
Closing jQuery Datepicker When Closing jQuery Dialog

Hi First time here, and more of a web designer than programmer, so be gentle! ;o) Anyway, as the title suggests, I have a dialog window that's opened and within that, a datepicker. What I want it that, if the user opens the datepicker, and then clicks the dialog window's close button, the datepicker is also closed. Here's what I've got...

two jQuery UI datepickers in one form, 'missing instance data'

I've got two date pickers in one form. They have different id's so this shouldn't be related to similar errors such as this one. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1836697/jquery-apply-selector-to-every-field-in-a-dynamic-form The error I'm getting in firebug is 'uncaught exception: Missing instance data for this datepicker' Which is ...

jquery date picker to show month year only

I am using jQuery date picker to display the calendar all over my app. I want to know if I can use it to display the month and year (May 2010) and not the calendar? Thanks, Aanu ...

Can I highlight an entire week in the standard Jquery UI date picker?

Can I highlight an entire week in the standard Jquery UI date picker? ...

How to set current date with jquery ui datepicker

Hello everyone, I'm making an edit profile form, and I'm using jquery iu datepicker to select DOB, now when user edits its data he/she has already some date in the profile field, now if the user wanted to change the date the datepicker pops up, how can I make the date from profile field to be selected on the date picker, or simply how ...

jQuery datepicker validation message issue

Hi, I'm using the jquery datepicker plugin at http://plugins.jquery.com/project/datepick with the datepicker validation plugin. <script id="frmValidation" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var validator = $("#frmTest").validate({ rules:{ fname: "required", dobPicker: "required" ...

How can I use a sprite for my jQuery datepicker icon?

the ButtonImage is the property you specify for the icon but I want to use a sprite as the toggler - I can use buttonText and style the <button> element with a bg image but it probably wouldn't render properly in IE.. is there a way I can specify the exact HTML used for the button without having a button element rendered? ...

related arrival & departure date in js datepicker

How do I set the departure date to auto-fill to be one day after the arrival date (once the arrival date is chosen)? plz help me anyone send in the mail id [email protected] ...

jQuery UI Datepicker regional language and max value

I'm trying to combine some options of jQuery UI Datepicker I'm using the code below: $("#<%=tStartDate.ClientID %>").datepicker($.datepicker.regional['tr']); I need to add option for max date which is: { maxDate: '+1m +1w' } Can anybody tell hot to add this parameter? ...

Cloning datepicker objects [JQuery]

Hey, I have an input field that I define as a datepicker through a css class. I now want to clone this input field and have it so the cloned inputs are also datepickers. After reading from various sources I was lead to believe that the following code should work but it doesn't. I was hoping maybe someone could help me figure out what I...

jQuery datepicker returns "inst is null" error when loaded via AJAX

I'm loading content via an AJAX call into a table row added to the DOM on the fly. I'm calling the datepicker functionality in my callback function and the calendar shows fine. However, when I click on the date, I get an error: inst is null. Here's my code: $(document).ready(function() { $(".edit").live("click", function() { ...

Datepicker doesn't execute when submitted

I have been working on this for days but I don't get it so I decided to ask here. I really have a hard time tracing where is the problem is in my code.. here my code: $(".editME").click(function(){ var element = $(this); var show = element.attr("id"); $.get('index.php',{option:'myReports', task: 'edit', id: show},f...

Extending the Google CDN version of jquery to add datepicker

I'm using jqueryUI solely for the datepicker feature. It's great if you can get away with using plain jquery because then you can import it from Google's CDN, which is potentially faster than your own CDN (if any) and heightens the chance the user will already have it cached, but you can't do this with jqueryUI. I'm wondering, since jque...

jQuery 'setDate' = null leaves today as the currentDate

I have two date pickers. When they are first displayed on the page the max and min for the range are set to today so that no dates can be selected. Based on a drop down selection, the valid date ranges are set on both calendars. I want TODAY to be the default, selected date in the TO date picker and in the FROM datepicker I'd like not...

Is jquery datepicker easily capable of doing this?

I basically have to clone the top area with arriving/departure: http://bit.ly/af1uAH The arrival and departure fields at the top have corresponding calendars. The last time I configured arrival and departure datepickers, they had a "Clear" button. Does anyone know if this changed between versions or is it still built-in? If anyone has...

How to subclass a specific jqueryui widget method ?

Since I updated jQueryUI to 1.8 I found a couple of issues in our implementations and I could fix it myself without waiting for a fix on their end if I could find out how to subclass a specific method of the datepicker widget so I call the parent code and then execute my code. I was reading on $.widget but I just can't wrap my head arou...

onClose and datepick with jQuery

I have the following code: $('#popupDatepickerWeekly').datepick({ maxDate:'1Y', mandatory:true, highlightWeek:true, onClose: closedDate }); My closedDate function looks like this: function closedDate(value, date, inst) { document.signUpForm.repeatUntil.value = value; } But when I pick a date using the datepicker, the ...

getDate with Jquery Datepicker

i am trying to get date from my implementation of jquery date picker, add it to a string and display the resulting image in my div. Something however is just not working. Can anyone check out the code and have a look at it? The code is supposed to take the date from date picker, combine it in a string which is to have the necessary cod...

jQuery datepicker - getDate and pass as ajax param.

Hi There. I have put up an example of where I am so far @ www.conorhackett.com/ajax. You will see that the "Generate" button will make a call to server.php and return the data that is provided as a parameter. Then we have a jQuery datepicker that puts the selected date into a text box. My problem is that I am unable to find a way to ...

Jquery Datepicker with XML file

an extension of my last question, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2562986/getdate-with-jquery-datepicker , I am trying to use the jquery datepicker to load specific info from xml file dependent on the date selected by the user. Similar code but i am trying to load and parse an xml file to read contents of the file for the particular...