
jQuery Pager Problem

I see a lot of people asking questions and I have looked for my question but they are all much more advanced than I need. I would like to know simply if its possible to change the automatically generated pager numbers to specific text that I would like. For example titles of each article cycling? Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 etc... I dont...

Jquery Cycle Plugin set thumbnail location

First off, my question is really similar to a question posted here, with the difference being I am using wordpess and the nextgen gallery plugin to manage my images, which writes images thumbnail images as such: mygallery/image1.jpg mygallery/image2.jpg etc... and thumbnails like this: mygallery/thumbs/thumbs_image1.jpg mygallery/thu...

jQuery Cycle IE7+8 Issue - White marks appearing over JPEG

Hello guys! I am having a spot of bother with the jQuery cycle plugin. Now - all works fine functionality wise, but when it faded to the second slide some little 'white marks' appear on top of my JPEG? At first I thought this was a z-index issue, but clearly not. I have been doing some research into this and clearly I am unsuccessful ot...

jQuery cycle: fading white text becomes "green" in Windows/Firefox/Cleartype Enabled

On Windows it seems that when there's white text on any background and it does transitions, the text naturally turns to some shade of green during its opacity value being toggled back to 1. This makes sense. But does anyone know any sort of workaround to prevent it transitioning to a shade of green between the animating besides changing...

jQuery Slideshow cycle plugin backslash error

I'm helping a friend with a custom WordPress theme she purchased from Theme Forest that has a jQuery slideshow using the cycle plugin. It works just fine on all the Pages. I looked at the code and the only thing I can figure out is that on the blog pages it processes the code incorrectly by adding a backslash in front of all the " and ...

Jquery Cycle + Jcarousel slideshow thumbs not loading?

I'm working on combining jquery cycle and jcarousel to make a slideshow. It works great in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, yet in IE the thumbnails are not loading. I'm guessing it has something to do with how the images in the pager are generated and then jcarousel just isnt proccessing that in IE but I 'm not sure. I feel like I'm very c...

Can't get jQuery Cycle to work in Amazon Webstore

I'm running around in circles trying to figure out why I can't get jQuery Cycle to work in our Amazon store. jQuery seems to be working fine, as I can run commands from the console, but any time I try to call .cycle(), i get a "*.cycle() is not a function" error. I've used cycle on several other websites with no problems, but this has co...

jQuery - sepcify a directory for cycle plugin

forget my question for a while... bad choice of words i am using this code for a jQuery Cycle Slideshow... script is here... you may skip it and proceed to question <script type="text/javascript" src="code_snipets/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="code_snipets/jquery_plugin_cycle.js"></script> <script language="...

JQuery Cycle Disable Next and Prev on slide

Hello. I am working on a slideshow using jquery cycle. One thing I notice is during slide, the user can click and skip to the next slide before it finishes animating. Does anyone know the best method of disabling "next" and "previous" buttons while the animation is occuring? ...

Jquery Disable Next button until animation finishes

This is cool and I am familiar with this. However I want the next and previous buttons to stay visible, just not be click able. In my particular situation, the buttons are images that are part of the design. I just want the user to not be able to click through before an animation ends. ...

Crossing the bounds of an overflow:hidden wrapper

Hi guys, bit of a pickle here: Got a large jquery.cycle carousel, the slides of which are div elements with loads of stuff inside of them. Rough markup: <div id="carousel"> <div class="slide">slide content</div> <div class="slide">slide content</div> <div class="slide">slide content</div> </div> The problem is that the "...

How to fadein an image change with JQuery

Hiya All, I currently have a site that uses the JQuery cycle plugin. The site uses the plugin to change a main background image. The cycle plugin also creates a paging section in the HTML which in my case i've customized to be a set of images. What i am trying to do is change the pager image once that particular "page" is activated. ...

jQuery: how do I have different effects based on where you are in navigation.

I have this: $('#mask').cycle({ fx: 'scrollLeft', timeout: 0, speed: 300, startingSlide: 0 }); But there is a certain case where I want the fx to be scrollRight lets say when (myCondition == true) how do I do that? ...

jQuery "Cycle" plugin causing content to not center, how can I fix this?

Hi, I'm trying to use the jQuery "Cycle" plugin (http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/) to rotate testimonials located within <span>s ... however the plugin is causing my content to not be centered. Yesterday morning someone here pointed out the <span> elements are being absolutely positioned by the plugin: $slides.css({position: 'absolute', ...

jQuery Cycle plugin not generating pager links.

This one has been perplexing me on a couple recent sites I've worked on, and I had to end up going with another solution, but I'm determined to get to the bottom of it this time. Here is the example code from the demo page here: http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/int2.html $('#s4') .before('<div id="nav">') .cycle({ fx: 'turnDow...

jQuery Cycle plugin is choppy with larger images

My slideshow is choppy (looks like the fps is slow) when my images are a larger size, 1000 x 560 px. I resized the images to 200 x 200 as a test and the fade was smooth. Any ideas? ...

Internet Explorer not handling transparency using jQuery Cycle plugin?

I am running the jQuery Cycle plugin and noticing that IE is applying background colors to what should be transparent elements. I assume this is part of IE's terribly handling of PNGs and alpha transparency, but I'm not entirely certain as to whether I should be trying to modify the plugin or simply scrap it in favor of something that ha...

jquery cycle question

hi there, here is a challenging question for a javascript expert and/or someone who has worked with jquery plugin cycle see my demo: http://jsfiddle.net/atoswchataigner/L8fNS/ question: i can't get the js to display the image for the pager in the nav div (pagerAnchorBuilder in the js) best viewed in firefox thank in advance, Will ...

jquery cycle image loading problem

hi i have a slideshow i created with jquery and jquery cyle its working fine but when i cick on refresh page all images shows on the page for while and then hide and slideshow works fine how can i fix that is this a css problem ? or its normal ...