
jqGrid - Is there a way to always display a vertical scrollbar?

My application has several jqGrids that may or may not contain enough rows to require a vertical scrollbar. But rows may be dynamically added to these grids after they have been created, so that a grid may eventually require a scrollbar. The problem is that if the grid does not have enough rows to require a scrollbar, there is empty spa...

CSS Container not growing with grid?

Hi, I have a container background defined in CSS like this; .container { background:#fff; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; position: relative; width:970px; border:1px solid #000; padding:5px 10px; } The problem is I have a jqGrid put in the bottom of the container (near the bottom edge) and when its ini...

jqGrid new setup giving JS error: ts undefined

I am trying play around with jqGrid (and a few others). Doing the initial setup for jqGrid is giving me a JS error. I must have imported the scripts in wrong order or something silly, but being so new to that widget its hard for me to figure it out. Here is the page that is giving me the problem (go there and see error for yourself): ...

What are the steps to upgrade jqGrid 3.5 to 3.6

I'm using jgGrid 3.5 in my ASP.NET application. I would like to upgrade it to the new 3.6. Is it enough just to replace the jqGrid JS file? Or are there any other changes I need to make in my code? ...

event on selecting columns in jqGrid

Is there an event in jqGrid when a user uses the column dialog to add or remove columns. If not, is there another way to track column change. I need this to persist selected columns when I show the grid on different pages. ...

jqgrid question

Do you consider jqgrid being a good solution since you cannot set its width in percent and only in pixels? Are there any alternatives? Thank you. ...

How to prevent Add row dialog from showing for detail grid when no row selected in master

I am using JQGrid 3.4 and have a master and detail grid. The grids employ the add record forms from a button click on the navigator. I want to prevent the display of the add detail row from when no master row is selected. I have figured out how to determine if it the master grid has a selected row or not and to show an alert message box ...

Can jqGrid degrade gracefully?

I read a lot of good things about jqGrid on SO and would like to know if it is well suited for a project I am going to working on. We are currently looking at either sticking with asp.net classic or moving to asp.net mvc (my preference after a year working with it). I like that jqGrid works as a JQuery plugin or as a purchasable versio...

jqGrid call ASP.NET MVC controller action lost web application name

I got an issue when using jgGrid from IIS 6. My javascript looks like: jQuery("#sandgrid").jqGrid({ url: '/Deposit/Search?startDate=' + startDate + '&endDate=' + endDate, datatype: 'json', ..... It runs fine on my local using development web server. But when I deploy to IIS. It failed to retrieve the data, because it sent...

jqGrid editing ONLY through form mode

Hi In my grids on the page, all of them need to not only have inline edit disabled, but ALSO should be editable via the modal form ONLY. However, turning editable : false, while preventing in-line edits, also prevents editing via the form (no columns can be seen on the form, just the Submit and Cancel buttons) How can I effect this be...

How can I get JQGrid to recognize server sent Errors ?

I have a jqgrid that's functionning very well. I was wondering is it possible to catch server sent errors ? how Is it done ? ...

How can I send jqgrid data by ajax post method to the server??

Hi... I haven't found how to send programatically with jquery all the rows in the jqgrid for be processed in the server. I've only found one method called getRowData(id) but it doesn't helpme because i don't have the id. that's why i want to send all the data Any help will be appreciated. ...

jqgrid and django models

Hi, I have the following models class Employee(Person): job = model.Charfield(max_length=200) class Address(models.Model): street = models.CharField(max_length=200) city = models.CharField(max_length=200) class EmpAddress(Address): date_occupied = models.DateField() date_vacated = models.DateField() employee = models.Fo...

JQGrid displayed over container (div with overflow:auto) in IE6/7

Hi I'm loading a JQGrid dinamically (using Jquery's load function). The grid is loaded inside a div that has the overflow:auto property, the idea is that if the grid is too wide, the div will display scrollbars. This approach works just fine with IE8, FF3, Chrome, but in IE6 and IE7 the grid is displayed over the container div, even t...

JQGrid - ccur is undefined

I've done quite a bit of googling on this error but have had no luck. I'm basically sending a JSON result to the jqGrid and getting this error. ...

jQuery Grid - Add "Delete" Button

Hello, I am using jqgrid to display a nice grid that is filled over a php script. Now I only see the navigation bar, how can I add a "Delete-Button" to the left of my bar, so the user can select and delete custom entries (and the jqGrid notifies a php script to delete the selection)? I only want a delete button, no "Add" button. Thanks...

jqgrid dropdown select editoptions

Hi, I am trying to use the edittype:"select", formatter:"select" and editoptions:{values:'1:Type1;2:Type2'} in my colModel colModel : [ {name:'pk', index:'pk', width:20, sortable:true, jsonmap:'pk', sorttype:'integer'}, {name:'id', index:'id', align:'left', jsonmap:'fields.id', sortable:true...

Report user errors in jQGrid

I have a jqgrid table querying a MySQL DBMS through an apache2 web server via XML. Sometimes whenever the DB server shuts down or the server side program encounters some kind of crashes the jqgrid just freezes down waiting for the XML data to arrive. In this kind of situation, I would be preferable to make the jqgrid user aware of thi...

Hidden Columns in jqGrid

Is there any way to hide a column in a jqGrid table, but have it show when the row is edited in the form editor modal dialog? ...

Add,Update and Delete functionality in JQGrid

Hello all, How can I do the add,update and delete functionality in the JQgrid.Please help me Thanks Ritz ...