
jQuery UI Button loses CSS Styling when called using $.get() and .html()

Hi All, I have a html page using a jQuery UI Button with some jQuery script like this: <script type="text/javascript"> $('button).button(); // sets up the jQuery UI button style $('#btnClose').live('click',function () { $.get('content.html', function (data) { $('#EditCategory').html(data); }); }); </script> <html> <but...

jQuery draggable: access the being-dragged element on drag start

Hi, I need to modify the element when as soon as it starts being dragged. The 'start' callback takes two arguments, only the first of them seems to be usable for me. The deal is that I'm using helper: 'clone' which makes event.originalTarget to point only the "original" element, not the new one (which is in fact the one being dragged). ...

Common reasons for IE6 failing to parse jquery (which works great in IE8/Chrome/Safara/FF)

I have a site driven by ~1000 lines of jquery/ui. Most content is dynamically generated from ajax requests. Everything works great in IE8/Chrome/Safari/FF 3.5 IE6/7 fails to parse JS code, giving all kinds of errors (which are really hard to trace to real code). Jquery is supposed to support IE6, isn't it? So, What are the common ca...

Page content disappears when showing jQuery UI datepicker in IE7

Hi I'm using jQuery UI: <script type="text/javascript" src="/jscripts/jquery-1.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jscripts/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js"></script> and IE7 (corporate rule!) When datepicker shows up (enclosed in form and surrounding div), parent div content disappears. It shows up again when I m...

JQuery UI Button Icons not displaying

Hi, I'm trying to apply an icon to a jquery UI styled button in my Rails app. The button is styled correctly but I just can't get the icons to show up! Could anyone give me any suggestions - I'm pulling my hair out! I've done the following: 1) Copied the javascript files (jquery-1.4.2.min.js and jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js) to public...

Close button not visible in jQuery

<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">close</span> it shows button in my window, but now its not visible. what would be the reason? ...

jquery ui sortable - current element

Hi, I'm using jQuery UI sortable to build a dashboard userface. I'm wondering how I can fetch the item I was sorting last? What I want to do: I'm using the update event to fire a function > showing a hint, that the new position has been saved. I want to attach the DIV the moved element but therefore I have to know which one it was. An...

jQueryUI Draggable Helper Option Help

Is it possible to modify the clone helper that jQueryUI creates with draggable element? I don't want the exact clone as the helper, I just want something similar to it. ...

how can I return jQuery Draggables to their original list after validating their drops with a button click?

This is a bit of a weird desire but I am making a matching game using jQuery UI, and I want to allow a user to drag an element from one <ul> of jQuery draggables (list A) and then drop it in a jQuery droppable (list B). After the user has decided that they think every item from list A is in the correct place in list B, they can click a b...

jQuery UI sortable event problem

in my code here http://jsfiddle.net/ebSf4/ you can drag from one sortable column to the other. I am adding some animation to sortable's receive event to make the dropped element animate to the size needed in it's new position. This is working great except the receive event fires late the first time you move a given element. The elemen...

How to attach jquery to click() event when HTML is generated dynamically?

I am using the JQUeryUI to present a Dialog Box to the end user and populating it with dynamically generated HTML like this. $('#listusers').click(function() { $("#dialog").html(""); $("#dialog").attr("title", "Existing Users"); $("#dialog").load("service/get.aspx?data=users", $(function(data) { $("#dialog").dialog({ modal: ...

jQuery Draggable Handler inside IFrame

What a mouthful. Basically I have a parent <div> and inside that an <iframe>. I need an element inside the iframe to be the handle to drag the parent div. Is this even possible? I have tried: $(node).draggable("option","handle",$('iframe',node).contents().find('#handle')); $(node).draggable("option","handle",$('iframe',node).contents(...

setting combobox option length in jquery

Is there any way in jquery to access the options length of combobox? I'm trying to change this line cmbBox.options.length = 0; with a jquery syntax. ...

how to exclude elements with ANY class attached in jquery

Does anyone know how i'd exclude elements from a selection if they have any class whatsoever explicitly attached to them? Here i'm selecting all columns within the 'tdhead' element, but want to exclude anything I have there that's making use of another class, for example I might have a breadcrumb or toolbar as a single column across th...

Dynamic Colorbox loading position

This is quick link to color box example. i need to change and customize place of color box loading Any one can help me? ...

JQuery UI position function question with tree selection method for "of" argument

Quick question on jquery position. On a page, I have multiple divs with class of .ex-head, and in each div is an img element and an h2. I want to vertically align the img and h2 elements in each div with class of .ex-head. The h2 is on the left, the img on the right. $(".ex-head img").position({ my: "left center", at: "r...

Two POSTs When Using jQuery

I am using the jQuery UI Tabs to display a number of forms (each tab can contain more than one form). When I switch between tabs, I am attempting to do POST of the tab's forms using AJAX calls. Here is the jQuery for what I am doing. select: function (event, ui) { var tab_index = $('#tabs').tabs('option', 'selected'); v...

How can I supress Jquery Autocomplete's menu opening on search?

I've got an Autocomplete input that is a filter to a datatable. When the person searches in the box, autocomplete does it's job and attached to the source callback, it does an ajax lookup and triggers an update to the table. Additionally it updates a div mentioning how many suggested results were returned. I've also got a "suggest" butt...

Jquery UI - reload selected tab?

Is there a way to reload the selected tab I know there is the .load() function. But it wants a tab index and I don't seem to see a way to grab the selected tabs id. ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete - highlight letters

Is it possible to highlight/bold the letters in the results list as they are being typed? For example if I type "ball" and I have "football" in my results it needs to output as foot ball ...