
Does the jquery Droppable hoverClass work in Internet Explorer?

I can't seem to get it to work. It works fine in Firefox, but in IE nothing happens when the droppable has an item held over it. I tried using the hoverClass, and also tried just manually changing the class in "over" and "out" events. Both methods work in Firefox, but not IE. Is there a work-around for IE? over: function(ev, ui) { $(t...

Object doesn't support this method for jquery ui draggable in IE

When i try to execute the following code am getting the error in IE like. Object doesn't support this property or method <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery", 1); google.load("jqueryui", "1.5.3"); $(document).ready(function() { $("#main-dialog").draggable(); }); </scrip...

jQuery: Creating a circular slider

You may have seen Javascript sliders before: http://dev.jquery.com/view/tags/ui/1.5b2/demos/ui.slider.html What I'm envisioning is a circular slider. It would consist of a draggable button at one point on the circle -- and that button can be dragged anywhere along the ring. The value depends on what position the button is at (think of ...

Show parents element's item

Lets say we have something like: <div class="row"> <div class="box"> <a class="more" href="#more"/> </div> <div class="hidden"> stuff </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="box"> <a class="more" href="#more"/> </div> <div class="hidden"> stuff ...

jQuery UI: Best way to load HTML markup?

What's the best way to load HTML markup for a custom jQuery UI widget? So far, I've seen elements simply created using strings (i.e. $(...).wrap('<div></div>')) which is fine for something simple. However, this makes it extremely difficult to modify later for more complex elements. This seems like a fairly common problem, but I also kn...

Has anyone fixed the jQuery dialog button format in IE6 while using a Themeroller'ed theme?

I used Themeroller to generate an app theme and I am using jQuery and jQuery UI to create some modal dialog alerts. They work fine (and look great) on Firefox 2 and 3, but the buttons are shifted to the right on IE 6 and 7. It looks like it's being bitten by the IE margin bugs, but I wanted to see if there was an easy fix before digging ...

How to change css from javascripts

Hi Guys, How can I change CSS from javascripts. Im using JQUERY (Dialog) and I want to change the style of a DIV from javascript. Thanks ...

jQuery UI Dialog Box - Close Function

Hi Guys, I have a problem with the jquery-ui dialog box. The problem is that when I close the dialog box and then I click on the link that triggers it, it does not pop-up again unless I refresh the page. How can I call the dialog box back without refreshing the actual page. Have a look: $(document).ready(function() { $('#showTerms'...

JQuery UI datepicker in Asp.Net MVC

I have tried to use some of the widgets in JQuery UI on an Asp.Net MVC site without luck. For example the basic datepicker from jQuery UI - functional demos. I have created a simple MVC project and added the script references in Site.Master like this: <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <sc...

How to limit days available in jquery ui date-picker

I need to limit the jquery ui date picker to only have future Tuesdays and Thursdays as selectable days. How can I accomplish this? ...

jQuery UI datepicker doesn't work in IE7

I've have finally got the datepicker to work on my MVC demo site. One thing though it doesn't work when browsing with IE7, I havn't testet with IE6 yet. Does anyone know how to fix this problem or can't I use jQuery if I want IE users to be able to pick dates? It works like a charm on Safari and Firefox, except for it's position when dr...

Facebook Connect, jQuery UI, and jQuery.noConflict()

I'm trying to build a page on my personal website that both used jQuery and implements Facebook Connect. Unfortunately, the Facebook client API uses the $ token, which means I have to call jQuery.noConflict() Double-unfortunately, I've found out that for some crazy reason and as Rick Strahl points out, jQuery UI doesn't respect noConli...

Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog

I'm developing an ASP.Net MVC site and on it I list some bookings from a database query in a table with an ActionLink to cancel the booking on a specific row with a certain BookingId like this: My bookings <table cellspacing="3"> <thead> <tr style="font-weight: bold;"> <td>Date</t...

jQuery UI dialog doesn't show in IE7

I've finally got the datepicker to work on my MVC demo site and also the dialog. I still have a few issues: the dialog doesn't show in IE7 so when I click a link where a confirm dialog is supposed to appear it just removes the row without showing the dialog. It works great in Firefox3 and Safari. Please try for yourself on my Demo sit...

jQuery UI - a swap function that hides and unhides elements by selector

Preface: I have jQuery and jQuery UI included on a page. I have this function defined: function swap(sel) { if (1 == 1) { $(sel).hide('drop',{direction:'left'}); } } How do I fix the (1 == 1) part to test to see if the element is already hidden and then bring it back if it is. I'm sure this is easy,...

Response.Redirect with # anchor, does not work in IE7

Response.Redirect(string.Format("myprofile.aspx?uid={0}&result=saved#main",user.UserID)); said code translates to IE7 - myprofile.aspx?uid=933fdf8e-1be0-4bc2-a269-ac0b01ba4755&result=saved FF- myprofile.aspx?uid=933fdf8e-1be0-4bc2-a269-ac0b01ba4755&result=saved#main why does IE7 drop my anchor? edit: I should mention I am using thi...

Resize jquery UI dialog with JS?

Even better would be if autoResize in latest branch would work as intended, but till then the question is simlpe: how to resize a dialog once it is created? ...

Jquery load page questions

I am relatively new to using JQuery and would like to use the load method to pull in content into my page as the site I am hosting with does not support any server side scripting. I want to to be able to run more JQuery on the pages that are being pulled in (via the load method) such as the accordian in the UI library. How would I get ...

jQuery UI Tabs - How to Select a Tab on Hover

Using the jQuery UI Tabs component, is it possible to select new tabs on hover instead of when clicking on them? I found an example here, but this does not seem to work with the latest (stable) versions of jQuery and jQuery UI tabs. Finally, one of the developers mentions that this will be an option in Tabs 3, which has since been rele...

JQuery resizable with a knob

I am using JQuery Resizable - http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Resizable/resizable#options - and i want to use a knob instead of the borders (my knob is a button in the bottom right). I see that in options I have a KnobHandles, that I have to set to true. Where do I set my handle? I tried to set it in the handles option but it is not working. M...