
Is it possible to publish a FLA from the command line?

In our project we have a large number (hundreds) of FLA files created by the artists in CS3, from which we compile SWFs to use in our Flex/AS3 application. As part of a streamlined build/deploy system, it would be really handy to be able to automate publishing all these FLAs, and ideally deploying the SWFs too. I found some ways to do t...

How to access group members in Flash CS3

Hi, I'm writing a script to access all dynamic textfields in the library of a flash (fla) file and embed certain character sets. I iterate through all objects looking for textfields, but It seems there are some issues when trying to access members of a group object. It does have children in the flash file, but I can see no way to access...

how to pass an object from a windowSWF to JSFL ?

I'm working with an fla, an as file(document class), and a jsfl file. the swf is generated in the WindowSWF folder (e.g. $flash/WindowSWF) I have a simple windowSWF and I'm using MMExecute and fl.runScript to pass variables from as3 to jsfl. I didn't imagine I would run into trouble if I would use objects though. In my windowSWF I have...

extending Flash CS4: How can I display info about my current selection in my Custom Panel?

I'm building a Flash CS4 custom panel extension, and while I can call jsfl from actionscript fine, I can't figure out how to get info from the jsfl queries back to my custom panel. MMExecute() seems like a one way street. Specifically, I want to display a selection's X and Y position in the custom panel. How do I call fl.getDocumentDOM(...

When building custom panels for Flash CS4 IDE, is there a way to attach callbacks to workspace events?

Is there a way for a custom panel for Flash CS4 to register for IDE events? I've built a custom panel for the CS4 IDE, and now I'd like to get a callback anytime the current selection on the stage changes. Is this possible? My backup plan is to have my panel poll the IDE for the selected object several times a second, but this is weak...

How to access the selection of xmlui targetlist from JSFL in Flash?

I have a simply xml ui: <dialog title="Select Symbol" buttons="accept, cancel"> <vbox> <targetlist id="target_symbol" height="300" width="400" required="true" class="movie clip" /> </vbox> </dialog> How can I get the result of once the user pressed accept ? I have somthing basic like: var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM(); var ...

Parsing XML in JSFL?

It seems that there is no xml parsing tool in available JSFL (Adobe Flash-extension Javascript script file) : http://osflash.org/pipermail/flashextensibility%5Fosflash.org/2006-July/000014.html So, is there an easy and cross-platform way to add a javascript xml parser? ...

Using JSFL, pulling items out of a library using libraryPath

I'm making a SWF panel to automate some file setup. I'm using the libraryPath JSFL command to point to some external libraries. How do I put an item from one of those external libraries onto the stage using JSFL? I've tried: fl.getDocumentDOM().library.addItemToDocument({x:0, y:0}, 'myItem'); ...

JSFL delete Flash aso files

I'm using FDT 3 and Ant to make a jsfl file that is then executed to compile fla's and I'm trying to figure out how to get the jsfl to remove the aso files. I've tried storing the path to the aso files in a property in Ant the is then added to the jsfl when its created and it works to remove the aso file but it means that everyone must e...

Embed webserver in carbon bundle

I need to embed a tiny webserver in a compiled jsfl external library for Adobe Flash CS4 so that an outside process can communicate with it. The external library will be a Carbon bundle on Mac and a set of dlls on Windows, so the webserver will need to be embedded/loaded from C/C++ code with no external dependencies like Ruby. Most of t...

JSFL error handling

When i started working on mogobe.com I wrote a small script that publishes all *.fla in all folder and sub folder. Now I want to add error handling for that script. I want to know is there is another way to get the data from those objects: fl.outputPanel fl.compilerErrors instead of writing them as file to the file system...

Flash JSFL ExternalInterface issue

I can’t get a call from JSFL to a SWFPanel to work via the ExternalInterface API. I am following the instructions here as follows: In the SWF Panel, in scene 1 action 1, I register a callback function with ExternalInterface: ExternalInterface.addCallback("appendTrace", this, appendTrace); function appendTrace(traceString:String):Voi...

Fill figure with JSFL

I draw figure in Flsh ID with JSFL methods, for example // draw rectangle doc.addNewLine({x:0, y:0}, {x:2000, y:0}); doc.addNewLine({x:2000, y:0}, {x:2000, y:500}); doc.addNewLine({x:2000, y:500}, {x:0, y:500}); doc.addNewLine({x:0, y:500}, {x:0, y:0}); // how can I fill it, because this way doesn't work doc.setFillColor('#0000ff'); ...

Problem with dll called in JSFL

I need to create dll using C. But I saw some problems. OK, first: I need function in dll library to compute angle of the line - tgA = dy/dx. Angle = arctg(dy/dx). And I define this in file framework.c: JSBool computeAngle(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned int argc, jsva...

How can I retrieve a MovieClip 3D position via JSFL

I want to retrieve the x,y and z positions of a MovieClip with 3d transformations applied using jsfl. Once a clip 'enters 3d mode'(has 3d transforms applied), the usual properties(x,y) go to 0. I have noticed that there is a Copy Properties option in the Timeline context menu. I only need 3d position, but that seems to get all I need a...

Can I use JSFL to set the "Flex SDK Path" in a FLA's library path?

I have a big set of fla's that use an ActionScript 3.0 class that uses the Embed Flex SDK feature. (Like this; [Embed(source="pngasset.png")] ) My Flash CS3 IDE knows where my Flex SDK path is. And my global actionscript library path contains; $(FlexSDK)/frameworks/libs/flex.swc; However when I recompile an older Fla. I get a dialog ...

How can I convert flash armature (ik) animation to frame-by-frame animation with jsfl

My objective is to paste together several ( a lot, actually ) armature animations, each in a separate symbol. I have no idea how to do it, armature layers are a bit... strange. So i see only one solution: convert it to a regular layer. ...

Drag/Drop movieclip event in JSFL? (Flash IDE)

Lately im trying to do some experimental things with JSFL, and i was wondering if it is possible to listener for an event when a component (that i have made) or movieclip is dragged from library on the stage. i want to create something that i'll get a component and drop it on a mc. when the component is dropped on the mc the component w...

JSFL: Delete all strokes which match a specific color?

I'm looking for a jsfl function that can select all items on a frame and delete all strokes that match a specific color such as #0000ff Basically I make a lot of notes with the pencil tool using red pencil strokes. But when Im done I just want to tell flash to delete all my red stokes from the screen and leave everything else intact. An...

How can I get values from Flash Authoring in JSFL via XMLUI ?

I want to set a variable from a flash file so that I can access if from JSFL in a Command. I am using a element in JSFL's XMLUI: Here's the JSFL: fl.getDocumentDOM().xmlPanel(fl.configURI + 'Commands/ATest.xml'); fl.trace(fl.xmlui.get('secretword'));//this traces undefined The XMLUI: <dialog buttons="accept,cancel"> <textbox id="...