
jquery ui autocomplete - how to?

I may be looking at this all wrong. But, I am trying to use the jquery ui autocomplete. I want to pass it a url and it will get the suggestions from there. my questions are 1: how do i specify the url? 2: how do i format the response? ...

Change JQuery-UI autocomplete height

I'm using JQuery-UI autocomplete widget with about 100 items but when the matched string find many items the box height is to big. How can I set a max height? For example I would like to set a max height for 20 items ...

Cancel the autocomplete after I leave the field

Is there a way to stop the ui jquery autocomplete if the user leaves the page looking at the Documentation here I see many things .autocomplete( "destroy" ) .autocomplete( "disable" ) .autocomplete( "close" ) but how do i use them after a use leaves the field $("#request_song").autocomplete({ source: function(req, add){...

Display an icon in jQuery UI autocomplete results

I'm using the jQuery UI Autocomplete plugin (version 1.8), and I'd like to customize the way the suggestions show up. Specifically, I want to display not only some text, but an icon as well. However, when I send the <img> tag, it just gets rendered as plain text in the results list. Is there some way to change this behavior? Alternat...

JQuery Autocomplete, grabbing the ID when not selected from the list.

I am using JQuery Autocomplete in one of my projects, and so far it's working really well. However, I have come across an issue that has me stumped! I have it setup as follows: $("#display_field").autocomplete({ source: "myscipt.php", minLength: 2, ...

jQuery UI autocomplete combobox - prevent form submit

I'm using the nifty 'combobox' variant of jQuery UI Autocomplete - see here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#combobox I have it within a Form element because its part of a form. The Autocomplete Combobox has a <button> that is used to show the whole drop down list. However when the user presses it, the form submits. This appear...

extend jqueryui autocomplete

Hi there, How can I take use of the autocomplete functions to match the following requirements? If suggestion matches more than 10 items, it should instead of showing the suggestions, show the number of entries next to the input If suggestion matches less than 10 items, it should suggest the autocompletion I'm new to jquery and jque...

Jquery UI Autocomplete

Hi I am new to Jquery I am trying to get the Jquery UI autocomplete working on AJAX loaded dynamic fields in div #right I do not fully understand the code below. $("#right").delegate(".drugName", "focus", function(){ //attach autocomplete $(".drugName").autocomplete({ //define callback to format results source: function(req, add...

How can I use jQuery to create a div absolutely positioned next to another element?

I have a search box on a page that's hooked up to an AJAX script that returns HTML based on the contents of the search box, via GET. In order to display the results directly below the search box, I need to create a div in a position relative to that box (the box's position is variable depending on screen resolutions). How can I use jQue...

jQuery UI AutoComplete ui.item is undefined

A jsfiddle of this code can be found here. Pretty basic code. I just want an autocomplete list for the list of sites in the Stack Exchange network with their favicon. The source function works fine. I can type in sta and see the matches. If I hover over them or select one, but the focus and select functions report that ui.item is un...

Force jQuery UI autocomplete to move?

Hey I'm using autocomplete from jQuery UI on my website, and it's working fine, but I'm redesigning the system, so I need to make this one change. Currently, the autocomplete opens on the bottom of the input. However, I can't force it to a custom position, neither with jQuery or CSS. I've tried this: $('#search').autocomplete('wid...

jQuery UI AutoComplete - How to implement progress-indicator?

If the question title wasn't clear enough: I am using the jQuery AutoComplete plugin (part of jQuery UI 1.8.5) I would have thought the supplied CSS/images would include an ajax-like progress image? If not, what's the easiest way to create one? This is my autocomplete code: $('#query').autocomplete({ source: function (request, re...

jQuery autocomplete won't show more than 10 results

I'm using the jQuery autocomplete, and no matter what settings I change, I can't get it to show more than 10 results in the dropdown. I can see in the results coming back that I'm getting all of them from the server, but the front end won't show more than 10. $("#add_cpt_code_text").autocomplete('<%: Url.Action("SearchCPT", "ChargeCapt...

jquery: autocomplete with remote xml source

Hi, I am trying to implement an autocomplete textbox whose values are generated by a remote script returning XML contents. I'm using JQuery-1.4.3 and the autocomplete widget from JQuery-UI-1.8.5. I've studied the autocomplete demo page for the XML data parsed once example, and am trying to implement the comments: This should also s...