
Scriptaculous Droppables onDrop callback, How to reference each element?

Documentation can be found here It says in the example: onDrop: Called whenever a Draggable is released over the Droppable and the Droppable is accepts it. The callback gets three parameters: the Draggable element, the Droppable element and the Event. You can extract additional information about the drop – like if the Ctrl or Shift key...

jQuery droppable / draggable problem

At the moment I have a set of divs, generated dynamically by php and all having their ids starting with 'itembox', with a count number appended. I have a droppable garbage bin area on the page so that the user can delete an individual itembox by fdragging and dropping on to the bin. My problem is that the droppable won't seem to activat...

jQuery droppables - Change element on drop

Hi all, I'm a bit new to jQuery and hope somebody can help me out. I'm trying to change an element (li) to another element (div) after the (li) has been dropped. Sample code: $("#inputEl>li").draggable({ revert: true, opacity: 0.4, helper: "clone" }); $("#dropEl") .droppable({ accept: ".drag", hoverClass: "dropElhover", d...

jquery drag/drop problem: drop() function never gets called.

Hello, I'm having trouble with the droppable effect in jquery 1.3.1 (UI version 1.5.3). As far as I can tell, everything works perfectly except the drop() function doesn't get called. I can tell the droppable target is accepting the element being dragged (via the thumbnail class), but the draggable item won't drop. Thanks for your help ...

jQuery Sortable + Droppable. After dropping, my LI is wrapped inside another LI

This is my code for a draggable connected to a sortable. The thing is, I am creating an LI with a bunch of attributes. BUT when I drag an item to the droppable div, the sortable creates a new li tag and wraps my created li with it. It looks something like this: <ul> <li class="ui-draggable" style="display: list-item;"> <li class="X...

grouping draggable objects with jquery-ui draggable

Hello, I want to use jquery draggable/droppable to let the user select a group of objects (each one has a checkbox in the corner) and then drag all the selected objects as a group... I can't figure out for the life of me how to do it haha. Here is what I'm thinking will lead to a usable solution, on each draggable object, use the star...

dragging out of html body/div/everything

hi i make a class of elements draggable like this jQuery(".drag").draggable(); jQuery(".drop").droppable({ accept: ".drag", drop: function(ev, ui) { //do stuff with dropped data } }); now the problem is, i am able to drag the elements out of body, and all over the html. how do i limit the area in which it is draggable? ...

Make all LI elements a Droppable using Prototype

How could I possibly make every LI element of a list a droppable and apply the onDrop function to use it's ID? ...

.droppable doesn't seem to trigger anything? JQuery + ASP

Hi All, With the help of the stackoverflow community, I've got the dragging to work perfectly using JQuery. Now, I've assigned a .drop class (and made it .droppable), but whenever I drop a .draggable onto the .droppable... nothing happens! Is there an error in javascript? <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function()...

Jquery Multiple Sortable List

Can someone please explain how to take the code below. Heres a screen shot this is my JS $(document).ready(function(){ $(function() { $("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable( { connectWith: '.connectedSortable', opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'move', update: function() { var order = $(this).sortable(...

jqueryUI droppable "drop" function firing on "over" only if i have on my draggable a "connectToSortable" option set

Hello guys hope anybody can help me with this little bug. You can see the code on http://designvictim.com/jqueryui/index.html Now here is my problem: I'm trying to make something similar to the widget drag and drop from Wordpress. I've gotten pretty close to what we wanted to accomplish but we wanted to be able to when you drag a ite...

replaceWith and jQuery draggable drop?

Hi all, I'm trying to understand why $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); will work outside the drop: function(event, ui) {} area in jquery's droppable script, but it won't work inside. Specifically, if I do $(".droppable").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); } I get a Runtime Error (line ...

Create droppable area that can accept random text/images

Hello, I'm trying to create a droppable area that can accept random text, images, or text and images. I know how to create a droppable in jQuery, but it only accepts items that are explicitly declared draggable. All I want to do is highlight random text, images, or text and images using my mouse in the browser and drag it (imagine high...

Is there still a bug in IE8 with jQuery droppables?

I have a page which has a tabbed view which contains 3 sortable columns below it. Currently, the tabs don't have any jQuery code associated. I gave them all the droppable class, however, and now in IE if a piece of content is dragged between columns and then moved again, jQuery blows up while trying (i think) to access the parentNode i...

Clone object is not droppable

I'm trying to clone a droppable object using Jquery but the cloned object is not droppable. $(document).ready(function(){ $("input[value='Add']").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $("div.field:last").clone().insertAfter("div.field:last"); }); $(".field").droppable(); HTML <div class="field"> Last Name<input type="text" value=...

jquery Multiple Sortables/droppable Revert Issue

The Scenario: I have a single page that has three sortables on it (arranged horizontally relative to one another), all connected via the "connectWith" option. Between the three of them, I can sort, drag and drop...no problems. I added a droppable on the bottom left of the page so that the user can drop an item from any of the three lists...

jQuery draggable + droppable: how to snap dropped element to dropped-on element

I have my screen divided into two DIVs. In the left DIV I have a few 50x50 pixel DIVs, in the right DIV I have an empty grid made of 80x80 LIs. The DIVs on the left are draggable, and once dropped on a LI, they should snap to center of that LI. Sounds simple, right? I just don't know how to get this done. I tried by manipulating the dro...

Getting objects to stay in a scriptaculous droppable.

I found some interesting code when I was looking at things that people had added on to Scriptaculous, and I'm trying to modify it for my purposes. I got nearly all of it working, except when I paste in the drop handler code, my page stops loading. Here's the relevant snipits: For draggables: for (i=0; i<=50; i++){ Squad = 'Squad'...

How do I prevent multiple jQuery UI droppables from being triggered?

I have a jQuery UI draggable and several separately-defined droppables. Because one of the droppables is configured tolerance: 'intersect', it's possible for a draggable to be dropped on more than one kind of droppable at the same time. What's the best way to prevent the unintended droppables from firing? Basically, I'd like to prioriti...

jQuery Drag/Drop problem: mousemove Event not binding for some elements

Using the latest jQuery/UI that are hosted at Google. I've got the following markup: <ul id="tree"> <li><a href="1/">One</a></li> <li><a href="2/">Two</a></li> </ul> And the following javascript: $(document).ready(function(){ // Droppable callbacks function dragOver(overEvent, ui_object) { $(this).mousemove(function(mov...