
translating outer join SQL query into EJB entity beans

I'm new to EJB and trying to get my head around translating SQL concepts to EJB entity beans. Suppose I have two tables: PEOPLE (id, name), CONTACT(pid, phone_number). If I want to get a list of all people whether or not they have phone #s, in my EJB session bean I simply issue a SQL query via JDBC such as: SELECT, CONT...

Get Random Rows Using JPQL

Is it possible to use JPQL for getting random rows? For example in SQL Server I would use: select * from myTable where columnName = 4 order by newid() Thanks, Rod ...

JPQL: InnerSelect causes PersistenceException (HibernateException: Errors in named queries)

Hi I try to use an inner select, but get only the exception "HibernateException: Errors in named queries" The both JPA entities: public class A implements Serializable { @Id @Column(nullable = false) @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; } public class B implements Serializable { @Id @...

How to query a property of type List<String>in JPA

Lets say we have this JPA-annotated class, with a property of type List. This code is currently working fine. @Entity public class Family { ... @CollectionOfElements(targetElement=java.lang.String.class) @JoinTable(name = "elements_family", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "idFamily") ) @Column(name = "elemen...

JPQL to get nearest records by latitude and longitude

I'm have entities with latitude and longitude and I would like to select those nearest to a given point. I found this example that looks like it would work SELECT *, SQRT(POW((69.1 * (locations.latitude - 27.950898)) , 2 ) + POW((53 * (locations.longitude - -82.461517)), 2)) AS distance FROM locations ORDER BY distance ASC LIMI...

Using reserved JPQL keywords with JPA

I have an entity class called "Group" and NetBeans warns me "The entity table name is a reserved Java Persistence QL keyword". A similar case would be the use of reserved SQL keywords. Will this name be escaped? Would the use of a different table name solve the problem @Table(name="otherName"). Or should I rename the class? ...

JPQL query SELECT optional + generic DAO select

I have followed a working JPA example to retrieve Category objects as such: return (ArrayList<Category>) getEntityManager().createQuery("from Category").getResultList(); The query is very shorthand - and I can't find the rules for what is optional and what isn't in any of the guides. Is this brevity acceptable? Secondly, I want to no...

Is there a way to get the count size for a JPA Named Query with a result set?

I like the idea of Named Queries in JPA for static queries I'm going to do, but I often want to get the count result for the query as well as a result list from some subset of the query. I'd rather not write two nearly identical NamedQueries. Ideally, what I'd like to have is something like: @NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts", query = "SE...

EclipseLink JPQL (Glassfish v3): join fetch syntax problem?

Hi guys, With Hibernate I'm used to do something like the following: select n from NetworkElement n join fetch s where is true However, EclipseLink complains a lot about this: Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-8024] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.0.v20091127-r5931): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JPQLExcept...

JPQL Create new Object In Select Statement - avoid or embrace?

I've learnt recently that it is possible to create new objects in JPQL statements as follows: select new Family(mother, mate, offspr) from DomesticCat as mother join mother.mate as mate left join mother.kittens as offspr Is this something to be avoided or rather to embrace? When is usage of this feature justified in the light ...

JPQL to SQL converter

Is it possible to access the SQL which is generated by JPQL? I would like to use the SQL to later create a view for my purposes. I am using Hibernate if it matters. ...


Is there an equvalent of SQL TEMEDIFF functionality in JPQL? Is that possible to query with JPQL to find the records in specific time range? ...

Help with JPQL query

I have to query a Message that is in a provided list of Groups and has not been Deactivated by the current user. Here is some pseudo code to illustrate the properties and entities: class Message { private int messageId; private String messageText; } class Group { private String groupId; private int messageId; } class Deactiva...

How to do a timestamp comparison with JPA query?

We need to make sure only results within the last 30 days are returned for a JPQL query. An example follows: Date now = new Date(); Timestamp thirtyDaysAgo = new Timestamp(now.getTime() - 86400000*30); Query query = em.createQuery( "SELECT msg FROM Message msg "+ "WHERE msg.targetTime < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND msg.targetTime > {ts, '...

Finding users whose birtday is today with JPA

Hi, I have a table with users and are trying to get a list with the people who have birthday today so the app can send an email. The User is defined as @Entity public class User { @Size(max = 30) @NotNull private String name; [...] @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) @DateTimeFormat(style = "S-") protected Date ...

Deleting orphans with JPA

I have a one-to-one relation where I use CascadeType.PERSIST. This has over time build up a huge amount of child records that has not been deleted, to such an extend that it is reflected in the performance. Now I wish to add some code that cleans up the database removing all the child records that are not referenced by a parent. At the m...

Is this possible: JPA/Hibernate query with list property in result ?

In hibernate I want to run this JPQL / HQL query: select new org.test.userDTO(,, u.securityRoles) FROM User u WHERE = :name userDTO class: public class UserDTO { private Integer id; private String name; private List<SecurityRole> securityRoles; public UserDTO(Integer id, String name, List<SecurityRole>...

JPA/Hibernate and messed up named parameters

My simple query looks like this on JPQL: SELECT COUNT(r) FROM org.domain.Resource r WHERE r._parent = :parent AND r._metadata[:metadataKey] is not null But Hibernate SQL output looks like this (both for H2 and MySQL): select count( as col_0_0_ from resources resource0_, resou...

How do I limit JPQ output?

I need to limit number of entities returned by a query to some certain value inside a JPA query (through JPQL). Particularly: select m from Manual m //constraint e.g. in sql (mysql syntax) I would do it like: select * from Manual limit 1 The only solution that comes up is simply to get all entities and then choose first one, which ...

JPQL / SQL: How to select * from a table with group by on a single column?

I would like to select every column of a table, but want to have distinct values on a single attribute of my rows (City in the example). I don't want extra columns like counts or anything, just a limited number of results, and it seems like it is not possible to directly LIMIT results in a JPQL query. Original table: ID | Name |...