
jQuery UI Selectable with user content inside list item

I have ASP.NET MVC application that has list with jQuery Selectable list. My problem is that selecting items doesn't work very well if I have images (or other content) inside. I would like to have whole content to be selectable, not just the image. Does someone know how to accomplish that? To get the idea I have attached an image where ...

show/hide a link if certain jquery ui tab is selected.

When #my-text-link is clicked, i need to select tab 5 and when tab 5 is selected i need to hide #my-text-link. hope this makes sense, heres the code, and also what I have done so far, please feel free to show me a better way. Thanks in advance var $tabs = $('.tabbed').tabs(); // first tab selected $('#my-text-link').click(fu...

Different Rendering of SimpleModal on IE7 and Chrome

Hey Guys I tried out Simple Modal for my modal dialog needs. The jQuery $(function() { $('#showDialog').click(function() { $('<div><p> Click Here! </p></div>').modal({ overlayClose: true, opacity: 30 }) }); }); The CSS was as follows: #simplemodal-overla...

Having Many Problems with Jquery UI 1.8.1 Dialog.js

Hi I been using the jquery ui for quite a while now. This is the first time using 1.8 though and I am not sure why but it seems to me this plugin has taken steps backwards. I never had so much difficulty to use the Jquery UI as I am having now. First the documentation is out of date. Dependencies * UI Core * UI Draggable (Option...

bing maps in jquery dialog context menu

I have a main form, which has button. By clicking on this button JQuery Dialog will shown. And contains of this dialog is a javascript bing map (using VEMAP object). So there are different js documents. How can I create a context menu for bing map, opening in jquery dialog? Thanks! ...

Conditional If statements within jQueryUI's options?

I have a JavaScript function that I'm passing an argument to, that opens a jQueryUI Dialog. I want the dialog to have either one or two buttons, based on the value of the argument. How should I do this? So far I've tried: function foo(hasFile) { $('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: { Close: function() { $(this).dialog...

How to trigger a postback using JQuery Droppable plugin ?

Hi, This is my script for the draggable and droppable <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $(".Source li").draggable({ appendTo: "body", helper: "clone", revert: "invalid" }); $(".Destination ").droppable({ activeClass: "ui-state-default", ...

Jquery draggable persistence either through mysql or saving cookie in the database?

I want to know that how can I persist the divs dropped on a draggable. I have been trying since long but stuck at this point. Actually you can see the demo here. I have to save the user designed wedding floor. So whenever user logins next time he/ she is able to see the last design saved. The code is shown below: ...

scrollTo inner div only

I have a page with two scroll bars. I am using the scrollTo jquery plugin to jump to other areas on the same page. The problem is I only want the inner div to scrollTo and the outer div to remain at the top of the screen. Development site link click here This is the script $(".jump > li").click(function() { var qu = $(this).attr("...

Can we have any Blackout dates using JQuery UI Datepicker plugin on ASP.NET MVC Page?

Hi I am wondering if we can have block any specific dates from Jquery UI DatePicker? For Example, if we want to block all dates till tomorrow, we specify as below. $("#UsageDate").datepicker({ minDate: +1 }); Similarly, I want to block Weekends and few official days from my Holidays Schedule(For example, May 31, Nov 27th and Dec 25...

jquery nested sortable

I have been using NestedSortabe from b-hind and found it quite useful until I upgraded to latest jquery and jquery-ui I guess they changed the way mouse events are handled or something to that effect. Point it the nestedSortable doesn't work any longer. So my question is tri fold does anyone know if the folks at jquery have implement...

JQuery UI Sortable

Can someone please help me with this one: When using UISortables where - and how do I put "serialize" into the JQuery function? I have 4 columns class '.columm' and each wit a unique id - col1,col2,col3 & col4. I can get the drag & drop bit to work I now need to put the "final" positions into a serialized array. Here is my code: $("...

jQuery UI sortable: how to emulate the 'beforeStart' event?

Hi guys, im using the jQuery UI sortable plugin for sort some tall fieldsets (~300px height). My goal is to hide the main content of that fieldset, keeping visible just the legend tag (that is actually the sortable handler)... the problem is that, as you can see in the standard events of the sortable plugin, there is the beforeStop but ...

jQuery DatePicker UI regional Default - how to set based on condition

I am aware that we can localize datepicker using $(selector).datepicker($.datepicker.regional['fr']); However can we do something like if a user passes in a value that's not supported by the datepicker regional, then automatically shift to the default language Something like: if(datepicker.regional does not support the language) ...

jQuery-UI Draggables Question

I am using jQuery-ui *draggable()*, and overall, works fine. Issue I am having is when either a form button or field, or flash video is inside the draggable div area -- and the drag event does not fire when use mouses over those elements to try and drag the draggable() div. What I need (I think) is something like what the iframeFix par...

Jquery UI Tabs remembers the position of current tab? Is there a way to disable this?

JQuery UI Tabs remembers the current selected tab when we navigate from the current page and come back to the previous one (use anchor links for such page transfer) Is there any way I could disable the feature that makes the tabs to remember their current position? I checked the JQueryUI documentation for tabs but could not find where it...

Jquery UI autocomplete event change

Hi I got a problem with change event. By documntation there should be object ui.item After an item was selected; ui.item refers to the selected item. Always triggered after the close event. But when I try it ui.item is undefined :( I want unset s_town_id when input in autocomplete doesn't match with data from script. Thx for any h...

jquery jquery-ui sortable array

Can someone please help me with this one: I am reposting this just in case people have missed it and or to see if UI Sortables is something beyond most people - so I apologise in advance: After considerable research on the BigG, posting here there and everywhere I am still no nearer finding or getting an answer or even seeing something...

jQuery UI datepicker will not display - full code included

I am having trouble displaying the jQuery datepicker as shown here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/ I believe I downloaded all of the proper files, but to be certain, I started from scratch and ripped the demo site. Not all of it, but what I believed to be the important parts. The result is no datepicker to be shown and no javas...

How to select a dynamic datepicker instance in order to extend it with jQuery

I'm trying to control positioning of a jQuery datepicker element. I like the solution offered at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1818670/how-to-control-positioning-of-jqueryui-datepicker for overriding the _checkOffset fn: $.extend(window.DP_jQuery.datepicker,{_checkOffset:function(inst,offset,isFixed){return offset}}); However, t...