
remote debugging a jnlp application with eclipse

I'm debugging a jnlp application, and I used to be able to remote debug it through eclipse, but not anymore. the command to start it is: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/bin/java -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=1445 -Djnlpx.heapsize=64m,512m -DtrustProxy=true -Xverify:remote -Djava.security.policy=/lib/secu...

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unexpected exception parsing XML document from class path resource

Hi I am developing a RIA application using SWING as client,Java WebStart JNLP and Spring on server side using HTTPInvoker. I am getting the below error message when I am trying to Launch & Run my application from JNLP. But if I run the same as java application it workes fine and communicate with server and fetch data using spring bean. ...

jnlp webstart nativelib: how to specify different architecture for os

hello, in a java webstart file (jnlp) you can specify the nativelib tag to load binaries. you can also specify toload different ones for different operating systems by also specifying the os attribute. for example: <resources os="Linux"> <nativelib href="....jar"/> </resources> <resources os="Windows"> <nativelib href="....jar"/> </...

Is it possible to prompt or force a user to upgrade their JVM with a JNLP?

I need to prompt users to upgrade from JVM 1.5 to 1.6 when they run my Web Start application. Is this possible using JNLP settings? ...

Javax.mail in JNLP

Hey! I have a problem with my program. I develop in Netbeans, and when i run the program it is working fine. i built it, created a *.jar file, and updatet it in my JNLP file. here comes the trouble. as i'm using javax.mail.* in my program, the jnlp package just ignores all parts of it. Just to be clear, i'm working on a mail client. ...

Signed Unsigned Applets / Java Web Start, Socket Connections?

Hello There, I have been developing a test framework for a particular client/server product (COTS) that exposes XML requests & responses via a raw ip socket. I have been able to develop my test framework in a PHP application with good results, but my desire is to make the test framework easily portable. Sure a VMWare image is portab...

Java Jnlp CodeSigner Error

I am trying to run a java jnlp application from my computer. Every time I try launch the file I get the error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/security/CodeSigner From searching Google it seems to be a common enough problem and is normally blamed on 'java 6'. I couldn't find a solution that doesn't involve rolling back to an older j...

What is causing the problem - I am not able launch JNLP aaplications using "Java Web Start" ?

Up until recently, I was able to launch/open JNLP files in Firefox using Java web start. Don't know what happened all of a sudden JNLP files stopped launching, a splash screen appears saying Java Starting... and then nothing happens. Even the Java Console in the browser and javacpl.cpl applet doesn't open. Tried all possibilities: remo...

Local alternative to JNLP file?

Try as I might, I can't get a JNLP file to run locally (via a double-click). It seems to be an issue of locating a jar file, even when I specify it relative to the jnlp file. I get the following error: The field <jar>href has an invalid value: helloworld.jar This happens even when the JNLP file is in the same folder as helloworld...

Is it possible to use jnlp without signing the jars?

Is there any way at all to use jnlp without having to sign the jars involved? (The application is being used in a secure environment so from the security point of view signing is not necessary) ...

Java Webstart intermittant JAR not updating

We use java Webstart to deploy a java application on our intranet. The application receives frequent updates. Once in awhile a user will launch the application from their desktop icon after we have updated the JARs / WAR on the webserver (timestamp changed) and Java Webstart will launch the old version instead of downloading a new one. ...

How to detect if file exists in jnlp without opening a file dialog box ?

In my jnlp app I need to know if a user property file exists, if it does, load it, my code looks like this : File_Contents=File_Open_Service.openFileDialog(".",new String[]{".txt"}); String Text=readFromFile(File_Contents); InputStreamReader in=new InputStreamReader(File_Contents.getInputStream()); Application_Props.load(in); Users d...

JNLP java.security.AccessControlException with TargetDataLine.open() ?

I have the following line which caused this error message run under JNLP : java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (javax.sound.sampled.AudioPermission record) at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Unknown Source) TargetDataLine targetDataLine.open(audioFormat); How to fix it ? Or does that mean in JN...

How to play a sound clip in JNLP ?

I have the following line to play a sound clip : Applet.newAudioClip(new URL("file:/C:/Dir_Sound/music.au")).play() it works in standalone app, but in jnlp I got an error message : java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.io.FilePermission C:/Dir_Sound/music.au read) I'm not running it in "all-permissions mode", is ...

Python equivalent to Java's JNLP Web Start?

Is there any way to achieve the same functionality in Python, i.e., launching a script from a browser and automatically updating it from a central server location? ...

How can I set my Java system look and feel for JNLP apps?

I am running Gnome on OpenSuse. As a result, my system look and feel is GTK+, which has numerous ugly problems (see some of them here). During development of my swing app, I can run the client from command line or IDE and specify VM parameter -Dswing.systemlaf=com.sun.javax.swing.plaf.metal.CrossPlatformLookAndFeel to make it loo...

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied using Java Web Start

I am having some issues with accessing files using JWS (Java Web Start). The program adds a new label and image. The program runs fine on my local computer but gives me pages of errors when I run the program on my remote server using JWS. Here's a sample of the error: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.security.AccessControl...

Self-contained JNLP launcher + data file

I've got a JNLP editor application that saves data to data files. I'd like to allow users to send self-container viewer applications+data in a single file. Ideally, this self-contained file would be a double-clickable .jar file containing the data file and anything needed to bootstrap the JNLP application. Do you have a recommendation ...

JNLP not working after MS office installed

I had a jnlp file working fine. Then installed MS Office - the jnlp file now refuses to start giving me a FailedDownloadException. Obviously there shouldn't be a direct connection ... All theories appreciated. ...

How can i deliver jetty with many webapps via jnlp?

Hello, i have a webapp (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sf-mvn-plugins/files/m2-repo/net/sf/maven/plugins/example-captaincasa-jnlp/0.1-SNAPSHOT/example-captaincasa-jnlp-0.1-SNAPSHOT.war/download) wich use jsf in a servlet container. This works fine with jetty-maven-plugin run-war target at my local pc. In the future i would like make mo...