
Manipulating jQuery draggables/droppables in script [UPD]

I want to append item to sortable list by script. Users can drag item to list directly, and can check some checkboxes and press "Send to list" button. First approach works, second is not. The problem is if I pass $(ui.draggable) to function, it works. But if i point to draggable element by jQuery chain ($(this).parent().parent().find('...

jquery droppable area

How can I find out where a div has been dropped after it was dragged? ...

jquery droppable problem

Hi all, i have a problem in jquery drag n drop. I have a "div a" and 'div c' i.e draggable n a 'div b' over which 'div a' and 'div c' are droppable.if div a is dropped over div c .How can i find that as div b is the superset of div c. ...

jquery droppable area

Hi All, I have one div a i.e the superset of div b but i want to make the area div a - div b as droppable. How can i do that?? ...

jQuery Drag from a List (without removing element) and Drop into another List

How can I have two lists (div or table elements) in which I can drag & drop items from one to the other (I think jQuery droppable does this), but without actually removing it from the source list? Example: List1 List2 AAA 111 BBB 555 CCC 999 DDD 777 Now I'm dragging BBB from the left to the right between "55...

How can i inject an object inside a context of a draggable element in JQuery ?

Hi, I use draggable/droppable JQuery feature as follows div.container { height:400px; } <div class="container" id="source"> <div id="0">Item 0</div> <div id="1">Item 1</div> <div id="2">Item 2</div> </div> <div class="container" id="target"></div> $("#source div").draggable({ helper:"clone", revert:"inval...

jquery droppable accept

Hi All, Can anyone tell me how can i write a function in accept condition and then how does it finds out that what to accept and what not to accept. Fo r eg i want to accept div a and div b in accept condition.How can i write i through a function. ...

Jquery Drag-Drop (Getting element being dropped into)

I am trying to detect which cell an object is being dropped into. <table> <tr> <td class="weekday">Sun</td> <td class="weekday">Mon</td> <td class="weekday">Tue</td> <td class="weekday">Wed</td> <td class="weekday">Thu</td> <td class="weekday">Fri</td> <td class="weekday">Sat</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="droppable">&nbsp;</td> <td class="...

jQuery droppable out event fails to trigger?

$(".LWdrop").droppable({ accept: ".LW", drop: function(event, ui){ ui.draggable.addClass("LWactive"); $(this).droppable('option', 'accept',''); $(this).css("background-color", "#444444"); }, out: function(event, ui){ $(this).droppable('option', 'accept', '.LW'); u...

jQuery UI: droppable background?

I'm trying create a trashcan where after you've put some items there, you could simply open it and drag any trashed item out of it by dropping it outside the trashcan. The way I've set this, is my web app has a trashcan icon where I drop the items and clicking the trashcan opens a box with the trashed items and fades in a black transpar...

jquery droppable item overlap

i have 1 draggable div and 2 droppable divs. those 2 droppable divs also are draggable. so there might be a chance those 2 divs are overlapped. in that sitchuation when i drag the draggable div and drop to the overlapped divs. is there anyway to make sure it drop on the top one? ...

jquery ui drag/drop getting position from multiple draggables

I have a droppable container with >1 draggables in it. I want to simply be able to see the position of each draggable every time any one of them is dragged. Sounds easy, but I'm having a tough time figuring it out. Here's what I have: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#draggable").draggable({ containment: '#droppable' }...

JQuery draggable: scroll not working when helper: clone is used

I have a folder list type of situation where I can drag items from one folder to another using jquery draggable/droppable. Folder items are draggable and folders are droppable. These are in a div that is small enough to show a vertical scroll bar. I have "scroll: true" set on the draggable items so that they can cause the div to scroll....

JQuery Drag Drop - How to Reset to Original State

Hi, I've got a Drag Drop opening in a modal dialog window and would like to reset it back to its original load state if the user cancels out of the dialog. I'm using similar concepts to the 'Simple Photo Manager' Droppable example on jqueryui.com. The problem is that when I drag from one area and drop to another, I'm modifying the html,...

jQuery Sortable+Droppable vs Draggable special functionality

Hello - I'm trying to make a functionality that allows for a draggable list of items (left column) to be dragged onto a sortable list (right column). What is different about just doing a connectToSortable is that I need the sortable list to ACT like a droppable list, in that the order of the items is retained on the right column ONLY whe...

Drag & Drop performance issue inside Table date which is built dynamically using ASP

How to achieve droppable events on mouseover of each items instead of binding it to all events at beginning. If you can provide with an example code will be great. I googled but there is no hope or solution for the same. ...

jQuery draggable droppable compatibility issue with firefox and ie

Hi, ok bear with me, this is one of those long ones. I have a table of values which stores ID and Field. <asp:DataGrid runat="server" ID="dgFields" AutoGenerateColumns="false"> <Columns> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="ID" Visible="true" HeaderText="ID"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn ItemStyle-CssClass="draggable...

droppables not being created on drag start

trying to create my droppables based on the object being dragged. the drag works fine, but the droppables are not being created. there also aren't any errors in the error console. any help? JS: $("#theSchedule, #theExtras").live('mouseover', function () { $(".curSelected").draggable({ helper: 'clone', opacity: 0.50,...

jQuery Droppable: dropping outside div?

Is there any way I can get jQuery to perform a function when you drag an item outside a droppable DIV? Let's say that we have draggable or sortable items in a div and you want them deleted if they are dropped outside their parent div. I know there is the "out" event but that works as soon as you drag the item outside the div, not when...

how to create dynamic droppables? jQuery + PHP + AJAX

I'm trying to create jQuery droppables based on a certain class. however, since there are many droppables they should only be created once something has started dragging. is there a way to create droppables based on the if the draggable has a certain class? ...