
How can I trigger the jqGrid loading.. message ?

I'm intercepting server response via datatype, but I've noticed that the loading.. message is lacking! How can I trigger it ? ...

JqGrid and jquery.UI themes load slowly

HI All, I'm applying a jquery.UI theme to the standard jqgrid but am finding that the page renders very very slowly. I have tested this in IE6, IE7 and FF. Once I remove the following reference, the page renders quickly again. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css"/> Does anyone have...

How to change the font size in jqGrid ?

Hi I am using jqGrid. It is already running with the ui-lightness. How do I change the font size inside the grid? Please advise. Thank you. ...

how do i select multiple records for jqgrid?

Hi, i know how to delete records for jqgrid, but i realise i cannot select at any one time more than 1 row for deletion. is it even possible to select multiple rows for deletion? EDIT: found the answer http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki%3Aoptions multiselect: true ...

JQGrid Not Completing

I am attempting to use jqGrid with asp.net. The grid comes back greyed (disabled?) and the Loading... div is still visible. But my data is in the grid just fine. From reading other questions and forums my problem is being caused by something I have set wrong. I'm hoping someone can look at my code and my json response and point me in t...

jqgrid how to dynamically create columns

Hello, I am trying to implement a jquery in mvc, there are a couple of tutorials around on this, but I don't want the jquery to have the columns hard coded (or in fact anything to be hard coded - this is logic that should be in the controller. So... looking at the code below you will see a colNames:, and colModel: how can I write these ...

How to I make jqGrid show its edit window in a specified container, not its own modal dialog?

I'm trying to use jqGrid's editing functionality, as demonstrated under row editing in its demos and docs. However, instead of having jqGrid open a javascript modal dialog box, I would like the edit window to appear in an another page element alongside the table. In essence, I want code that reads like: jQuery("#table").jqGrid({ .....

using jqgrid style for usual Table in asp.net mvc

I'd prefer using Table and td instead of JqGrid but i like JqGrid styles. has anyone used jqgrid style for usual Grid of asp.net MVC(i mean Table and td) before? ...

jqGrid - column resize event

Hi, all I'm having a problem with jqGrid. I need to call a function when a column is resized. I have tried the following... $grid = jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ ... resizeStop: function(width, index) { alert("resize column " + index + " to " + width " + "pixels"); }, ... }); ... but the event does not fire...

Wrapping Text lines in jqgrid

Hi, simple question (i think), but can you get lines of text to wrap in jqgrid? i have had a look round but i can't find anything. Cheers Luke ...

jqGrid row IDs and custom info with JSON data

Hello, I am having an issue with the using jqGrid with JSON data returned from the server. I have a grid that is displaying different types of objects – and since the objects are different types, two could have the same ID. jqGrid seems to use the id field if the data to set the dom id of the row, so I end up having two rows with the s...

Deleting multiple records in ASP.NET MVC using jqGrid

How can you enable multiple selection in a jqGrid, and also allow users to delete all of the selected rows using an ASP.NET MVC controller? I have set the delete url property to my /Controller/Delete method, and this works fine if one record is selected. However, if multiple records are selected, it attempts to send a null value back to ...

How to have jqgrid cell overflow behave like an html table

I have a jqgrid and some of the cells have a good amount of content in them. It seems that jqgrid's default is to have the overflow hidden and to not have the text wrap to new lines (if needed). Is there a way to allow jqgrid cells to expand as needed? ...

The most concise way to submit javascript array to server?

I need to submit all selected JQGrid row ids to the server. var rows = $("#grid").getGridParam("selarrrow"); Then on the server I would like to do this. String[] rows = request.getParameterValues("rows"); Now what is the simplest way to submit rows to the server? Must I use POST? ...

jqGrid: is there an event for when columns are reordered?

I'm using the column reordering feature in jqGrid $grid = jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ sortable:true, ... }); Is there an event that fires after columns are re-ordered? If there is, I can't see it! Thanks in advance ...

complete jqGrid?

Please, can anyone tell me how to use jqGrid? I want to do edit, add & delete functionality. Also I want to show an image in the grid Please tell me, what can I do, and how can I do? ...

How to get a jqGrid cell value

How to get a jqGrid cell value when in-line editing (getcell and getRowData returns the cell content and not the actuall value of the input element). ...

Blank when NaN in jqGrid cells.

How to set blank instead of NaN in jqGrid cells ? Using formatter ? Is there an example? ...

jqgrid row alternating background

How can I insert alternating row background color in jqgrid? ...

Pass Data Arrays into jqgrid table

In my application, I will fetch a table of data from the server side when the page is first loaded, and use jqgrid to render it. I can't seem to get it to work, when I request for the DummyView page for the example below, the web browser pops up a message, asking me to download the application/json file, indicates that something is dee...