
jQuery how to find the class of the Droppable Div ?

Hi all I have two divs: one draggable and one droppable <div id="draggable" class="block" runat="server"> </div> <div id="dd" class="drop" title="drophere"> </div> When I release the draggable div I want to find the class of it's parent to take an action if it is dropped on a droppable div, otherwise cancel the dragging. I want to ...

how can I return jQuery Draggables to their original list after validating their drops with a button click?

This is a bit of a weird desire but I am making a matching game using jQuery UI, and I want to allow a user to drag an element from one <ul> of jQuery draggables (list A) and then drop it in a jQuery droppable (list B). After the user has decided that they think every item from list A is in the correct place in list B, they can click a b...

Adding a highlight animation when hovering a sortable object over a droppable object JQUERY

I have a list of objects called projects that are sortable, and a list of objects called categories that are droppable. I need to somehow make it so that when you click on a sortable project, and drag it down so it is hovering over a droppable category, the category that the project is going to go into is highlighted, or outlined or some...

jquery drag and drop help

I have this code for a drag and drop portion of my site, I use this HTML first off, <li class="drag_check"> <input type="checkbox" value="Y" class="cv_choice" name="cv_file[<?=$rslt['code'];?>]" id="inp_cv_<?=$rslt['code'];?>" /> </li> and then this code for the drag and drop: var cv_file = new Arr...

Attribute Selectors on jQuery UI Draggable

I'm working on a project that involves a fair amount of drag and drop among different category items (e.g. Fabric, Pins, etc). With my current setup, each of these elements is given a unique id code (e.g. F001 for a fabric). I'm trying to get the droppable point to look at the starting letter, and handle it from there. The roadblock I'v...

jQuery UI draggable/sortable/droppable disable drop when droppable limit is reached

JS Bin demo Task: I'm creating an event scheduler using jQuery UI. Events are of a certain length (in minutes) and they can be dragged into different days, each with their own maximum length (in minutes). In the example, each day's maximum length is 480 minutes, and no more than 480 minutes worth of "events" should be allowed to drop i...

jquery sortable/draggable double event firing

I have some drag & drop code which works fine as it is. Just have a little query. I've noticed that if I add an alert within the drop function for debugging purposes (eg. alert(draggedItem.text());) it fires the alert twice when I drop something into the draggable area. I've read in another post that using droppable & sortable together c...

Jquery UI draggable: clone if Ctrl pressed down

I have a list of draggable table cells that can be dropped onto a second table. They are set to clone, as the original table should remain unchanged if items are dragged from it. Now I want to be able to move the dropped elements inside the second table from cell to cell. But if the Control key is pressed while dragging an element insid...

jquery droppable on deactivate find out if an element was successfully dropped

Hi there. Is there any way to pass to deactivate: whether an element was dropped or not? I want to stop an animation if the element wasn't dropped, but was let go (ie: deactivate without drop), but I want it to carry on if the element was dropped correctly. Thanks ...

How do I limit the number of dropped items for a box?

I am just learning jquery, so this might be something easy. I am trying to make a really basic game that you can drop the name of the color onto the color box (to help learn about droppable and draggable). I got it working except a few problems. How do I limit the number of items to 1? (Is there a way to check if something is "droppe...

how to drop the objects only in the image not in the whole div containing the image.

I Have a background image in right.NOw i need to drop the draggble object only in the image not in the div containing the image using jquery. Also the droppable object should lie completely in droppable object while dropping. Any help is highly appreciated ...

JQuery droppable problem

I'm having trouble with the JQuery's droppable feature. I have modified JS from here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/ <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("ul.draggable li").draggable(); $("div.droppable").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { alert('Hello World'); }...

How to get data from jquery callback to parent function

Hi, I'm using the jquery ui drag/drop code. Upon a drop a getJSON request gets executed to check the new data and update the database. This works fine, until my backend return an error, because I can't cancel the drop from within the anonymous function. If there's an error the backend returns json that looks like this: {"result":0} ...

JQuery UI Droppable being destroyed when new droppable is created.

Okay, I have a simple droppable on the page. When the user performs an action, a function is run and it creates a new droppable. Now the original droppable doesn't work anymore. The only way it will work is if the droppables all have the same class name, but then if I drop something in the original, it thinks I dropped it in the new one ...

Need help to re-enable dragging of a draggable ----- JQuery

I have a draggable element $(".element").draggable({ helper: "clone", revert: 'invalid', containment: '#parent', appendTo: '#parent' }); I have two issues : 1 --> After this element is dropped, the original gets disabled automatically. 2 --> A close anchor tag is appended to the dropped element. On click of this 'close' the original ...

Jquery.can make JQuery UI draggable,droppable,sortable work together?

Need some help to make it out: In my page I have some dynamic created note sticker which draggable. And then I have a dropper which that sortable(enable sort) at the same time. I drag and drop the note sticker inside the dropper and sort(via drag) the sticker up and down inside the dropper! I think I can make it using the Jquery UI. Bu...

JQuery .get error when drag item inside droppable elment!

my part of code: function orderFileInfoMWindow(event){ event.preventDefault(); //var orderFileInfoMWindowPanel = $('<div class="orderFileInfoMWindowPanel"></div>').appendTo('body'); var orderFileInfoMWindowPanel = $('<div />',{'id':'orderFileInfoMWindowPanel'}).append($('<div />',{'class':'orderFileInfoMWindowPanelHeader'...

Making a jQuery droppable accept items from a sortable which is using connectWith

I've got a sortable list which is using connectWith to ensure it can only be sorted within its own types of list. Now I'm trying to make a droppable trash can element that appears at the bottom on the viewport when an item is being sorted. This element is outside the context of the lists and simply deletes any element that is dropped o...

sort a droppable tree table in jquery

Hi all, I have a treetable built with jQuery. In this table I can drag a row and drop it on another row, thus creating the parent/child rows. Now within the same parent, I'd like to be able to sort children. How can I combine this sortable behavior with the droppable one? Thanks a lot ...