I'm having a hard time figuring out how to run a method on certain elements/nodetypes but not others.
For instance here's some HTML:
<div id="parent">
<div class="subparent">Changing Text
<div class="no-change">Changing Text</div>
<div class="subparent">Changing Text</div>
<div class="child">Changing ...
I am trying to use JSON to populate a div, so I basically run a loop to go through the entire data I get, about 200 records and fill it into a div.
It work great in most browsers, but IE it crawls to the core. Is there some solution to the problem?
Thank you for your time.
I am a big fan of Django Debug Toolbar But what happened is it totally has got Jquery framework being used for all its UI richness. But my application uses Prototypejs. So browser is actually getting confused to execute(or not executing) a couple of methods written by me. So how do I get pass this?
I have created the Form as like
<?php echo $form->create('Result',array('action'=>'submit'));?>
//some input text fields,texarea fields
<?php echo $form->end('submit');?>
In my JQuery code, i have written like,
var str,fields;
function showValues() {
str =...
Hi I had a jquery thickbox modal popup on my application. (iframe)
Everything works great but I want to set the focus to a specific input field.
The Iframe loads a normal aspx page so I thought I'd do a $(document).ready(..focus);
I put that script in the IFrame code
However this does not work. I believe that after the "ready" some o...
Is it possible to avoid having 'NULL' stings on the client when binding JSON data to HTML UI?
I'm using ASP.NET MVC + jQuery + jTemplates. Data is coming from linq-to-sql classes and these classes have quite a lot of nullable properties. When such properties get serialized and transferred back to client I end up with such JSON:
i am using Form plugin of JQuery..
I added the js file of Form plugin.
Already a form is in my code..beforeSubmit alerts the actual form contents correctly,I want to POst this value into my serverside..I tried with the following ,But not working...
My code is
<?php echo $form->create('Result',array('action'=>'submit'));?>
I can't make my div visible with the jquery show() until my function is over! It actually works in IE/FF but not in Chrome. How can I make sure my element is visible before continuing with my function?
Here's my code:
function doOperation(){
I have an asp.net page where the codebehind will generate some anchor tags on the page dynamically .I want to use jQuery tool tip pluggins for those.I want to attach tooltip to those all links.(in my document.ready javascript) .Can anyone tell me how to do it.I have another anchor tags in the page on which i dont want to attach tool tip....
I need to validate a multi-step form. Are there any decent plugins for doing this?
For example:
$(function() {
$('#MoveStep1').click(function() {
#step1 is a field set.
I am using jQuery Tooltip attached to some anchor tags in my page.I have a HTML select box available in the page,When the Tool tip comes over the HTML select,It is showing the underlying select box.I know its is a know issue in IE 6 .But the Pluggins home page says it fixed this issue. ANy idea to escape from this ?
I am using JQuery's Form Plugin.
How can I get the posted value in the cakephp controller?
My code is like this:
<?php echo $form->create('Result',array('action'=>'submit'));?>
//some input text fields,texarea fields
<?php echo $form->end('submit');?>
var options = {
I Have the following function.
function ChangeDasPanel(controllerPath, postParams) {
$.post(controllerPath, postParams, function(returnValue) {
$('#DasSpace').hide("slide", { direction: "right" }, 1000, function() {
i'm using google gadget "rss tabber" http://www.gmodules.com/ig/creator?synd=open&url=http%3A%2F%2Fclingman.org%2Fplatypus%2Fcustomized-rss-feeds.xml&lang=en
I tried to use jquery to force all the link to open in new window but failed. anyone got suggestion how to do this ? force all the link to be open in new windows?
I was looking at jQuery UI code, and I found that every file starts with a construct like this:
;jQuery.ui || (function($) {
My question is: why is there a semicolon before jQuery, and why is the logical OR being done?
I know how to make the intellisense work in a .js file using this "/// <reference path="jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc.js" />" but how to make it work in an aspx file.
I writing some jquery code in the page html itself and want to make the intellisense work there
How to remove a class that has been appended to a div id? Earlier I appended a star to a label,when a checkbox is click.
$("<span class='req'><em> * </em></span>").appendTo("#displayPanel #labelstr"+div_id);
Now,if the same checkbox is clicked again I want to remove that star.
I know there is a remove() option, but what is the proper...
I'm having some trouble with finding the visibility param for JQuery.
Basically... the code below does nothing.
visibility: "visible"
There's nothing wrong with the animate code (I replaced visibility with fontSize and it was fine. I just can't seem to find the correct param name equivalen...
is there a way to delay the "jump" to an anchor tag on page load using ASP.NET and jQuery?
Actual problem is that i have a jQuery-function that on page load hides all divs of a certain class. Now, when i have an anchor tag in the middle of the page, and link to that anchor, when the page loads the "anchor jump" happens before jQ...
I'm working on a calendar page that allows a user to click on a day, and enter an entry for that day with a form that pops up.
I'm no stranger to DOM manipulation with jQuery, but this is something I've done before and I'm beginning to wonder if there's a more efficient way to do this?
Would building the HTML manually within JavaS...