
jQuery .width(val) error in IE - invalid argument

After loading an internal div (#book_table) via ajax, I want to resize the width of the body to accommodate the larger content. var new_width = parseInt($('#book_table').css('width'))+407; $('body').width(new_width); Works in FF and Safari, but fails in IE with "Invalid argument". In the unpacked jQuery 1.3.1, it's line 1049: elem[ n...

Safari is returning incorrect width using jQuery

Here is the problematic part of my jQuery var tickerWidth = 0; var padding = 10; firstList.find('li').each(function() { $(this).append(' &mdash;'); tickerWidth += $(this).width() + padding; $('body').prepend($(this).width() + '<br />'); }); firstList is a variable that holds an ul elemen...

Is this a correct way to call a javascript function?

Is this the correct way to call my javascript function with jquery? I have spent the last 5 hours trying to figure out why this won't work. <form class="rpt" id="rpt" action=""> $(function() { $("#rpt").submit(doSave); }); </script> Here is the small snippet of code in the javascript wysiwyg editor. I'm still using the exact s...

Is there a version of $getJSON that doesn't use a call back?

I am implementing a callback for a 3rdParty javascript library and I need to return the value, but I need to get the value from the server. I need to do something like this: 3rdPartyObject.getCustomValue = function { return $.getJSON('myUrl'); } getJson uses XMLHttpRequest which (I believe) has both synchronous and asynchronous beh...

jQuery Plugin not working with 1.3

I am using this time-picker plugin. labs.perifer.se/timedatepicker/jquery.timePicker.js It works fine with jquery 1.2. see here. labs.perifer.se/timedatepicker/ but when used with jQuery 1.3 IE is throwing some errors.. like Error: 'jQuery' is undefined. I am using IE 8. ...

jQuery Ajax load function +returning a value other than the HTML

Dear All, I am using the following jQuery code to fill my DIV in the ASPX page var div = $("#divPrice"); div.fadeOut('slow',function(){ div.load("../Lib/handlers/GetPrice.aspx?answers="+queryValues+"&item="+modelId,{ symbol: $("#txtSymbol" ).val() },function() { $(this).fadeIn('slow'); ...

Client-side pagination with jqGrid

I know it's possible to do client-side sorting in jqGrid by setting loadonce = true but is it possible to do client-side paging as well? I want to pass all the data (about 80 pages of JSON) to the client initially during page load and then, I don't want any server calls. I want jqGrid to handle both the paging and sorting. ...

javascript slide slick_accessible_slideshow

hi everyone, i have three div's in an HTML page. the page look like this HTML Page: leftArrow(>) div rightArrow(<) i need to move the div from left to right and right to left. using javascript and DHTMl or JQuery. Is it Possible to Move in that direction ? Thanks & Regards Ravi ...

Use .ascx to render content from ajax call.

Assume I have on a page an article with the possibility to comment it. I have a submit form that submits via ajax and the OnComplete javascript method intercepts the result of the form submit. Each comment is smth like: <div class="text"> <p class="details"> User <a href="http://www.mywebsitehere.com/user/3583/" rel="nofollow" class="f...

Show jScrollPane in Qtip

I use Jscrollpane for my new project. which works great on the page. The page works fine but when it is called inside the qtip, the customized bar disappears. See the customized scroll bar See qtip example (click snowy Owl link): The developer from qtip suggest I shoul...

Applying events to the newly created Divs in JQuery

Hi, I m working in Jquery..Since i m new to JQuery .i m having a doubt tat i have created a DIV inside that DIv i have one label and a Textbox..What i m trying to do is on clicking on that Generated Div , i need to show some existing value... But when i m clicking my DIv i kept an alert to check is that click event working.B...

Help needed for jQuery

I am using jQuery and put this code in my javascript: function HideMe(itemID) { var myDiv = 'item_' + itemID; $(myDiv).fadeOut("slow"); } But its giving me this error: fadeOut is not a function. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance Marc V ...

html & javascript: How to store data referring to html elements

Hello, I'm working on a web application that uses ajax to communicate to the server. My specific situation is the following: I have a list of users lined out in the html page. On each of these users i can do the following: change their 'status' or 'remove' them from the account. What's a good practice for storing information in the pag...

Most useful jQuery plugins

Which are the most useful jQuery plugins you have used. List out one per answer(to rank the best plugins individually), and describe what it does as well. BlockUI - Can block certain elements (or the whole page) during ajax requests. Form Plugin JQueryUI JQuery Validation TableSorter Taconite ...

Jquery Validation Plugin - can you enable "eager" validation from the options?

I'm using the Jquery Validation plugin on a project. By default, the plugin validates input when the submit button is clicked. The behavior is "lazy" in order to be unobtrusive to the user. If an error is found, the validation then becomes "eager" and validates input as the user corrects the offending entries. Is there any way to overr...

What are the basic questions to ask a person who wants his Medium sized website done?

I wanted to know the basic question that a person needs to ask if someone wants his web app done?? It can be UI,platform,crux of the applications and many other things...Please post what one needs to know before starting to work on a app. ...

Custom Parser for JQuery Tablesorter

I'm using the jQuery Tablesorter and have an issue with the order in which parsers are applied against table columns. I'm adding a custom parser to handle currency of the form $-3.33. $.tablesorter.addParser({ id: "fancyCurrency", is: function(s) { return /^\$[\-]?[0-9,\.]*$/.test(s); }, format: function(s) { ...

Jquery + dynamic additional rows in a form

I'm creating a form which dynamically inserts data entered into the form fields into the database as and when anything has been entered. I'm now working on adding dynamic rows to the form (ie. duplicating an existing row if the user needs to add extra information). I've run into two problems. The code i'm using is based on the followin...

How do you close a jQuery Simplemodal?

I want to close a Simplemodal window from a JavaScript function that gets called automatically after a form is submitted and the results recived (AJAX), using ASP.Net MVC. How do I close a jQuery Simplemodal? I've opened it this way: $("#popup").modal() ...

jquery changing innerhtml of a P isn't working

Hi there, I have what I thought was a simple select with jQuery to change some text on a paragraph. It works perfect the traditional way i.e. document.getElementById('message_text').innerHTML = "hello"; But with jQuery it doesn't. I have checked the values of $('#message_text') and sure enough I see the items. $('#message_text').in...