
pymacs: General question and Installation problem

Hi, all, I am trying to setup emacs for python development. From what I read, it is recommended to use python-mode.el rather than the default python.el from Emacs 22.3. So I embark on the new adventure. From what I understand, python-mode has the several dependencies, so I need to install rope, ropemode and ropemacs. Then on top of t...

python to drive emacs; pymacs doesn't work

I've got a python script that loops indefinitely waiting for input, and then does something when the input happens. My problem is then making python tell emacs to do something. I just need some way to send emacs input and make emacs evaluate that input. Here's some code to illustrate my problem... while(1): on_off = query_lightswit...

Emacs: Pymacs not loading ropemacs with Carbon Emacs

I'm attempting to use Pymacs with rope/ropemacs for flymake syntax checking as described here: When I start Carbon Emacs "normally" it throws the error: error: Pymacs loading ropemacs...failed I had this working on OSX 10.5 with Carbon Emacs but it f...

Load Pymacs & Ropemacs only when opening a Python file ?

I use Pymacs to load Ropemacs and Rope with the following lines in my .emacs as described here. (autoload 'pymacs-load "pymacs" nil t) (pymacs-load "ropemacs" "rope-") It however slows down the startup of Emacs significantly as it takes a while to load Ropemacs. I tried the following line instead but that loads Ropemacs everytime Py...

Python 3 with Emacs

Is there anything that should be done to make GNU Emacs 23.2 work well with Python 3? How would an ideal environment for development with Python 3 in Emacs look like? Is there any documentation about using ropemacs with Python 3? Should I add Python 3's site-packages directory to the python path? Will following the instructions here ...

How can I use meta-dot (M-.) in python with emacs?

Is there an equivalent of slime for python? For example, if I position the cursor on foo() and do M-. (jump to definition) I would like to see the source definition of the function foo This should work regardless of whether foo is in 1) the local project directory 2) in some ~/.virtualenvs/bar/lib/site-packages 3) in some other p...

Pymacs error starting Emacs after installing Python

I installed python using one of the msi files. But when I start up emacs, it gives me: Problem 1, which I thought I'd fixed When I run cmd and type in python, I get "python" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. So from online sources, (windows 7 btw) Went to System Properties and Envi...