
jquery fade popupwindow

Hello, I am using the popupwindow plugin for jquery to show a form in a popupwindow. How can I close this window after submitting? This is the link I am talking about. I can open a link in a pupup window. But after submitting I want it to open in its parent window. ...

How to setup default date for jQury inline datePicker?

I'm using this jQuery inline datePicker plugin sample but I don't know how to set up default date selected. Do you have any idea? ...

What is the best way to check if the currently selected option in a dropdown list is the last one?

I have a drop-down list and I've bound a change event handler to it. Whenever the user selects a new option, I want to know if it is the last option of the list. Annoyingly, the relevant condition in the snippet below always returns true, no matter which option has been selected: sel.change(function() { //this alwa...

Debugging JS events with firebug

I need to set a breakpoint to certain event, but I don't know, where is it defined, because I've got giant bunch of minimized JS code, so I cant find it manually. Is it possible to somehow set a breakpoint to for example click event of #registerButton, or find somewhere which function is bound to that event? I found Firefox addon Javas...

jquery accordion change event missing newContent

Hi there, I'm using jQuery UI accordion for the first time and I think I'm missing something here. I wrote the following code: <div id="theAccordion"> <h2><a href="#">Header1</a></h2> <div>old content 1</div> <h2><a href="#">Header2</a></h2> <div>old content 2</div> <h2><a href="#">Header3</a...

Why won't this Javascript Function Work?

I have a JavaScript function that is not working now that I put in a new one under it. Here is what is in the head of my document. <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="9j3nz/style.css" type="text/css"> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="processing.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function isNumberKe...

Combining form validation and closing the popup window?

How can I make sure that the window doesn't close before the form is valid and properly submited? Because now it closes the popup and nobady knows if the form was valid. Because even iff there are errors the form is immediately closed. $(document).ready(function(){ $(".requestPassword").hide(); $(".popupwindow").popupwindow(pro...

Sending values with jQuery's Get function

I am currently coding something to check my database to check for duplicate errors. It is a form and I am having the following function check for duplicate values using jQuery.get. function makeAjaxRequest() { $("label#bad_error").hide(); $("label#good_error").hide(); $("label#checkingdb_error").show(); $.get(url,{sheetnum...

class or ID

Duplicate: Cascading style sheets use “id” or “class” CSS: are class and id interchangeable? div class vs id CSS: div id VS. div class Sometime, when i like to make a selection a add an ID (unique) to something (images) and i used jquery to do domething when hover or clic. But the same thing can be done with cl...


I would like to use jQuery's load function I can write : $('#somediv').load('somefile.html #aSpecificDivinThatPage'); Now I would like to have a variable as the source div in the html page, how do i write that out ? ...

Need some simple explanation about dialog in jquery ?

I just started to learn jquery and JavaScript so i can implement it with my current asp.net project. However i have a hard time to grasp the idea how to make a dialog that will show up when user attempt to push delete button and then if user chose button "Yes" it will go for the delete function in code behind of asp.net or if user chose ...

How do I select only the elements who coincide with the exact path?

I use the following expression to select all the links in this "path": $J('#leftmenu li div a") The problem is that inside i can have the following hierarchy: <ul id="lefmenu"> <li><div><a href="#">foo</a> <ul><li><div><a href="#">subfoo</a> </li>/ul> </li> </ul> Using this expression this selects foo and subfoo. I would like the ...

jQuery Remove Div Based On Content

i would like to remove/hide a li based on the content inside it, is this easy to do? eg. the code below: if span#type has no content then li.grouping should be removed or hidden. <li class="grouping"><span class="desc">Options:</span><br /><span id="type"></span></li> ...

IE Input Select Box

I'm looking for the easiest solution to fixing a problem I have in Internet Explorer (6,7 & 8), be it CSS or using jQuery. I have a SELECT Input with a defined width (because of where it sits in the layout). Because of the defined width select is cut off from showing their full values, unlike in Firefox & Safari where they are automatica...

Reference either of 2 images nested inside a <div> using jQuery

Hi, My DOM looks like: <div id="blah-1"> <div class="class1"> <div class="class11> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <b>blah</b> <a href=""><img src=""></a> </div> </div> </div> I have to change the source of the 1st or sometimes 2nd img. I am using jQuery and don't have a strong handle with selectors just ye...

How do I select the parent node from a child node?

I'm wrote some jquery code to get the click event on the div inside another div like this. <div class="parent"> <div class="values_to_get"> <div class="catch_click_event_here"> </div> </div> </div> So now can someone help me please, I need to get values in the div with class="values_to_get" when I click on the div with cla...

click() assigned in document.ready in jQuery

Do assignments in document.ready (click(fn) specifically) apply to newly appended elements that match the selector? If not, how can I assign it to this new elements? Do I have to write the assignment after every append or is there a better way? ...

Show/Hide Multiple Divs

I am trying to trigger a show/hide of one div at a time. What is happening is that all the divs (.shareLink) are opening at the same time. Below is my jqury: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".shareLink").hide(); $("a.trigger").click(function(){ $(".shareLink").toggle("400"); return false; }); }); Below is my HTML: <dl class="links"...

Asynchronous pageloads - How do you pass parameters to callbacks?

Part of the jQuery/ajax asynchronous callback stuff still has me baffled, and I'm sure it's just because I don’t know javascript well enough. Simplifying the code down as much as possible, this is where I'm stuck: If I create an empty div with an id of "queuediv1" I can fill it with the results of a page method like this. $(document...

Use JQuery to call an asp:linkbutton click function

I have been playing around with a search control and i have noticed that when you try and press enter from within the textbox it submits the form but doesnt click the search button (like i want it to). My markup is: <div> <span>Search</span> <asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" runat="server" Width="170" onkeydown="if ((event.wh...