
Horizontal and Vertical Accordion

Hi can anyone help me creating horizontal and vertical accordion in asp.net I have use Ajax Toolkit Accordion but can not change its orientation ------- ------- ------- created using ajax toolkit ------- ||||| ||||| looking for this ||||| ||||| any help please.. ...

Accordion using jquery

Hi, how to hide the panel inside the accordion created using JQuery? js files: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui.core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui.accordion.js"></script> code: jQu...

remove/change element style in jquery accordion content

I am using jquery accordion in my application. I am showing some links in accordion content using ul and li. The active accordion content has lot of empty space underneath the links when using ul and li. By looking in Firebug, it shows the below style for each active accordion content. html: <div class="ui-accordion-content ui-help...

Creating a multi-level accordion in jQuery

Hi, I am very new to jQuery, having previously only used CSS and XHTML. In a project I'm working on, I've been asked to add a sliding accordion menu to form the main basis of navigation in a website. An essential requirement is that the menu must support three levels of navigation. I have got it working fine using CSS, but I've hit probl...

Accordions are nesting

I am building some accordions dynamically from some data that gets returned from the database, What should happen is that the user clicks on a link for the Blog, the blog accordion appears with header blog and click on that triggers the accordion affect. This bit works fine, the problem comes then the category blog has more than one of...

jquery selector problem in hierarchical expanding/collapsing tree

I'm trying to build a screen that will be a hierarchical list of bookmarks, grouped into categories. The categories can be expanded/contracted to show or hide the bookmarks for that category. Right now I'm just working on the UI and using jquery for the first time (and loving it). The methodology I'm using is sorta like accordion but ...

iFrame inside Jquery accordion

I have a page that has an iFrame embedded inside a JQuery accordion. JS: $(function() { $("#doc_accordion").accordion(); }); HTML: <div id="doc_accordion"> <h3><a href="#">1</a></h3> <div> <iframe src="http://test.com/view.do?url=http://test2.com/...

JQuery Accordian: Understanding header links

I am trying to learn JQuery and having some difficulty understanding the process. I read through several posts, and maybe it's my weak understanding of javascript that's the hindrance, but I'm wanting to learn. My goal is to use the Accordion UI for a menu system; to have the main menu items (#sidebar ul.accordion li a .opener .selected ...

jQuery initialization order.

I'm building a page where I want to use Galleria script (http://devkick.com/lab/galleria/) and jQuery's Accordion widget to hide away different categories of gallery's thumbnails. In my initialization I wrote as suggested by both scripts' manuals: <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { $('ul.gallery').gall...

Customize JQuery Accordion behaviour

I am using JQuery's accordion widget. I need a simple generic example which shows how to setup an accordion on a set of divs. When the user selects/expands/activates one of the divs then that div should look different (for example change the background color) than the other divs. Is it possible to do this by just using the accordian's fu...

How to make nested vertical menu with jQuery accordion?

Hello. Can anyone point me to a good example on how to implement nested vertical menu using jQuery accordion? Something like here (at the left of the page, starting from third item), but nested. There is no example of nested structure in Accordion docs on some reason. Or may be there is a good jQuery component on organizing vertical ne...

jQuery Accordion and text find

Hi everybody I have a big big problem!. I hav 2 js. The first js is a menu created with jQuery Accordion, and the second js find a text in my page. This is the code for accordion (very semplified) <h3 class="ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all"> <span class="FAQ_date">T...

jQuery ui Accordion degrades in IE6 or IE7, but is working in IE8

There are two accordions on my page, with custom accordion CSS in another file, differentiated by class and ID names so as not to conflict with each other. The accordions don't show up at all, they just degrade to showing all the content at once, as if all the accordion styling is gone. The accordions are both called around the middle of...

JQuery UI Accordion Icon not in te middle

Hi Everyone, I am using Jquery ui 1.8 and I am inserting an image in the header section of the accordion, images shows up correctly but the icon (arrow) is not shown in the middle of the header. How can I put it in the middle? <div id="accordion" style="margin:15px;"> <div class="header"><img src="images/logos/RBI_Trax_full_tiny.png" al...

DOM innerHTML Duplicate Problem

function SwapPlans(city, id) { var tp = GetTravelPlanById(id); var content = MakeHTMLAccordionMe(tp.items[0]); document.getElementById(city).innerHTML = " "; document.getElementById(city).innerHTML = content.innerHTML; document.getElementById(city).outerHTML = " "; document.getElementById(city).outerHTML = conten...

Activate jQuery accordion section with validation errors

I am using xVal for client validation in an ASP.NET MVC application. Since I have too many fields in one of the forms, I split it into sections and used jQuery accordion to display one section at the same time. Is there a way to activate the accordion section which contains validation errors when the user clicks submit? ...

Multiple accordion panes open

We are using a jquery accordion on our site : http://www.racedayworld.com It basically lists events under each month... Apparently people are finding difficulties knowing how it really works and they don't see at first glance that there are more events under each month (that you click to expand) So I was thinking about opening two at...

jquery slider jump to height glitch

Does anybody know how to fix the glitch in jquery where the sliding block jumps into place when it is a large block being slid. Example http://jsbin.com/emoba5/5/edit Click on posture two to see the jump. I have seen some fixes like this one http://jqueryfordesigners.com/slidedown-animation-jump-revisited/ but have no idea how to im...

jQuery droppable accordion

I've been playing around with trying to create a droppable accordion for a little while, and haven't gotten it to be very responsive. When I drag an item over the accordion, it takes 5+ seconds for the accordion element to open (if it does at all). Sometimes I have to "wave" the dragged element over the accordion element. I know I r...

Problem with jQuery accordion and cookies

I have a jQuery accordion from this site and edited for my purposes, but the accordion only works in Firefox (not Safari or Chrome) and the cookies aren't being set correctly. This is the jQuery: function initMenus() { $('#sidebar .letter_index').hide(); $.each($('#sidebar .letter_index'), f...