
How do I get js2-mode to use spaces instead of tabs in Emacs?

I am using js2-mode to edit Javascript in Emacs, but I can't seem to get it to stop using tabs instead of spaces for indentation. My other modes work fine, just having issues w/ js2. ...

Javascript Error: missing = in destructuring declaration

I am getting a javascript error "missing = in destructuring declaration" What could be the problem? ...

Emacs + js2-mode: disable indenting completely?

I'm using js2-mode for working with javascript in emacs and for the most part it's very useful. However, the indenting methods are terribly frustrating when working with jQuery, closures, and JSON... for instance, code that I wish to be indented like this: var foo = jQuery('#mycontainer ul li').each(function(el){ var bar = el.html()...

Flymake quits right ahead after loading with js2-mode

When opening .js files, js2-mode and, subsequently, flymake-js is automatically loaded. But flymake unloads right ahead with the message Toggling flymake-mode off; better pass an explicit argument. However, when enabling it manually, using M-x flymake-mode, it keeps activated. Has anybody encountered similar behavior and has fixed...