
Btrieve/Pervasive db and Ruby

Is there any solution to work with Btrieve/Pervasive db from Ruby level? Any gem? Maybe somebody have some experience with such a thing? Or maybe use some Java libs through Jruby? I've never used Jruby ...

JRuby EventMachine no such file to load

I have intalled EventMachine in JRuby (I am using Win32). When I try the server example, I get an error when require 'eventmachine' The error is: C:\dev\em>jruby server.rb server.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- eventmachine (LoadError) from server.rb:1 But the gem is installed! C:\dev\myapp>jruby -S gem instal...

[JRuby] How can I make a field transient, so Java objects don't get serialized when using marshal?

I have a JRuby class which contains an instance variable that is a Java object. As you may know, JRuby has a lot of trouble serializing Java objects, and therefore I would just like to skip over the object. How might this be achieved? ...

How to profile JRuby code?

I'd like to profile my JRuby app. For MRI I always use ruby-prof, but I don't think this works on JRuby. I don't want to use a Java-profiler, because it won't give me the ruby line numbers. Is there a jruby-prof? ...

How to use nokogiri from Jruby on Windows?

Hello, I'm getting the following error when trying to use Nokogiri with Jruby on Windows 7 D:\code\h4>jruby -e "require 'rubygems'; require 'nokogiri'" D:/jruby-1.3.1/bin/../lib/ruby/1.8/ffi/library.rb:18:in `ffi_lib': Could not ope n any of [xml2, xslt, exslt] (LoadError) from D:/jruby-1.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/nokogiri-1.3....

JRuby - Tempfile.rb

Hey, Does anyone know how tempfile.rb is handled in JRuby. It is in Ruby but not in JRuby. Anyone got anyideas? Cheers Eef ...

Using Sybase ASE 12.5.4 with jTDS drivers with JRuby

Problem I am trying to build a small ruby script - which will be run using jruby once a day - to connect to a Sybase ASE 12.5.4 database and perform a complex query. Ultimately I intend to do some processing on the data and insert the new data in a MySQL table for use within a rails application. Environment jruby v1.4.0 java v1.6.0...

Can you run Jython on the JVM that runs on Pulse smart pens?

I'm looking at developing an application that takes advantage of the Pulse smart pen. I would rather do it in python than java. Its not clear what version of the jvm runs on the pen, as evidence here in the tech specs Are there limitations on whether or not jython and jruby will run on mobile version of the jvm? ...

MySQL connections timing out/being abandoned under JRuby on Rails app on Jetty

Hi all, We're running a JRuby on Rails application on Jetty, and having reached the staging server prior to launch have suddenly hit a problem with our JDBC connections being abandoned. Here's a lovely stacktrace to illustrate: Last packet sent to the server was 12 ms ago. STACKTRACE: com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communica...

ActiveMessaging, ActiveResources, or Ruby XMLRPC

I have a simple jruby+swt based client that collects data on an occasionally connected PC. Now I need to push those records to the server (Rails 2.3). Should I use ActiveMessaging, ActiveResources or Ruby XMLRPC. This is my current understanding: ActiveMessaging - best if server to client communication is needed ActiveResources - hy...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

while using Jruby, i get this message. Complete Java stackTrace java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space how to resolve ? ...

JRruby, Sybase JDBC and DBI - fetching column name with the AS clause issue

I have a ruby script which I run using the JRuby Interpreter. The script connects to a Sybase database using DBI and Sybase JDBC (jTDS3.jar and jconn3.jar) My problem is that I have a select query that alters the column names of table. For example: SELECT t.TRANSACTION as 'business_transaction', t.TRADE_CURRENCY as 'currency', t.CURREN...

JRuby Array to Java Array

Hey, I am making a site in JRuby on Rails, I am using some Java classes as well. I have a select form element which passes user selections to the controller. The selections are passed like so: Parameters: {"options"=>["Option One", "Option Two"]} The Java method that I am using requires the options selected to be a String[] (Java S...

NoClassDefFoundError on org.jruby.Main

I'm trying to install the hpricot gem on my Windows machine using JRuby 1.4.0RC1. I'm trying to follow the advice to the related question (see -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726412/installing-hpricot-for-jruby/1323619#1323619). Per the answer's advice I pulled the git head of hpricot and from it's dir ran: jruby -S rake package...

App Engine Jruby DataMapper List Property

Hi! How to use list/array as property in DataMapper on Jruby on Google AppEngine? ...

How do I find the value of exponent in Ruby?

Consider the equation below: 2 ** n = A Let us assume A=64. What is the easiest way to find the value of n? I am currently using following two approaches A= 64; n = 1; n+=1 while (A >> n) > 0; n-1 A= 64; n = 0; n+=1 until (A == ( 2 ** n));n Is there a better approach? Other way of stating the same problem: 2 = nth root A If I k...

JRuby on Rails post data cut short

Hey Guys, I creating a site in JRuby on Rails (JRuby 1.3.0 ). I am using Tomcat with it also. I am posting data to the server with a POST form. The post goes ok but is truncated when it gets to the controller to around 1000 characters. I have tried using JRuby 1.4RC1 to see the issue disappears but the problem is still present. I...

Parse XML in (J)Ruby and Insert to Database

I'm fairly new to (J)Ruby - have written a few tiny "demo apps" in RoR but haven't really gotten right into the syntax though. I have an app at the moment written in Java that takes an XML file, parses it and then inserts it into a MySQL database using Hibernate. What I'd really like to do is see if I can port this to JRuby, - mainly as...

jruby trim string based on length with ellipses

This is a pretty specific problem, but I'm wondering if anyone would have a brilliant solution. I'm trying to fit a string with a fixed font size in a box of arbitrary size, such that, if the whole string doesn't fit, I want to trim it and ad an ellipses (...). So if my text is "the netherlands" I want to determine what portion of th...

JRuby limitations when working with Java Classes

As far as I understand JRuby, it is perfectly possible to use Java class inside JRuby code and vice versa, however, I still don't understand few things. can JRuby work with Java Annotations? is it possible to use reflection from JRuby on Java class? is it possible to use reflection from Java on JRuby class? do I have executable classes...