
Running integration tests with Cucumber/capybara/celerity on a Jruby on Rails application using mysql

I've got an application I've been working on with ruby 1.9.1. I'd like to test the javascript in my UI and the default selenium driver for capybara doesn't support the events I need to test. So I'm going through the process of using rvm to switch the application on to jruby for testing, since apparently celertiy/culerity only work on j...

Tomcat possible way that don't load TOMCAT JAR from JAXB before my Web Application built in JRUBY

I get this error on my application when i try to run in "Tomcat", in WEBrick works fine: SEVERE: Application Error org.jruby.rack.RackInitializationException: wrong # of arguments(0 for 1) from /home/gpereira/apache/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/vtsbackoffice/WEB-INF/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:5 and in line 5 i h...

Jruby Activerecord is giving me stale connections

I have a Jruby app that spins up several background Java threads that share an ActiveRecord (2.3.5) connection. If they sleep for some time and then try to do something database related, the first queries never execute. I believe this is because the connections are stale, but the code itself doesn't throw any errors. I've tried doing ...

Running redcar 0.8.1 on Windows 7 x64

I am trying to get redcar to run on a windows 7 x64 box but I am getting the following error: Redcar 0.8.1 ( java ) Error loading plugin: <Plugin swt 1.0 depends:[dep(core >0)] 0 files> cannot link Java class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display, probable missing dependency: Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM c:/devtools/jrub...

[Startup] Java Backend and Rails Frontend

I have a startup considering building a Java backend and a Rails frontend. The Java backend will take care of creating a caching layer for the database and offer other additional services. The Rails frontend will mostly be for creating the webapp and monitoring tools. What startups/companies out there are using this kind of setup? What ...

Ruby on Rails (JRuby) errors custom error pages (500) not being properly captured

Hello All: Wondering if anyone has come across this issue before, I am using JRuby v 1.5.x and Rails 2.5.x on a Tomcat Server and I am having difficulty capturing an error and redirecting to a 500.html page. Here is a stacktrace. I attempt to capture the error state but to no avail, it goes immediately to rendering the web page. (Att...

jruby multipart post fails for files larger than 800k or so

I have a jruby application deployed using glassfish-gem with an apache front end. When I do a form post of a file it fails on files over a certian size, seems to be around 800k. The error is below if it helps any. glassfish.yml is generated, no changes from default other than to increase some java memory settings. I have bypassed apa...

Is is possible to run Cucumber in Java out of the box without JRuby/gems?

Heya. I am new to Cucumber, JRuby, Gems and how it works. I like the idea of writing down the test case in plain English, but I am not keen on installing a lot of new tools (I really really like Java), just to get Cucumber up and running. So I have a few questions. 1) Do I need install JRuby/Ruby to use Cucumber in Java? No way to av...