
JQuery Problem in List ID

Dear all I am using JQuery I need to extract the List' Id name. <ul id="nav"> <li id="outer1m"><a href="#url"><b class="">outer1</b></a></li> <li id="outer2m"><a href="#url"><b class="">outer2</b></a></li> <li id="outer3m"><a href="#url"><b class="">outer3 </b></a> <ul style="display: none;"> ...

jQuery UI Dialog Throw Errors When Invoked from Greasemonkey

I'm getting this awkward error any time I try and create a dialog from Greasemonkey... I believe it has to do with the limitations of XPCNativeWrapper https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCNativeWrapper#Limitations_of_XPCNativeWrapper , though I am not 100% sure. None of the core jQuery methods that I've used have caused errors (append, ...

Load page within the page

Hi.. I'm a beginner in PHP and Javascript.. I found a link from http://cmichaelis.whsites.net/whblog/jquery-extjs-1/example2 Inside it there is a code saying : function addPanel(location) { tabpanel.add({ autoLoad: {url: location}, title: 'More Information...', closable:true, autoScroll:true }).show(); }...

Javascript - form select element open url in new window and submit form

UPDATED - please read further details below original question I have a select form element with various urls, that I want to open in a new window when selected - to do this I have the following code in the element's onchange event: window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_blank'); This works fine. But I also want to submi...

Fitting different images as done in Ted.com

How resizing and fitting different images in a fixed space as done in http://www.ted.com/talks/browse and search results jinni.com. Any leads how this can be done, like with jQuery or with php support something. Thanks ...

Javascript or JQuery mindmap plugin

Does anyone know of a nice looking Ajax mind mapping module I can use? I'm interested in something that can save the minmaps to SQL to be entered into a database, however I'm happy to add that bit of functionality if required, it's the shiny-ness that I'm looking for. ...

Declaring variables using the keyword this in js

Hi, Is there a difference between this: var onClick = function() { var image = ..... $.post("/..../...", null, function(data) { myCallback(data, image); } ); } and var onClick = function() { this.image = ..... $.post("/..../...", null, function(data) { myCallback(data, this.image); } ); } I am using the 'th...

How can I implement jquery in my Zend Framework application in a custom manner?

How can I implement jquery in my Zend Framework application in a custom manner. appending jquery.js ok appending script ok send POST data to controller ok process POSTed data ok send 'AjaxContext' respond to client now ok (thanks) I'm using jquery for the first time, what am I doing wrong? ...

Where can I find a good JavaScript/HTML AutoSuggest example

I am looking for a good example implementation of a JavaScript/HTML AutoSuggest input box to get me started. What I am trying to implement will behave "Exactly" like the Tags input box here on stackoverflow. If it helps I am using jQuery to perform Ajax request. I am finding examples to help me implement this however I am concerned w...

javascript - (deep) copying an array using jquery

Hello, I need to copy an (ordered, not associative) array of objects. I'm using jquery. I initially tried jquery.extend({}, myArray) but, naturally, this gives me back an object, where I need an array (really love jquery.extend, by the way). So, what's the best way to copy an array? ...

Distinction between Ajax 'success' and successful method call?

I have an jquery .ajax posting to a asp.net mvc method that has an 'authorized' attribute. Ajax callback is successful even when the user is not authorized to post to the action. First, what is the ajax success callback basing the success on? Second, to test whether the actual method was carried out, I returned a "success" string from t...

Can't set CSS using variable - jquery

I am trying to dynamically set css with variables I retrieve from what a user types into a textfield. This is the line of code: $(get_elem_hierarchy()).css($(this).data('theCss').theProp, $(this).data('theCss').theVal); Everything works fine. Both the css property and the css value trace to the console correctly but for whatever reas...

Detect Internet Explorer 6 or below in jQuery

I'm new to jquery and was wondering: is a simple way to detect whether a browser is Internet Explorer 6 or below? ...

How can I make the browser window smoothly follow an animating element?

In an application I'm writing I'd like to have the browser window smoothly track a div that's animated to move and resize. My current solution is to update the scroll position at a regular interval to be "closer" to the div by using $().offset() and window.scroll in combination. It works, but it's very choppy. I think it's because the ...

jquery - scope of function passed to $().grep

It seems that "myFunction" in the following example loses its scope. $().grep(myArray, myFunction) By this, I mean that it no longer has access to the "this" of the scope it was defined in, and "this" becomes the window object. Can anyone explain why this is and if there's a handy way to preserve myFunction's scope? This javascript c...

Zend_From_File upload, but file element is stored inside a js modal window! Not working

I'm developing an application ased on zend framework, and the problem that it is giving to me is this, when i echo zend file element like this: <div id="add_video" title="Add Video"> <?php echo $this->form->video_title;?> <?php echo $this->form->video_thumb;?> <?php echo $this->form->video_video;?> </div> And i have this i...

jQuery modal window removes elements from my form

jQuery, when i use it to create a modal window which contains form elemets, it takes out those elements when i submit the form. example of the form: <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/system/article/add/" class="from" method="post"> <label for="article_title" class="required">Title:</label> <input class="formfiel...

jQuery Flexigrid Resize columns in IE7 broken

In firefox, column resizing works fine. But in ie7, it's broken. Here's a thread about flexigrid broken from jquery 1.3, I've tried the suggested edits to the flexigrid code, didnt work. We're currently using jquery 1.3, although i've tried 1.3.1 & 1.3.2, neither fixed the problem. While inspecting the css in ie7, I noticed <div clas...

Why is this jQuery animation jumping up and down?

Javascript: jQuery(function() { jQuery("#showquickfind").mouseover( function() { jQuery("#quickfind").animate({height:"show",opacity:"show"},"slow"); return false; }); jQuery("#quickfind").hover( function() {}, function() { $("#quickfind").animate({opacity:1.0},1125).slideUp(375); return false; })...

How to get the other image using jQuery

Hi, My DOM looks like this: <div class="stuff"> <a href="#"><img src=""></a> <b>hello</b> <a href="#"><img src=""></a> </div> Sometimes I have a reference on the first image, and sometimes on the second image. When I have the first image using $() how do I select the second image? When I have the second image using $() how to I...