
Using One Key for Both flymake And flyspell

I am using flymake with pyflakes to check my python code and flyspell to check my strings and comments. I want to have one function which will go to the next error, or will display information about the error if currently at an error. How would I write this function? ...

Emacs: Pymacs not loading ropemacs with Carbon Emacs

I'm attempting to use Pymacs with rope/ropemacs for flymake syntax checking as described here: When I start Carbon Emacs "normally" it throws the error: error: Pymacs loading ropemacs...failed I had this working on OSX 10.5 with Carbon Emacs but it f...

Identifying PHP unused variables (in Emacs)?

Is it somehow possible to identify unused variables in a PHP file in Emacs? With other languages, this is possible by using tools such as flymake. I've already enabled Flymake to show syntax errors for my PHP files on the fly, but still it's frustrating that PHP logic errors are sometimes due to situations like: <?php $foo = whatever()...

Emacs: annoying Flymake dialog box.

Hello, I have the following lines in my ~/.emacs.d/init.el (custom-set-variables '(flymake-allowed-file-name-masks (quote ( ("\\.cc\\'" flymake-simple-make-init) ("\\.cpp\\'" flymake-simple-make-init))))) (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook) When I open a C++ file that has a proper Makefile...

Flymake quits right ahead after loading with js2-mode

When opening .js files, js2-mode and, subsequently, flymake-js is automatically loaded. But flymake unloads right ahead with the message Toggling flymake-mode off; better pass an explicit argument. However, when enabling it manually, using M-x flymake-mode, it keeps activated. Has anybody encountered similar behavior and has fixed...

Running pyflakes remotely with flymake and tramp in emacs?

I'm trying to use flymake to run pyflakes, as suggested here: This works fine for local files, and almost works with remote files with a bit of tweaking, but I'm left with a problem where flymake/pyflakes 'modifies' the buffer when it runs (although nothing actually seems to change),...