
[jqTouch] I can’t get ajax post to work on localhost

I was trying out the jqTouch demos in my localhost. Couldn't get any response after clicking on the "submit". I googled the problem and only found this link text but it doesn't work. ...

jQTouch execute code when AJAX page is loaded

When the content is static: <a href="#nearme">Click</a> <script>$('#nearme').bind('pageAnimationEnd', function(event, info){});</script> When the content is AJAX: <a href="page.html">Click</a> How do I bind something to occur after the AJAX (page.html) is loaded? ...

Capturing native button clicks in Android phone in javscript

Is there a way by which we can capture the click of HOME and BACK button in the html file in android application using phonegap/jqtouch/javascript. ...

jqTouch with ASP.NET Webforms

The form tag that wraps all ASP.NET webform applications is causing jqTouch to completely break (as in, nothing works - none of the transitions, effects, etc). Has anyone gotten jqTouch to work with a ASP.NET webforms application? ...

jQTouch excute javascript code when going to next page

Hey, I have been working on an iPhone app that requires me to dynamically change the content. I have the following code: <div id="home"> <div class="toolbar"> <a class="blueButton" href="javascript: void(0);" onClick="$('#logout').show();">Logout</a> <h1>AllaccessMD</h1> </div> <h1>...

Difference between jQTouch and jQuery mobile

What is the difference between jQTouch & jQuery Mobile Framework ? Are they related (other than being both based on jQuery) ? Do they have the same goal ? ...

jQTouch Dynamic Web app???

I'm working on a dynamically changing web app. I'm using javascript and jQuery to populate DIV's with <li>'s and <a>'s. For example, I start with one menu dynamically built with javascript. From that menu, depending on item selected, another javascript function gets called to dynamically populate the corresponding DIV. The problem comi...

What mobile framework is suitable for a project which requires frequent database communication?

I have been struggling between jqtouch, iphone sdk and sencha touch for the past week. I still cannot make up my mind which is the most suitable mobile framework for my project. My project need users to submit content based on their current geological location, thus often fetching and submitting data into the database. It's abit like fou...

Does anyone know where I can find iPhone search bar style?

I'm developing a site with jQTouch, but it doesn't have style for a search bar. Has someone come across a library or css for the iPhone search bar like the image below? ...

Redirecting back to JQTouch App

Running JQTouch app from iPhone Home Screen. Doing a Facebook login which redirects the user to Facebook then back to the JQTouch app but in a safari browser. In this case of the FB login, it appears any cookies that are set while in the safari browser, don't seem to be visible when the JQTouch app is launched from the home screen. Is ...

[jqtouch] How do I detect the start of a ajax call?

In JQtouch, any link is automatically convert into ajax call. I want to detect the moment the ajax call was send. This is so that i could insert a loading screen to let users know that the system is processing the submission. I search through jqTouch API and apparently they only have callback events for page animation. Am i missing out ...

Kohana 2 jQtouch Jquery

Trying to load some data from mysql into the next screen using jQtouch. What is the correct way of doing this. Right now I just have a jquery click event on the tag for the next page which really is just a div on the same page. The jquery looks like this. $.post("/mobile/getCities", {}, function(data){ loadURL($(this).attr('href'), "#...

Can I use a redirect_to in a Rails controller with JQTouch?

I have a UserSessions controller whose create action issues a "redirect_to dashboard_path" for the mobile mime type. The form is being submitted with a link_to, which JQTouch turns into an ajax request. JQTouch ends up sliding in a completely blank page with the #undefined anchor appended to the URL. I've determined that what it's doing ...

JQTouch returning to same position after watching video

Hi, I've been playing with JQTouch for a while, not withstanding the lack of documentation I've managed to get something working for my site http://iphone.bmxmdb.com but I have a problem, after watching a video on an iPhone, the app returns to the front screen and loses where the user was navigated to. Is there anyway of storing ...

JQTouch glitch on the iPad

I have a simple JavaScript function which replaces an image's source. document.getElementById("star1_"+i).src ="full_star.png"; i being an id attached to the name to differentiate different stars. It works fine in Safari, but once I add the site to home screen, this action stops working and the image source does not get replaced. Is t...

How should I go about this?

I have a MySQL Database of more or less 100 teachers, their names, and their phone numbers, stored in tables based upon their department at the school. I'm creating an iPhone app, and I've found that UITableViews and all the work that comes with it is just too time consuming and too confusing. Instead, I've been trying to create a web pa...

jqTouch & Documentation

Hi, I'm playing around with jqTouch - a very impressive project - however, I was wondering if there was some systematic documentation I could get my hands on? The website gives some demos, but I'm finding it very slow going having to look through the source code to figure out what class I should assign to my divs, lis, etc. Anyone got...

jQtouch Sort Buttons

Dear all, I looked at the documentation of jqtouch but I could not figure out how to create iphone style sort button group like this attached picture. http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/8669/captureov.png Do you have any idea how to do this with jqtouch, is there any plug-in doing this for jqtouch? Thank you for your response, cas sak...

JQTouch on Android 2.2 has problem with TextFeild

Hi, We have built a Android application using JQTouch. The GUI is built with HTML and javascript. We just found that there is an issue with runing our app on Android 2.2 The textfiled doesn't respond well with touch selection, wherease this problem doesn't happen on 1.5 Android Device. I suspect that the problem is caused by jqtouch.c...

How to stay in fullscreen mode after clicking on rel="external" links?

I'm building a mobile web app that allow user to login through Facebook using openauth. There are no pop-up but Facebook will force you to go their page and redirect you back to the uri that you stated. Therefore, there are no ajax loading of the facebook mobile login page. That's why i put rel="external" at the anchor. When I'm in the ...