
jQuery how can I rebind this event after a ajax callback?

Hi everyone! I'm trying to create a text edit in place myself just by manipulating jQuery selectors. But, after the first ajax callback, the others callback for the same input text doesn't work anymore... function editaVal(celDiv, id) { var novoConteudo = $("<input type='text' id='novoCont" + id + "' value='" + $(celDiv).h...

Ajax / Json How to run an INSERT/UPDATE into mysql

Again related with my weekend project, I'm trying to learn a bit more of web-development. So I'm putting in the list of features i want to implement, some stuff i absolutely have no idea how to do. I've been reading tutorials on how to use ajax, but i can't find a simple one, that i can copy-paste (with one or two changes) to see it wor...

Why is my page not redirecting even though it does not error out?

I have this function that utilizes jQuery's post feature to send an ajax request to my logout handler, which destroys the session (set by asp.net) and redirects to the login page: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function doLogout() { var conf = false; conf = confirm("Really log out?"); if (con...

Auto ajax selectors with Jquery

Hi, I'm trying to make a proof of concept website, but I want perfect degradation. As such I'm going to code the website in plain XHTML first and then add classes & ids to hook them in jQuery. One thing I want to do is eventually enable Ajax xmlhttprequest for all my links, so they display in a viewport div. I want this viewport to be a...

Error while accessing ASP.net webservice using JQuery - JSONP.

Please look at the code below and help me to figure out what am I doing wrong in my web service code. I want to set up an asp.net web service that can be consumed using an JSONP. I am using Jquery at client side to access the site. Even after setting up proper attributes my web service still emits xml due to which the aynch call fails. ...

AJAX not working with ASP.NET HTTP Handler

I'm doing something stupid, I suppose. I swear I've done this before without issues but right now I can't get it to work. I have an HTTP handler written in ASP.NET that I want to invoke via AJAX (using jQuery). In my web.config, I register the handler like this... <httpHandlers> <add verb="GET" path="~/getPage.axd" type="Handle...

jQuery Accordion and loading content through AJAX

I would like to load the content under each jQuery accordion header using the jQuery load command. Currently, I have set this up as the following $(function() { $("#accordion").accordion({ header: "h2", active: false }); $("h2", "#accordion").click(function(e) { var contentDi...

Jquery: Jquery not working in onunload event

Hi, I am trying to send an ajax request in the onunload event of a page. I am using the $.post function of jquery, but when the event actually fires i get this error: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: '$' is undefined" Does this mean that the jquery library has been deferenced before the $.post function was called and so i will not lon...

Game in Django

My general website is in Django. I want to create a subpage in which the following game happens: A word that gets loaded from the database gets shown for 100ms. Afterwards the user has to write out the word and is told whether his answer is right or wrong. This game shall repeat itself ten times while the user is one the page and I want ...

View does not display updated values asp.net mvc

We want to perform some calculations on some values in a view...so when the user enters a value in a input...we want to go back to the server...perform the calculations and "refresh" the view with the new values...With the code as it is now, it enters the correct (...or at least the one I ask it to) controller action, correctly performs ...

Safe JavasScript that calls PHP script that calls external web service

I have a PHP page that needs to make a call to a external web service. This Web service call takes a bunch of sensitive data from a html form on the PHP page, e.g. SSN, and returns info related to that person. The problem is that the web service call should be made as soon as the customer fills in the SSN field and the field loses focus...

JQuery Form Plugin ajaxForm() Missing & Vars For input type="image"

I'm having problem getting the ajaxForm() function of JQuery Form Plugin 2.24 (with JQuery 1.2.6) to work with <input type="image"> For the first time, it does POST correctly, e.g., """&vu.x=13&vu.y=7""" (among other vars) and updates the designated portion within the outer <form>...</form> with the AJAX response, everything seems to be...

Ajax call in a jQuery plugin not working properly

I'm trying to create a jQuery plugin, inside I need to do an AJAX call to load an xml. jQuery.fn.imagetags = function(options) { s = jQuery.extend({ height:null, width:null, url:false, callback:null, title:null, }, options); return this.each(function(){ obj = $(this); //Initialising the placehol...

Is there a way to trigger a server event with jQuery or ASP.NET MVC?

Hi everyone! I have this situation: I have a page where I have a list of events of a day. And these events can be changed theirs status to 'Confirmed' or 'Cancelled'. But, when I, for instance, click on 'Confirmed', this status is saved on SQL Server and this status is shown 'Confirmed'. But, if another person has this same page opene...

Gmail like file upload with jQuery

I would like to upload files just like google mail does. I would want to use jQuery and PHP to do it is there anyway of getting the progressbar etc.? Here I added a video of how google does it. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/5910/Jing/2009-04-02_1948.swf No flash, no perl or cgi please.. I guess I can live without the progressbar now I am...

Problems with variable scope (JavaScript)

I have the following JavaScript (I'm using jQuery): function language(language) { var text = new Object(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "includes/xml/languages/" + language + ".xml", dataType: "xml", success: function(xml){ $(xml).find('text').each(function(){ text[$(this).attr('id')] = $(this).te...

How do I offer an Ajax POST response to the user as a download?

I'm trying to include a vCard export function in an existing page full of account information. The ugly methods would involve 1, submitting a form to the same page, processing it and re-rendering the whole page, or 2, a GET targeting an iframe on the page. I'd really like to avoid both of those, but I may have to use #2 to achieve the ...

How to get URL Parameters from asp.net / jQuery.ajax POST?

Hi friends, I am trying to figure out how to get the parameters that are passed in the URL from a jquery plugin that I am using. Basically, I'm sending a POST ajax request to my web service and trying to use the URL parameters. But, they are always returned as nothing. I"m assuming this has to do with the fact that I'm in a POST. Can...

ASP.NET MVC, jQuery/AJAX cascading dropdownlist issues with LINQ2SQL??

Hi guys, The premise: Get a dropdownlist's content based on the value selected in the first one. Literal data returns successfully. LINQ queries on a LINQ2SQL Datacontext fail. Being a total rookie at this MVC/LINQ/jQuery stuff, I battled for HOURS on end trying to figure out what was wrong w/ my understanding of the code. When i hard...

How to use getJSON, sending data with post method?

I am using above method & it works well with one parameter in url e.g. Students/getstud/1 where controller/action/parameter format is applied. now I have an action in Students controller that accepts two patameters and return json object. so how do i post data with $.getJSON() using post method. Similar methods are also acceptable. ...