
JQuery duplicate alerts on update? why?

I have this JQuery function - that nearly works (so far!) BUT the alerts are duplicated, each appears twice any clues/ideas please $(function() { $("#col1, #col2, #col3").sortable({ connectWith: '.column', update : function () { serial = $('#col1').sortable('serialize'); serial1 = $('#col2').sortable('serialize'); serial2 = $('#col3').s...

How do you use the jQuery UI Datepicker with MVC's Html.TextBoxFor?

I am using Model binding with the Entity Framework and have an Html.TextBoxFor(model =>model.date) input. I know how to tell jQuery how to implement a datepicker but not in this context. What would I need to add here to have a calendar popup when the user enters this field? ...

jquery ui-effects-wrapper causing havoc

Hi all, I am using jquery-ui and at some point I use the show and hide functions quite heavily to animate changing images coming in and out. From some reason, after a few tries all of a sudden the controls on my page stop responding to clicks. After a bit of poking arround using firebug I discovered my page is filled with div's of the ...

Jquery Tab link to another tab from content within a tab

I'm using the JQuery tabs plugin. I'd like to link content within tab 1 to take me to tab 3 instead of having to click Tab 3 to get to it. How do I do this? @redsquare... So, i modified it based on your suggestion that way I can make all the tabs interact with each other. This change works, thanks again, so I guess I'm wondering if the...

Alternatives to trigger('mouseup') to stop dragging programmatically

As it seems like I have found a bug in jquery: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2916152/jquery-draggable-throws-error-when-mouseup-is-triggered Can I get some advice on how to implement the following functionality without using the trigger? I want to be able to stop an element to be dragged when a condition has been reached, I have bee...

JavaScript Drag and Drop Grid With Elements of Different Sizes.

I need to be able to drag and drop boxes of differing dimensions on the same grid. JQuery UI seems to offer 80% of what I'm after particularly the sortable grid the have on their demo page. The only problem is that this grid only works with boxes of identical dimensions. My requirement is to be able to have the same functionality but ...

Call jquery datepicker from link and send the date through a post call

Hi all, I need to make the datepicker show when I click on a link and then send the selected date to a different page through a post call. T tried to use this code for the link call: $(".click-on-link").click(function(){ $('#datepicker').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/y...

Jquery draggable with zoom problem

I am working on a page in witch all its contents are scaled by using zoom. The problem is that when I drag something in the page the dragging item gets a bad position that seems relative to the zoom amount. To solve this I tried to do some math on the position of the draggable component, but seems that even tho visually its corrected, t...

jQuery accordion: is there a way to make the scrollbar fit the displayed panel?

I have a jQuery accordion (jQuery 1.3.2, jQuery UI 1.7.2), with between 3-12 content panels. Some of the content panels are large, and have lots of content. some are small, and have only a little. When I expand any of them, the scrollbar on the div containing the accordion (it's got css overflow: auto;) is set as if the largest of the...

How to pass a parameter to jQuery UI dialog event handler?

I am currently trying to hook up jQuery UI dialog so that I may use it to create new items to my page and to modify ones existing already on the page. I managed in the former. I'm currently struggling in the latter problem, however. I just cannot find a nice way to pass the item to modify to the dialog. Here's some code to illustrate th...

Why can't I put a jquery-ui progressbar inside a div with fixed position?

I started the source from this progressbar example, and it works fine. My only change was to set the width of the progressbar to "20%". <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax...

JQUERY, highlight text, and drag & drop it in a DIV which captures it

I'd like a user to be able to highlight a select of text and be able to drag and drop the text selection into a DIV. The DIV would be binded to be able to capture the text that was dropped. Any ideas on how to make this happen? Thanks ...

jquery sortable with regexp

I am trying to figure out the right regexp to match on list item id's. For example: <ul id="MyList" class="connectedSortable"> <li id="id=1-32">Item 1</li> <li id="id=2_23">Item 2</li> <li id="id=3">Item 3</li> <li id="id=4">Item 4</li> <li id="id=5">Item 5</li> <li id="id=6">Item 6</li> </ul> On the serialize...

Does Jquery UI Dialog Destroy event remove the html too?

Hi I have a dialog that displays a form. When they save or close the dialog I call up the jquery dialog destroy method. However I am not clear if it removes the html div. From the description I would not think so Remove the dialog functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state. However when ...

jquery ui Modal w/ checkbox opening another modal for confirmation Check in checkbox disappearing

I have a jquery ui modal loaded with checkboxes. some checkboxes have an event click associated with them depending what their class value is. the click event will open another modal dialog for confirmation. the checkbox fires the click event as expected, but the checkbox does not stay checked on the original modal dialog. I have v...

How do I disable the button wrapper for jquery-ui-datepicker?

See this sample page. The icon I want to be using is this: The icon, as shown on the page, looks like this: How can I make DatePicker use my original icon without modifications? ...

Add autoFill capabilities to jQuery-UI 1.8.1

here's what I currently have, unfortunately I cannot seem to figure out how to get autoFill to work with jQuery-UI... It used to work with the straight up Autocomplete.js <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery...

datepicker common options but different altField altFormat

Using jquery-ui datepicker I would like to use altField and altFormat to 2 datepickers on the same page but I can't figure out how to add these 2 options which are specific to each datepicker along with my common set of options. Code sample below. #dt1 does not work, but #dt2 works. How can I get #dt1 to work while using the datepicker...

How to close jQuery Dialog within the dialog?

Hello, How to close jQuery Dialog within the dialog without using the close button? Inside the ui dialog is a simply form request and if a successful submission occurs, then the ui dialog automatically closes and refreshes the parent page. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#form...

Jquery Check if Paragraph is empty

Hi, I would like to check if my paragraph tag is empty using Jquery. Meaning without content. $(function() { $("#popupdialog").dialog(); }); HTML <div id="popupdialog"> <p></p> </div> Separate Instants. <div id="popupdialog" title="Basic dialog"> <p>This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information. The ...