
jquery ui dialog loses values on second call (IE8)

I have a page which has 16 buttons. When clicked a dialog opens and a user can select various select elements (an item, an operator, and a value). This works great in FF but not so good in IE8. User clicks button 1, enters data, closes the dialog (FF, IE8 Good) User clicks button 2, enters data, closes the dialog (FF, IE8 Good) User cl...

jQuery UI tab with IE7 issue

Hi I am new to jQuery. I use <script src="test/lib/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="test/lib/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="ui_tabs/css/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8...

jQuery UI Library and Images

Hi, I have a question with regards to using jQuery UI library. Basically, I have noticed that the library makes calls to images using url("images/abc.png") etc and so when using this library in my web app, I am getting alot of images not found that also seem to stall the some of my pages. Anyways, based on this, am I suppose to create...

Find day difference between two dates (excluding weekend days)

Hi i am using jquery-ui datepicker to select date and date.js to find difference between 2 dates. Right now the problem is I want to exclude weekend days from calculation (saturday and sunday). How should i do that? For example the user select start date (13/8/2010) and end date (16/8/2010). Since 14/8/2010 and 15/8/2010 is in week d...

Reusing jQuery UI Themeroller Overlay

Trying to conserve css-loading bandwidth. I'm trying to reuse the overlay from jQuery UI for just a small section of the page - say, within a certain div. Can't seem to get the overlay to cover anything but a (semitransparent) blackout of the entire page. Integration CSS help, please! ...

asp.net mvc button jquery ui add popup

How can i add the jQuery UI popup to this button <%= Ajax.AjaxImageActionLink( "../../Content/images/add.png", "Change Password", "ChangePasswos", new { id = item.int_UserId }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "msgdiv" } )%> ...

How to assign jQuery click events for the third click??

Hello, I'm trying to find a simple way to attach click events to an element, which is quite easy for the 1st and 2nd click events.. But, what I am trying to accomplish is a three click Toggle. 1st click = addClas('one'); 2nd click = removeClass('one').addClass('two'); 3rd click = removeClass('two').addClass('three'); next click would ==...

Hide Then Remove a Jquery Draggable Div

Hello, I'm using Jquery for some draggable divs in Drupal, and it all works great. I just need to be able to close the div / box when it's not needed anymore. Here's my code: <?php drupal_add_js(' $(document).ready(function() { $(".cc-drag").draggable({ stack: ".cc-drag", axis: "x" }); }); $(".cc_close").click(function () { ...

How to make the accordion dynamic ?

Hi, I'm using accordion to set some properties. Each header represents a property. Currently, I have included all the properties. But now I want the accordion to be dynamic depending on the selected element. For example, if I have selected a DIV, only the properties for the DIV can be clicked and edited. The other properties which are no...

jQuery UI sortable doesn't support floating divs?

Hi! I'm having a strange problem, that I've been trying to solve for too long. I hope you guys could help. I have floating DIVs that I want to sort with jquery-ui-sortable. All goes well if I don't use a placeholder, but when I use one strange behaviour happens when the placeholder is in the top row on the last position. Here's the ex...

Why is the CSS class and jQuery getting stuck when moving the cursor quickly over targeted selector when using .hover(), .addClass() & .removeClass()?

I created an h1 element that gets a class added to it and removed from it with a duration of 300ms when the mouse hovers over and off of it's containing DIV #logo using jQuery's .hover() method in concert with jQuery UI's .addClass() and .removeClass() methods. It works splendidly but only when the user hovers over #logo and stops to w...

jQuery smooth mouse tracking

I have my object tracking the mouse using the onmousemove event. But I would like to make it smooth. I'm sure this can't be difficult in jQuery but I'm not finding any really good resources. One idea I had was to simply use the animate function and calculating the offsets that I want to move to. Then if the mouse moves again before the ...

Having trouble with jQuery dialog height

I can't seem to get the dialog to open to the height I want, I can see the title bar, but don't get the content until I expand the dialog with my mouse My Code http://jsfiddle.net/Uu2G4/3/ <div id="ImageDialog" style="display:none;height:500px;" class="ImageDialog ui-dialog"> <div style="height:500px;"> This is making me cr...

Iphone-web, jQuery: How can i make slider on web page to slide as the user slides finger on slider?

Anybody do something like that? ...

Keep focus on input when tab-selecting a jQuery autocomplete entry

http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/ Basically my issue is that when the user uses the tab key to select an item, the next form field gets the focus, but unless the input is empty, I want the focus to stay on the input. $('.ui-autocomplete').keypress(function(event) { if(event.keyCode == '9') { // Tab console.log('test')...

jQuery UI datepicker range

Check out this datepicker here: http://destinationtravel.com/sunriver/ Basically you can select the start date and end date right after each other. I want to mimic this using the jQuery UI date picker. I've seen this, but that has 2 separate datepickers that simple select a start and end date not combining it into one date picker show...

how to resizing datepicker?

dear all.. i have jQuery Datepicker inside my form. my problem is after i have clicked inside textfield, the datepicker shows too big. how to resize the datepicker? ...

Fancybox close point is not centered on the X button

I am finding that when closing the popup window that the close button is not actually the close point... I am having to click just below left of the X button to actually get it to close even extending into the picture itself. So basically the center of teh X button is not clsoing the window... Anybody have any ideas on this? I am using V...

how to set the show position of datepicker?

dear i have a datepicker inside my form. after i click the textfield, datepicker show to up(reverse with drop down). how do i do if i want to show datepicker dropdown not dropup? ...

jquery code not working( for alert).........

I had a problem wirh my jquery code.My code work well except the alert part in IF condition. $('#datepicker').datepicker({ onSelect: function(dateStr) { var url = 'GetExchangeRate'; var sellingRateValue; var buyingRateValue; $('#Duedate').val(dateStr); $.post(url, { dateToGet: dateStr }, ...