
How to read the schema used by a JPA implementation.

My EntityManager is using a persistence unit that uses a data source provided by our Websphere configuration. The DS configuration includes an environment specific DB to use. The EM successfully uses this schema, but I can't figure out a way to log or display the schema being used. I was thing something like em.getCurrentSchema would b...

JPA/EclipseLink - Calculated column

Hi, I'm trying to learn JPA. I created a simple entity class. This entity has 3 columns: ID, NAME, NUMBER_A. It's working fine: I can persist, update and delete without problems. What I'm trying to do is to create a calculated/computed column. I want to retrieve NUMBER_A, use it to calculate a new value and set the calculated column (l...

no persistent classes found for query class

Hello friends, I am creating web application using zkoss 5.0.4, Spring 3.0.3, Hibernate 3 and JpA 1.0 with JBOSS 5.1 GA(with jdk support). project compiles fine with JBOSS. But it seems that persitence is not applying for some reason. When I run an application in console it gives following 10:07:35,265 WARN [QuerySplitter] no persis...

In which scenarios JPA becomes interesting/useful ?

I'm developing a JEE application (JSF + Richfaces + Oracle 10g), and i wanted to use JPA. But in the end, i didn't see any advantages of using it, because it's going to complexify my code. I found that calling my procedures (stored procedures in my orale DB) is better than using JPA (because i can, for example, change some lines in tho...

Where can you download a chm version of the JPA 2 API Javadocs?

I'm tired of navigating Oracle's joke of a website! Where do we go for JPA docs? ...

Obtain Hibernate's Configuration in Spring

Hello, My project uses Spring, JPA, and Hibernate, so that all EntityManager's are injected by Spring. I need to access persistent classes' meta data such as column lengths and optionality. The only way I know to obtain this information is through Hibernate's Configuration.getClassMapping(String className). In a pure Hibernate project ...

Defining multiple Address properties in Person per AddressType by a triple join table

I've here a database with a PERSON - ADDRESS - ADDRESS_TYPE relationship maintained by a triple join table PERSON_ADDRESS. The PERSON-ADDRESS relationship is effectively one-to-many. PERSON ID FIRSTNAME LASTNAME -- --------- -------- 1 John Doe 2 Jane Doe ADDRESS ID STREET CITY -- -------------------- ---...

How to persist a collection of interface's Collection<Interface> in JPA ?

Hi, I have an the following scenario: // several classes that implement different interfaces class A implements X,Y {} class B implements Y,Z {} class C implements X,Z {} // other classes that contain collections of one of the interfaces(different objects) class G { Collection<X> mayContainAC; } class H { Collection<Y> mayContainA...

Eclipselink subquery error

The following NamedQuery is giving a parsing error in Eclispelink . please help @NamedQuery(name = "OaaFlexrolesUnitT.findFlexRolesAvailableUsers", query = "select c.netId,a.emplname from IsiEdbBasT a,NyuEdbEmpT b,OaaUserRolesT c where a.emplid=b.emplid and a.emplstat <> 'X' and a.orgid = ' ' and a.qtrno = 0 and a.orgid =...

Is it mandatory to instantiate collection fields in JPA?

I was reading an article in which the author had implemented an Entity class like this: @Entity public class Product { @OneToMany private List<Part> parts; // note the missing "= new ArrayList<Part>();" public Product() { } // getters and setters } I always used to instantiate collection fields, in this case parts, either inl...

merge is used only for creating or updating?

If i use ex.merge(obj), now if in object obj i set the primary key to a value which is not present in database, will it create a new record or will it throw an exception? for example if obj with pk val = 19 doesnot exist in database,and i set obj.setPk(20); obj.setName("nm"); em.merge(obj) // will this throw an exception or create a ...

What is wrong with my JPA Criteria API code (taken from JEE6 Tutorial)?

This is my code, which I can't even compile: /** * Find a project that has NO employee assigned yet. */ public Project findEmptyProject() { // getting criteria builder CriteriaBuilder cb = this.em.getCriteriaBuilder(); // gathering meta information about left-joined entity Metamodel m = this.em.getMetamodel(); EntityType<Emp...

What to use: JPQL or Criteria API?

My Java application is using JPA for object persistence. The business domain is very simple (just three classes are persistent, with 3-5 properties in each). Queries are simple as well. The question is which approach I should use: JPQL or Criteria API? ...

JPA, Maps and insertion order

Hi all, My google-fu is failing me in this. I'm doing a small database app which reads some data from a file along with some meta data that I currently store in a Map in my entity. I'm getting fed up with it always being displayed in a random order. So can I use a LinkedHashMap or @OrderColumn with Maps somehow to preserve insertion or...

Is it possible to use COUNT with a DISTINCT JPA projection?

I am using a JPA distinct projection to get some data: select distinct o.f1, o.f2, o.f3 from SomeEntity o where ... This works fine with setFirstResult and setMaxResults to page data. However I need to count the total number of rows without fetching all of them. I have tried: select count(distinct o.f1, o.f2, o.f3) from SomeEntity o...

Why EntityManager is not injected?

This is the class I'm trying to test: @Stateless public class Finder { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "abc") EntityManager em; public String read(int i) { return this.em.find(Employee.class, i).getName(); } } This is the unit test: public class FinderTest { @Test public void testReadingWorks() { Finder f = new Finde...

Mapping column and table names in EclipseLink

I used ImprovedNamingStrategy in hibernate, to mapping Java field name to MySQL column name. ex) birthDate field -> birth_date column, AccountRole class -> account_role table I'm doing test migrating hibernate code to eclipselink code. What is the equivalent in EclipseLink to hibernamte's ImprovedNamingStrategy ? ...

How to define two persistence units (one for production, one for unit testing)?

This is my stateless bean: @Stateless public class Finder { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "production") EntityManager em; [...] } It explicitly defines that the name of persistence unit is production. This unit is configured in persistence.xml, and everything is fine. When I'm unit testing this class I have to use another persi...

JPA (and/or Hibernate) - How to set timeout threshold for connection and/or query?

I'm trying to figure out how to configure my project such that JPA will timeout and throw an exception after a configured amount of time. There are two situations where I would like this to happen: When JPA is unable to even connect to the database When a JPA query takes longer than the timeout threshold to return a result set I'm no...

JPA: how do I persist a String into a database field, type MYSQL Text

The requirement is that the user can write an article, therefore I choose type Text for the content field inside mysql database. How can I convert Java String into MySQL Text Here you go Jim Tough @Entity public class Article implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(stra...