavaEE environment that uses JMS for messaging. Other than building a standalone JMS/DDS bridge module, are there any other options that I might have? ...

Java ActiveMQ client fails to receive messages

I am trying to implement performance testing on ActiveMQ, so have setup a basic producer and consumer to send and receive messages across a queue. I have created a producer with no problems, getting it to write a specific number of messages to the queue: for(int i = 0; i < numberOfMessages; i++){ try{ String messag...

Is maintenance on long lived JMS connections necessary?

I keep a JMS connection always open, because I have a MessageListener on it. Is it a common need to worry about minimizing maintenance of applications with long lived JMS connections? I was thinking something along the lines of try to recover from some possible common well known kinds of failure, like temporary connectivity failure. ...

Unable to start Camel 1.5.0

Hi, I'm trying to run the Camel Example "camel-example-spring-jms" (also at However, when I try to start Camel using "org.apache.camel.spring.Main" class, I get the error saying "Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [http://...

Enterprise Messaging API with Web Services for High Performance?

Does combining an Enterprise Messaging solution with Web Services result in a real performance gain over simple HTTP requests over sockets? (if implementation details will help, interested in JMS with a SOAP webservice) ...

Are there any tools to optimize the number of consumer and producer threads on a JMS queue?

I'm working on an application that is distributed over two JBoss instances and that produces/consumes JMS messages on several JMS queues. When we configured the application we had to determine which threading model we would use, in particular the number of producing and consuming threads per queue. We have done this in a rather ad-hoc f...

Enterprise-grade template printing system

Hi. I'm looking for an enterprise-grade template printing system. I'm interested in every software I can get my hands on to evaluate. Commercial or not. What I need - a separate system ready to receive tags in order to print (digital or paper) a template (like a contract, invoice, etc). Templates should be managed by the same software....

ActiveMQ: Issue with queue lookup

I've set up a queue by configuring it in activemq.xml (ActiveMQ version 5.2.0) as described in the documentation. <destinations> <queue physicalName="FOO.BAR" /> <queue physicalName="DUMMY" /> </destinations> I'm trying to access it from java (on the same host) with the following code: Hashtable properties = new Hashtable(); ...

Dynamic throtlling off an ActiveMQ message queue with Camel

I am an ActiveMQ / Camel noob with a specific scenario in mind, I wonder firstly if it is possible and secondly whether someone might provide a little direction. Basically I need to perform dynamic throttling off the queue. I.E the ability to set at runtime the rate a particular group of messages will be consumed from the queue. So I m...

Need ideas for securing a JMS based server process and database

I have a tool that is distributed freely as an Eclipse plugin, which means that I can't track who uses it or ask them to register. Every client tool communicate via a JMS broker with a single shared server process (written in Java) and can receive messages in reply. The server connects via Hibernate to a MySQL database. At present, the...

Asynchronous processing in Java from a servlet

I currently have a tomcat container -- servlet running on it listening for requests. I need the result of an HTTP request to be a submission to a job queue which will then be processed asynchronously. I want each "job" to be persisted in a row in a DB for tracking and for recovery in case of failure. I've been doing a lot of reading. Her...

Connectivity to mainframes using JMS

We are currently using WebSphere MQ to fetch data from mainframes and at times face issues on the MQ side. I would like to know if there is someway to circumvent MQ and use JMS instead to fetch data from mainframes. We use WebSphere Application Server 6.0.2. ...

Active MQ vs JBoss Messaging

I am going to choose a JMS message broker for a project. It is critical that the JMS server is stable and can handle a high load of messages. I have narrowed down the list to include Active MQ and JBoss Messaging. I was wondering if any of you have any experience with any of these or even better have tried both of them in the same env...