
Caching a reference to an element in an iframe with jquery

I am using a jquery dialog that uses an iframe to let the user know there session is about to expire. I would like to update this dialog every second with a countdown, thus I would like to cache a reference to the countdown element so we don't have to query the DOM for it each second. I have tried to do this many different ways and I ca...

jquery datatable with django framework

Hi, I am using jquery datatable for generating a report with two text field in django framework i want to maintain the data through out the page but when I click the submit button it's display only the current page value and I want the whole data from several pages. ...

Strange look, jQuery UI

Hi, I am using jquery modal dialog, but the look of the dialog is other than the the look of the dialog example. jquery ui is included and enabled. any ideas? ...

JQuery dialog working alternatively

I have this piece of code to open up a JQuery dialog with specific controls according to 2 links. Now it works fine on the 1st attempt. But the 2nd time when I click the link to load the JQuery dialog, it opens a blank dialog. On closing it and clicking the link again it opens the right dialog. On repeated trials it throws me an error in...

How can I close the jquery ui dialog from inside the dialog code?

I use several jquery ui dialogs in my application to collect input from users and for CRUD operations. When in a page I need a dialog I do the following steps: First I define the minimum markup and code necessary to initialize the dialog like this <div id="dialogPanel" style="display:none" title=""></div> and, when the DOM is ready, ...

Stacked jQuery UI Dialogs

Hello, I have one modal dialog in my application that works very nice. I do setup and open of the dialog with the following functions $(document).ready(function () { $("#__gsl_DialogPanel").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, position: 'center', stack: true, height: 'auto', wi...

Why is my span disappearing?

I have some HTML setup like this: <div> <label for="amount"><a id="amount-help-icon" class="help icon-link" href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-help"></span></a> Amount:</label> <input id="amount" class="inputText" type="text" value="" maxlength="100" size="10" name="amount" /> <span class="help">The amount for stuff</span...

Jquery dialog stop closing when error occured?

I am using the jQuery Dialog in ASP.NET. I have it working fine with the exception of when I click the OK button in the dialog and if an error occurred I want to show the error in the label. By the time the dialog closing event is fired it is too late. How do I still show the dialog if an error has occurred. I don't want to close the dia...