
Focus element inside iframe when iframe attached to Jquery Dialog

Hi, I have a iFrame which i load into jquery dialog. I want to focus an element inside the iFrame whenever the Jquery Dialog is being opened. Here is the code i am using to attach iframe to Dialog. $("<div id=\"srch" + options.winId + "\" title=\"" + options.windowTitle + "\" style=\"padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:0px...

re-trigger the same tab index event

Hi, i am using Jquery UI tabs , to trigger show event i use following statement $tabs.tabs('select',1); after this code executes a tab is set to #tabs-1 but i am failed to re trigger the same event on same tab when #tabs-1 is already shown. so how to re-trigger the same tab event. ...

Howto serialize multiple Lists with Jquery

I have 3 sortable UL's and a simple jquery/javascript <ul class="sortable" id="menu1"> <li id="id_1">whatever</li> <li id="id_2">you</li> </ul> <ul class="sortable" id="menu2"> <li id="id_3">wanne</li> <li id="id_4">put</li> </ul> <ul class="sortable" id="menu3"> <li id="id_5">in</li> <li id="id_6">here</li> </ul> $(function() { $(...

JQUERY, div with a fixed height (with a scrollbar) how to animate until it grows to no longer need a scroll bar?

JQUERY, div with a fixed height (with a scrollbar) how to animate until it grows to no longer need a scroll bar? I have a div on a page with a CSS height:200px setting, which makes the DIV have a vertical scroll bar, which allows the user to scroll through a bunch of text. I would like to animate the DIV to expand in height until all c...

jQuery plugin for Facebook "Like" Button

On lots of sites now, you can see a Facebook "Like" Button. - When depressed, it changes background color. - When mouse-overed, it allows you to write some additional text I love this interface - lightweight action, but allow for expression of more data if the user wants to. Anyone has written a similar plugin? UPDATE: See: http:/...

JQuery UI Dialog Not Obeying Position Option On Open

My code, used to work, but I recently updated jquery-ui to 1.8 and jquery to 1.4 because some things weren't working. Once I did that, those things started working, however, now I notice this one dialog is positioning itself top-center, instead of middle-center. Let me explain the code a bit first. The code queries an AJAX request every...

jquery mouseover animation jumping

Hi all, I have a table which is looped in <li>. On mouseover each row, there will be a border shown, and the row id="resFunc" will be displayed. However, in IE, the animation jumps up and down. Anyone has similar experience or solution to solve this? Thanks in advance! <div id="resDetails" align="left"> <table width="400px"...

jquery javascript error using $(...) selector

Hi, I'm migrating some old code to jquery: xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) { $("#" + ajaxArea).html (xmlHttp.responseText); $("#" + ajaxArea).attr('title', 'Login'); $("#" + ajaxArea).dialog({ height : 140, modal : true }); } }; where ajaxArea is the ID of a DIV in the...

Form action with #hashtag not working in internet explorer

I am using jquery-ui tabs and I've set it up to select the correct tab depending on the #hash from the requested URL. I have a form which performs a search, and each tab present the result from different providers. so if the form is submitting to the action "/myAction#tab1", when the results load, the corresponding tab gets selected. Th...

Is there a way to force a user to select an autocomplete value before they can submit the form?

I am using the jqueryui autocomplete feature to allow the user to select their location. I need to make sure they select a location from the autocomplete before they can submit the form. I don't want them to be able to submit the form before they select a value. My solution is after they submit make sure that the value found is in the...

how to precompile a jquery ui autocomplete widget?

Hello, I have a jquery ui autocomplete widget in a form and I'd like to preselect its value from a database. My autocomplete works in the following way: the id is a number, tha label and the value are the same and are a concatenation of id + " - " + description. When a value from the autocomplete is selected, a hidden field's value is se...

Anyone know of a decent editable combo box plugin?

I'm seeing a couple online but the sites that these guys have look like crap so I don't know if I want to use their plug-ins. If you USE an editable combo box in your web app and you LIKE the plugin then post it here. Please explain why you chose it over other plugins. Edit: Bonus points for anyone who is using it with Rails and can sh...

Jquery UI Dialog - when opened IE7 Browser moves instantly to the bottom of the page

Hello, i have been working on a new .net MVC site and have integrated some of the awesome jquery UI components. ive been testing it in IE8, FF, opera and Chrome and all looks well. Once I test in IE7, surprisingly its the dialogs that are causing a problem. basically what’s happening is that one you user clicks to open a dialog the pa...

jQuery Selectable - deselect single element by clicking - is this possible?

I would like to be able to deselect a selected item by clicking or using lasso, just like in Photoshop where I keep another key down to "deselect" parts of an existing selection. Is this possible? As I understand "jQuery UI selectable". There is only "single click" with or without CTRL to add multiple and then the quick lasso. I am tr...

jQuery multiple themes on one page

This is driving me NUTS! I've followed the post here which just doesn't seem to be working: http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/using_multiple_jquery_ui_themes_on_a_single_page/ I have a base theme, for examples sake it's the Smoothness theme from the jQuery UI gallery. Then I have a 'red' theme which basically colours the buttons red. Her...

Determining selected state of jQuery Buttons

I've got two radio buttons in a .net page which are being transformed to jQuery buttons a la http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/#radio When the page is loaded I have button 2 as checked. When clicking the buttons I'm firing the postback event. Problem is you can click on that button that is selected by default on the initial load i.e. But...

jQuery Autocomplete & jTemplates - handling response

Has anyone had any experience with using jTemplates to display autocomplete results. I have the following $("#address-search").autocomplete({ source: "/Address/SearchAddress", minLength: 2, delay: 400, focus: function (event, ui) { $('#address-search').val(ui.item.name); return false; }, parse: func...

jQuery: Need to "refresh" a widget.

I am adapting the Coverflow technique to work with a div. The coverflow function (included as a js file in the head section) is here. When I dynamically add a DIV, it doesn't show up in the coverflow. I am wondering if there is a way to add a destroy function to this js file so that whenever a new div add is added, I can call the destroy...

jquery button click not firing asp.net button

I've got a .net button that has an href attribute value set to javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$cp1$ucInvoiceSearch$btnSearch", "", true, "", "", false, true)) I've got a textbox that when I press enter I want it to fire this event. Doing the 'Enter' event isn't an issue but I can't get the ...

Controlled hyperlink hijaxing

I am working on a web application. I have a data grid with a 'commands' column that has hyperlinks for some common CRUD operations (Edit, Delete, etc). When a user clicks on say the Edit hyperlink, I retrieve the unique identifier for the data grid row and load a modal form dialog (i am using jQuery UI) so the user is able to edit the ...