
jQuery ui dialog removes div

I have a table and within the first <td> is a hidden <div>. I want to show the div using a jQuery ui dialog which I have the following code example tr <tr> <td> <div id="subscriberNote" style="display: none;"> long message text........ </div> long mess... </td> <td> <a id="not...

How to check whether a clone of an element exists in the document -- Jquery/JavaScript

I have some draggable elements in the DOM, which if dropped become draggable disabled. Now there can be only one element in the droppable at a time. So if the user drags another draggable and drops it, the previous dropped element must get removed from the droppable and the currently dragged element must replace it in the droppable. How ...

jquery UI problem sending string extracted from ui.item object

I have 2 sortable, connected lists with pics: Album and Favorites. When I drag and item from Album -> Favorites I want to check if it's already in the Favorites list. If it is, do NOT accept it (maybe disable sorting or something?) If it is not, clone the item back to the original index in Albums (connected sortable lists do only move it...

Prevent Jquery autocomplete options from closing after each selection

I am using Jquery UI's autocomplete for multiple selectable values. All is good except the list of options closes after each selection. I would like the options to stay open until the user decides they are done making selections. I have looked through the documentation and I don't see any way to keep the options open. Any ideas? <meta c...

jQuery dialog erratic behaviour

I am having a problem with some jquery dialog code. The window opens ok the first time and if I submit the form, it returns the message in the div. However, if after closing the dialog, I open it again, it still retains the message and has not cleared. Also, when I press the submit button, it will open the php page twice. It seems to do ...

What is the best way to disable the snapTolerance on the right side and bottom side of a JQuery draggable object (UI 1.7.2)?

What I would like to do is disable the snapTolerance the right and bottom sides of a JQuery draggable object. The following code seems to control the snapTolerance of draggable objects when I set snapMode to 'inner'. My initial thought is to override this portion of the code somehow but, I don't know how to do the override. Or, perhaps,...

Force jQuery UI autocomplete to move?

Hey I'm using autocomplete from jQuery UI on my website, and it's working fine, but I'm redesigning the system, so I need to make this one change. Currently, the autocomplete opens on the bottom of the input. However, I can't force it to a custom position, neither with jQuery or CSS. I've tried this: $('#search').autocomplete('wid...

How to detect changes to a table using JQuery

I have a table which always updates by clicking on another link. This link has ajax functionality which is created by serverside API at run time and JQuery has no control over this link. Now whenever this link changes table, I want to call a function by JQuery, how do I do that? ...

jQuery Explode changes fonts while exploding, how do I stop this?

Go to http://hartford.uconn.edu/scholarships/ click on any name, then click on "close" button which will show you that while "exploding" the fonts change from default "Trebuchet MS/ Trebuchet" to "Times New Roman". I have tried defining body {font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet;} and defining other classes and change jQuery widget clas...

Display modal form before user leaves page

I've used window.onbeforeunload to display a custom message when a user attempts to leave a site. Example: window.onbeforeunload = function(){ if(some_condition){ return "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\nAll unsaved changes will be lost."; } }; +--------------------------------------------------------+ ...

Not possible to update individual elements within an open jQuery UI dialog?

I'm creating a dialog to show the status of a long running process. Basically, I want to create the dialog, and update the contents as the long running process executes. I'm still pretty new to jQuery/jQuery UI, so I'm probably doing something dumb, but I don't understand why the following does not work: function updateStatus() { ...

Using jQuery UI Dialog, how can I load content from another webpage?

The title says everything exept one thing: I dont want to add a <div id="something"></div> in the body of my webpage. I found this on the internet: var $mklib = $('<div></div>') .html('test') .dialog({ title: "Create a library", autoOpen: false, show: "fade", hide: "fade",...

Mysterious 'File does not exist' error (in code unrelated to any kind of file IO) in global.asax

I'm getting a 'File does not exist' error. In my ASP.NET app. This is a strange one, though. Firstly, there is no file IO code anywhere around - I'm not doing anything with any files when it occurs. Also, it's happening on the very last closing curly brace of the Application_Error() method in global.asax (that's the one you put code i...

class for jquery ui datepicker button

I have the following code for the jQuery UI datepicker: $(function() { $(".date").datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonText: "Choose Date", dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); }); It creates a button on the side of the text box so people can click the box and select a date. Is it possibl...

customizing jquery accordion ui

Hi I'm using the jquery ui accordion. I've been trying to figure out how to (in addition to the usual accordion function) if I click an outside link it'll act as an anchor tag and also slide the div up show the content? <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryui.com/ui/jquery.ui.core.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/ja...

A Good jQuery drop shadow plugin?

In my spare time am trying to learn javascript & jQuery. I generally experiment on a website. I want to achieve a faint shadow-effect when some element appears on the page. This gives - This appears as if the element is above other elements on the page. and makes this new element something important to look at. How can I get this us...

Error in ScriptResource.axd: "Object of type 'Sys.Extended.UI.AccordionBehavior' cannot be converted to type 'Sys.UI.Behavior'

I have an asp.net web site where I'm trying to resolve what looks like a problem with ASP.NET AJAX: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentTypeException: Object of type 'Sys.Extended.UI.AccordionBehavior' cannot be converted to type 'Sys.UI.Behavior'. Parameter name: instance I've googled around a lot, and looked ...

Draggable jQuery UI elements using wrong start position when browser is scrolled?

I have been using jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.5 to create draggable elements that revert back to their original position. There is a problem though; when you've scrolled the browser window the start position will be changed to start somewhere higher. It looks like an absolute position is used but the amount that has been scrolled is n...

jQuery: Add ui-close button to resizable/draggable ?

How can I add a close button to a draggable/resizable div? I understand that I am essentially describing a dialog, but I have to be able to take advantage of a few of the properties of resizable/draggable (such as containment) that are not a part of dialog. Any ideas? ...

jQuery UI dialog box - positioning

This may be due to my ignorance but when using jQuery UI dialog boxes, how do I ensure that the dialog box moves in relation to the way the browser gets scrolled horizontally and vertically. We have an application that has a lot of horizontal text boxes on it and to see them all, a user would have to scroll horizontally. If no scrollin...