Hi all!
This is embarrassing, but here goes. Here's the page that I'm working on: www.mchenry.edu/administration/BoardSchedule.asp
I'm using jQuery ver. 1.3.1 and I'm putting tiger stripes on the table. All is well. However, I want to insert a FileInfo class after all .pdf file extensions in the document, so users know they are selecti...
I'm working on a web project that is multilingual. For example, one portion of the project involves some custom google mapping that utilizes a client-side interace using jquery/.net to add points to a map and save them to the database.
There will be some validation and other informational messaging (ex. 'Please add at least one point to...
I am writing an application that converts an ajax xml response into
html using client side xslt transformation. The transformation is
achieved using following snippet, which works fine -
if (window.XSLTProcessor){
var xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
I know I can wrap it's .html() in a tag, but the element itself has a dynamically set id, class, etc. How do I get jQuery to return the element's markup including itself?
Let me start off by apologizing for not giving a code snippet. The project I'm working on is proprietary and I'm afraid I can't show exactly what I'm working on. However, I'll do my best to be descriptive.
Here's a breakdown of what goes on in my application:
User clicks a button
Server retrieves a list of images in the form of a data...
I added a captcha to my form and I want to validate this field.
jQuery.validator.addMethod("matchCaptcha", function(value,element) {
return this.optional(element) || value == '#request.strCaptcha#';
#request.strCaptcha# this part simply returns an alphanumeric char something like 'cZk9ljW'
under the rules, i added:
I have an form input element and I want to change it's title attribute. This has got to be easy as pie but for some reason I cannot find how to do this. How is this done and where and how should I be searching on how to do this?
I am using the jQuery Form Plugin with my Rails app. I have a form like this:
<form action="/comments" id="comment_form" method="post">
<textarea cols="60" id="comment_comment" name="comment[comment]" rows="3"></textarea>
<input id="comment_submit" name="commit" type="submit" value="Add comment" />
My application.js file h...
In my page, the datepicker dateFormat option is being set automatically by loading a localized .js file according to the current users's language settings. Elsewhere in the page, I need to format some dates, so I'd like to get the dateFormat option back out of the datePicker.
The jQuery documentation says you can retrieve the dateFormat...
Basically I'd like to bind function A to all inputs. Something like this:
$('input').bind('change', function() { bla bla bla });
And then later I would like to bind something different in addition like this:
$('#inputName').bind('change', function() { do additional processing..});
Is that possible? Does it work? Am I missing the sy...
I have a jQModal window on my site that has its content populated by an Ajax call. It works fine in all of the desktop browsers, but it fails in Mobile Safari on the iPhone.
The overlay and the window itself are displayed on the top of the body of the page, rather than covering the iPhone viewport. If you scroll up, you can see the win...
I want to call a function from within plugin, but the function is on the main page and not the plugin's .js file.
I have jQuery parsing a very large XML file and building, subsequently, a large list (1.1 MB HTML file when dynamic content is copied, pasted, then saved) that has expand/collapse functionality through a plugin. The...
I've made a JQuery function that makes a call to a web service, the web service returns an int but somewhere between the web service returning its value and the JQuery picking it up the data is getting lost. below is my Jquery Function:
//Make a call to a web service to get the latest number of comments for this item
I believe jQuery's :nth-child selector doesn't work inside GreaseMonkey 0.8.
(At the bottom is a quick GM script to test this.)
Why is this?
Is this a known limitation from working inside GreaseMonkey?
Can anyone recommend a way around this?
Also, why is it that some (definitely not all) jQuery queries run much slower inside GreaseMonk...
I'm trying to make a textarea grow when you press enter and shrink when you finish deleting a line. In other words, the textarea remains just big enough to contain the text inside of it, while the text is being edited.
Unless anyone knows a better way to do this, right now I'm doing it with jquery detecting keypresses. It's fairly easy ...
I'm trying to load the inline style content of a remote xhtml page. I used load previously, but that doesn't work because it loads the css inside the body tag. Therefore, I'm trying to append the style to the head tag of my page.
The problem is that I cannot select the style tag using jQuery. Here's my code:
I'm trying to show a tooltip when you hover your mouse on a day in a calendar control.
I'm using the mouseenter/mouseleave event to fadeIn/fadeOut respectively. This works.
However, my problem is since it's a calendar, there will be many days and when I'm moving my mouse across the whole week, the fadeIn/fadeOut (or show/hide) will all...
so i have a simple navbar with a dropdown menu for when a user hovers on the more tab. i want to hide the dropdown menu when the user mouses out of the categories div.
problem is that when the user mouses into a ul li, the dropdown closes. how can i set it so that the function ignores the ul li within the categories div. tried catego...
I have a link that says remove I have hidden the like by
< div id="remove_$id" style="display:none">< /div>
and then i want to be able to roll over a < tr id="$id" > and then remove comes up only for that id and when you roll off it the remove will be hidden I cant get the jquery code right for it to work
Can some one help me please
A very basic question.
I have just installed Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition and was was going to make some use of jQuery.
I heard that jQuery is now supported by Visual Studio, but my question is.
What do I need to do to use it? Is is already included in the VS installation or do I need to download it separately and reference the...