
AjaxSubmit File Upload - Trying to get response $(document).ready() to fire

I'm using the jquery form plugin (http://malsup.com/jquery/form/) to upload a file via ajax which is processed in the background. The upload is working correctly, and I am using ASP.Net MVC to return a partial view which contains a $(document).ready call to setup a 'timer' to check on the status of the upload file's processing status....

ASP.Net file upload with an empty posted files collection

I have an ASP.NET file upload control which sits as part of a form. The file upload control is on the content page while the form definition is on a master page across the site. I've added multipart/form-enc to the form on the master page. I'm using jQuery to submit the form as I show a dialog box from jQuery UI. When I post, no file i...

How to update the Options Object in the beforeSubmit function using jQuery Forms Plugin

Dear Stackoverflow, I am refactoring my use of $.ajax to submit forms using the jQuery Forms Plugin. The API states that it is possible to pass any of the options passed to $.ajax to $.ajaxSubmit. I wish to modify the Options Object in the beforeSubmit, adding a data property. Alerting the value of options.beforeSubmit in processSubmi...

jquery forms plugin noConflict problem

Hi, I am writing a bookmarklet in which I want to use the jquery forms plugin. The problem I am having is that a web page on which the bookmarklet might be used could be using a different js lib, which already uses '$'. No problem, I can tell jQuery to use noConflict() However, the forms plugin of jQuery also uses '$' which I have no c...

How to ajax-submit a form textarea input from CKEditor ?

I am using CKEditor, jQuery and jQuery form plugin and I would like to submit contents of the CkEditor form via an Ajax query. Here is my code: <form id="article-form" name="article-form" method="post" action="/myproject/save"> <textarea name="bodyText" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;"></textarea> <script type="text/javas...

Jquery Multiple Forms and Form Plugin

Hi All, I have a html like below wherein there are multiple forms. I generate this using JSTL so the number could vary depending on what is enrolled in my DB Each form has its own submit button. Basically, I wanted to use the Form Plugins ajax submit button but I dont know how to reference the form. <form id="form-1" action="approve.h...

JQuery form validation - validate form based on other form field

hey guys, I"m using Jquery form validation which in the basic form looks like this $('#shopping_form').validate({ submitHandler: function(){ $.post("/url", { message: messageval}, function(data) { ...... ...... }, } ,rules: { message: { required:true }, price: { number: true } } }); Now I ...

Why jQuery Form Plugin mixes the NULL and 0

Hello all, I am using jQuery Form Plugin http://jquery.malsup.com/form/ to submit my form. Here is the code that is used to submit the form. var options = { beforeSubmit: showRequest, // pre-submit callback success: showResponse, // post-submit callback url: 'recaptcha.php', // override for form's 'a...

jquery form plugin, no error handling

Hi, It seems that there are no error handling facility in the Jquery.Form plugin, which is very frustrating. Even though the documentation says we can use the $.ajax options, I still cannot make use of the 'error' option when the server returns an error, especially the 500 and 400 series. Is it that this plugin cannot handle any error a...