
JQuery add row to table and bind event to last item only

Hi all, I am trying to append a copy of a select menu to the bottom of a table when a selection is made in the last select menu in the list. At this point I'd only like to apply the behaviour to the last select menu in the table. The code below adds in the row to the table but fails to unbind the action successfully, and as a result the ...

Alternative to jQuery ready() for detecting that the page anchor in the URL changes

Does anyone know how to get a page load event to fire if the page anchor in the URL changes, i.e., going from http://mywebsite.com/#test1 to http://mywebsite.com/#test2 when using the Back button? I tried the code at the bottom (the history.navigationMode line along with the ready() function insures that the onload event fires ev...

jQuery translate + toggle, how to link the two?

I'm currently working on a jQuery script that will translate the site's text into a foreign language . I'm utilizing Google Translate API for this. I would like the page to include a link that says En Espanol and when the user clicks on En Espanol, the body of the page gets translated into Spanish with the exception of that link which sa...

How to manually submit a button in asp.net using javascript?

Hi, Using javascript, I want to submit a asp.net button, how can I do this? I know the onclick looks like: javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new .....); I am also weary because the ID of the control can change. ...

Retrieving selected rows from jqGrid

I have jqGrid 3.5 (full) mostly working. I have it retrieving data with the multi-select option on. The one part I can not get to work is getting the selected rows. The docs state: To obtain selected rows we can use getGridParam('selarrrow') method. Using our example we can write this: jQuery("#grid_id").getGridParam('selar...

Manually clicking on a link, but textbox value not being posted back

Hi, I have a search page, you input some text in the input box and click search. It shows you the search results. The search click in just a href tag. I have to perform a search manually sometimes i.e. without the user clicking on the search link. So I did this via jqeury: $("#hrefId").click(); The page posts back fine, but for s...

jQuery help - find span in current table cell and adjacent cell

I have an HTML table on my form. Column 1 contains a dropdown and a hidden span, Column 2 contains a hidden span. I need to show both spans and hide the drop down after a user makes a selection. I have done something similiar in other apps using code like this var ddl_change = function() { var ddl = this; $("lbl1").text(ddl.options[...

Return False Never Works For me With Jquery Submit? What am I doing wrong?

Hi I am trying to stop my form from submitting yet I never can get it work and always end up changing it to a button type. However I want to see if I keep the submit button as is if I can have in my Asp.net mvc application as a FormCollection Paramater. Yet I can't even try really passing in anything until I get it to stop submitting....

Styling the jQueryUI DatePicker

Hello, I am using the jquery datepicker (http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/). The datepicker on the demo page is small and compact. However, when I use the datepicker on my site, the calendar is HUGE. I would estimate that each date is using 12 pt font. How do I get the days to be smaller? ...

Prevent entire php execution on ajax request

I have an ajax script (jquery) that asks index.php to output generated variables. This index.php is also the file where the whole page is generated and initially populated with data. How can I only let the getNewData() function when ajax requests this file. Right now it duplicates the entire page and outputs it so there is two of everyth...

Set Transparency of a DIV and its contents using jQuery

Does anyone know the best way to set the transparency of a DIV and its contents using jQuery? Thank you in advance. ...

Hide/Remove a tag after X seconds with jquery

Hi I am wondering how can I hide/remove a tag after a certain amount of time. Is there some built in thing or do I do use threading(if javascript can do this?) ...

List of good jquery blogs?

I tend to just read the last questions on stackoverflow with the jQuery tag to learn more about jQuery. I'm looking for something more in depth though. ...

How to replace innerHTML of a div using jQuery?

Hi, How could I achieve the following using jQuery, i.e: document.all.regTitle.innerHTML = 'Hello World'; where regTitle is my div id. Thanks. ...

redirect user to current page with some querystring using javascript

Hi, When a person clicks on a link, I want to do this: grab the text from a textbox encode the text redirect to currentpage.aspx?search=textboxvalue I have this so far but its not working: window.location.href = "?search=" + escape( $("#someId").val()); ...

how do i change the theme on my jquery ui date picker

I have been testing and playing around with jquery date picker below. http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/ on this page, you can click on different links and it will change the whole formatting of the datepicker (colors, etc) when i download and test it, its coming up with a theme that i dont like. How can i change the theme on my o...

does jquery date picker allow you to have a picker for date and time

i have seen some hand rolled solutions but does jquery out of the box support a user picking date and time? ...

jqGrid unable to load xml data from server

I'm using jqGrid 3.5.2 and having issue with loading xml file from server side. BTW I have found a similar post arround, but didn't help much though. Here is my client Side code: $(”#list4″).jqGrid({ url:'http://localhost/cgi-bin2/test.pl', datatype: 'xml', mtype: 'GET', height: 400, colNames:['No','Date'], colModel:...

disable some dropdown select controls when a user clicks on a checkbox

i have a time dropdown that shows hour in one select, minutes in another and AM/PM in a third. I have a checkbox that says "All day" i want it so when the user checks on "All day" all of the select dropdowns become disabled. ...

jQuery click event on blank space

I'm trying to catch an event when a user clicks a blank space on the page with jQuery. For example, lets say you have the following: <html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> <p>Here's some text!</p> <body> </html> I want to catch the event when the user clicks on anything but the p tag. Is there a way to ...