
What is the best method to reduce the size of my Javascript and CSS files?

When working with large and/or many Javascript and CSS files, what's the best way to reduce the file sizes? ...

jQuery/JavaScript - performance-issue when having a lot of small .js-Files?

Hi all, i've got a site with a lot of referenced .js-Files; those are rather small files, but I want to keep my methods separated by topic/functionality. Is it better to keep all the methods in one .js-File or is it no problem to have many (~ 20 - 30) small files all including only some lines? ...

Which javascript minification library produces better results?

Between Yahoo! UI Compressor, Dean Edwards Packer and jsmin, which produces better results, both in terms of resulting footprint and fewer errors when obfuscating. ...

What do you use to minimize and compress JavaScript libraries?

What do you use to minimize and compress JavaScript libraries? ...

At what stage do you compress/minimize javascript?

When building, or "on the fly" (perhaps with caching) when the users request pages. And what are the dis/advantages of each. ...

What are some good css and js minimizers for production code?

I'm looking for some applications or websites that minimize css and js files. Ideally, they could batch them all or if not, one at a time. Thanks! Brian ...

What is the best/fastest way to include my external javascripts? I use jQuery.

I am nearly done with my site and am optimising it at the moment; I would like to know the best and fastest way to include all my external javascript files. I want the site to download as quick as possible, but it has quite a few (10 or so) external javascript files that need to be loaded; some are jQuery library files from Google's AJAX...

Combining and Compressing multiple JavaScript files in php

Hello, I am working on a PHP app that requires eight javascript files (hello web2.0). I am wondering what the best way combine and compress all of the files dynamically. Am I phrasing the question correctly? The end result is that I would include one .js file in the header, and that .js file would include of the .js files in my "incl...

Ways to compress/minify javascript files

Duplicate: Best javascript compressor Which javascript minification library produces better results? What is the best method to reduce the size of my Javascript and CSS files? So far I have seen these tools to compress javascript files Packer List item Yahoo Compressor On Packer page there is a section "Packer versu...

JCSompress - dealing with special characters in JS files?

I'm in the initial stages of investigating JSCompress for MSBUILD : http://msbuildtasks.tigris.org/ For my initial testing I have a few JS files over which I am running this task, some of the files include already minified JS files (JQuery Library etc..) and some files contain Special characters. When the task runs everytime it encount...

Makefile which compresses javascript

I want to compress javascript in yui compressor, How to write Make file for compress javascript. Because grammar is difficult and does not understand it, Could you give me a sample Makefile for me? ...

What standalone JavaScript compressing tools are there?

Currently I am using the site at http://javascriptcompressor.com/ to compress my JavaScript. Is there any other standalone JavaScript compressing tool? ...

combine javascript files at deployment in python

Hi, I'm trying to reduce the number of scripts included in our website and we use buildout to handle deployments. Has anybody successfully implemented a method of combining and compressing scripts with buildout? ...

How to minify jquery files?

Hi I am using jquery and I got a couple plugins that don't offer a minified version. So I want to take the full version and minfiy it but all the sites I have found that you input your javascript and it minifies it breaks the plugin. Like it must strip something out because I get a syntax error. So anyone got a good one that I can u...

How to find if a request is for js or css in httpHandler

Hi guys, is there any way to find if a particular request is for JS or CSS in httphandler to improve the performance of my website i was using HttpCompress from Code Project http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/httpcompression.aspx?msg=2544100 but since it is combining all the js it is breaking my javascript in many places...so i want...

Javascript stops working when compress script

I want to compress my 2000+ lines og javascript and I have tested both http://dean.edwards.name/packer/ and http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home. But in both cases, the compressed script gives me errors. An example of a error is jQuery(document).Da is not a function. Why isn't my scripts working after optimazation? And what can I d...

HTML + JavaScript + CSS compact tool

I need a tool which can minify, optimize and munge many files of those possible types HTML (minify only) JavaScript (minify, optimize and munge) CSS (minify) The final result should be one HTML file only with all JavaScript and CSS embedded or in the worst scenario 3 files respectively for HTML, JS, and CSS. I am aware of tools like...