
Highlighting dates between two selected dates jQuery UI Datepicker

I have one datepicker with numberOfMonths set to 2. Arrival Date and Departure Date are determined using this logic (within onSelect): if ((count % 2)==0) { depart = $("#datepicker-1").datepicker('getDate'); if (arriv > depart) { temp=arriv; arriv=depart; depart=temp; } $("#check-in").val($.datepicker.formatDate("D...

Jquery UI Datepicker not displaying

UPDATE I have reverted back to Jquery 1.3.2 and everything is working, not sure what the problem is/was as I have not changed anything else apart of the jquery and ui library versions. UPDATE END I having an issue with the JQuery UI datepicker. The datepicker is being attached to a class and that part is working but the datepicker is no...

jQuery datepicker - Set display position of the calendar when displayed as an overlay

Is there any way to specify where will the calendar be displayed when the related input gets the focus? I didn't find a way of doing this in the doc. Thanks! ...

Jquery UI Datepicker Date Range Inline Problem

Hey Guys, i have a big Problem with jQuery UI Datepicker. I have two Input Fields "From Date" and "To Date". When i choose a From Date - a Daterange of only 5 Days should appear on the "To Date" Picker. I used the Code from "Russ Cam" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/330737/jquery-datepicker-2-inputs-textboxes-and-restricting-range ...

jquery ui datepicker is huge

Hi, im trying to add a datepicker to my symfony application and i got it working, but the size of the datepicker is about 3 times bigger than normal (on the demo page). I have not edited any CSS, i just used the default ui lightness theme no modifications. Does anybody have any idea why the size is blown up so big? CSS: http://paste2...

jquery datepicker flicker issue

Hi, When I enable following options changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, clicking on button/input field causes whole or a part of page to clicker. It happens only in FF. Any idea what is going on? Thanks, Pawel ...

How to change the cell color of a jquery datepicker

Hi, I have a jquery datepicker and I need to be able to change the background color for the selected cell date. I'm trying with something like: $("#fecha").datepicker({ onSelect: function(value, date) { alert(date.css()); } }); hoping that the date parameter refers to the selected cell, but...

jqueryui datepicker not showing in the first click event but works fine during the preceding clicks?

jqueryui datepicker used with live function click event works fine on an input field clicked twice but does not show the first time i click the input field. ...

Call jquery datepicker from link and send the date through a post call

Hi all, I need to make the datepicker show when I click on a link and then send the selected date to a different page through a post call. T tried to use this code for the link call: $(".click-on-link").click(function(){ $('#datepicker').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/y...

How do I disable the button wrapper for jquery-ui-datepicker?

See this sample page. The icon I want to be using is this: The icon, as shown on the page, looks like this: How can I make DatePicker use my original icon without modifications? ...

how to change the date format in jquery date picker?

Hi Hi i am using an date picker on selecting a date the date is displayed in this format month/date/year .... How to convert the date to this format year-month-date in date picker js itself ...

jQuery UI datepicker customization

I have the jQuery datepicker working, but I need to be able to select more than just dates. I need to be able to select between some strings as well "Yesterday" and "Today" to be precise. So, the underlying input can contain any date as well as the strings "Yesterday" or "Today". Is there some way I can do this by tweaking the existing...

jQuery UI datepicker performance

I have a textbox on my web page that is used to specify a date, so I'd like to use the jQuery DatePicker. However, most of my users are locked into using IE6 and the performance of the jQuery DatePicker is a little sluggish in this browser. Can anyone recommend an alternate JavaScript date picker, or any means of improving the display p...

How to modify the style of jQuery DatePicker's disabled dates?

Given this page: http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#min-max And viewing its source: http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/css/parseTheme.css.php I can change the following line (using Chrome's inspect element feature) and see those changes reflected: .ui-state-disabled, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-disabled { opacity: .35; filter:Alpha(O...

jQuery UI datepicker: Can you format a date and allow multiple seperator characters?

I prefer my datepicker to be formatted with this option {dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy'} Ex: 06-16-2010 But, I would like to allow people to enter in a slash as a seperator instead of a dash if they choose. Is there a way to setup the datepicker so that it defaults to mm-dd-yy but wouldn't prevent someone from entering mm/dd/yy? I do know ...

Getting jQuery datepicker to attach to a TextBox within a ListView

I am using the jQuery Datepicker without any problem for TextBox controls that are non-templated. However, I am unable to get the datepicker to work with a TextBox that is in an EditItemTemplate of a ListView control. My latest attempt is to get a handle on this textbox by CSS class name "DateControl", any ideas? <asp:ListVIew id="lvTes...

Update multiple inputs with altField in Datepicker

Hi, Can someone please tell me the correct way to modify the following: $("#datepicker01").datepicker({ numberOfMonths: 2, minDate: dd, maxDate: '+1M +31D', hideIfNoPrevNext: true, altField: 'input#chooseDate01', altFormat: 'DD, d MM yy', beforeShowDay: noWeekendsOrHolidays }); I need to add a further 5 to the altFiel...

failing to cross the pons asinorum with jquery datepicker

OK, well, this has got to be something really dumb. I've got a little JSP app. I want to add a date picker. I downloaded the jQuery UI bundle. If I point chrome at the index.html that it gives me as a demo, all is well. When I move the pieces into my webapp, not so good. The chrome console shows two things: Resource interpreted as sc...

jquery date picker locale setting not working.

Hi All, the documentation seems simple enough, but in practice, this feature is not working! I need the date to be in dd/mm/yyyy format. $(function() { $("#txt_date").datepicker($.datepicker.regional['en-GB']); }); Can you help? Currently the date is outputted as mm/dd/yyyy. Many thanks ...

events in datepicker http://www.kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/

Hi, I would like to use the datepicker with the renderCalendarCallback event and that is working. Only on changing the month there sould be a refresh of the dates that should be enabled/disabled. Also on loading the first timethis data should be collected through ajax. I tried onshow, before show an onChangeMonthYear only they don't see...