
solution for jslint errors

Hey, I have started using JSLint,And I checked my code and I am getting this errors: Problem at line 92 character 7: Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function. })(); Problem at line 92 character 7: Wrap the entire immediate function invocation in parens. })(); How To Fix this errors? ...

Wrapping For in loops with if statements in Javascript -- looping over arrays

JSLint keeps complaining about things like this var myArray = [1, 2, 3]; for (var value in myArray) { // BLAH } Saying that I should wrap it in an if statement. I realize you need to wrap it if you are looping over an object's properties, but here what should I put in the if statement to do the correct filtering. Additionally when...

How do you use vim's quickfix feature?

I'm a pretty new Vim user and I've found that its learning curve is quite steep (at least for me). I just installed this vim script for JavaScriptLint error checking, which shows errors in vim's quickfix window once I save a buffer. However, I don't know what to do next.. How do I 'scroll' through all the errors? How do I close the quic...

Pre Commit Hook for JSLint in Mercurial and Git

I want to run JSLint before a commit into either a Mercurial or Git repo is done. I want this as an automatic step that is set up instead of relying on the developer (mainly me) remembering to run JSLint before-hand. I normally run JSLint while developing, but want to specify a contract on JS files that they pass JSLint before being com...

Should I worry about "window is not defined" JSLint strict mode error?

This won't pass JSLint in strict mode: "use strict"; (function (w) { w.alert(w); }(window)); The error--from jslint.com--looks like this: Problem at line 4 character 3: 'window' is not defined. }(window)); Implied global: window 4 Do I need to tell JSLint to ignore the error, or am I seriously doing something wrong? ...

JavaScript code checking beyond JSLint

Hello Everyone, I'm looking for something that works like Checkstyle for JavaScript. I know about JSLint and I'm already using Google's Closure compiler, but these mostly check for syntactic issues. Checkstyle can check for braces on the wrong line, but it also makes it possible to write custom checks like don't use HashMap. I'm lo...

JSLint: "Use the array literal notation []" for var os_map = {}

I don't understand why I get the error message when I run JSLint with a JavaScript file. I get the message var os_map = {}; Problem at line 28 character 36: Use the array literal notation []. if I run this code in JSLint. The options for the JSLint as the following. /*jslint onevar: true, browser: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq...

what does this jslint error mean?

I used jslint on a javacript file of mine. It threw an error: for( ind in evtListeners ) { Problem at line 41 character 9: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype. what does this mean? ...

JSLint It is not necessary to initialize undefined

Hi, While validating my JavaScript code in JSLint (www.jslint.com). I got a error I've never seen before. Is this something new ? It tells me that: It is not necessary to initialize 'i' to 'undefined'. On this: var i = 0, l = data.d.ResponseData.length, x; Does anyone know what this means? ..fredrik ...

'variable' was used before it was defined.

I am checking if a variable is defined or not, and if it is not defined explicitly I am going to define it by doing: if ( typeof(aVariable) == 'undefined' ) { var aVariable = value; } Because the variable is not defined JSLint warns that it is used before it is defined, and that is exactly what I want. What is the best practice to ...

jslint ignore Expected '{' errors

I have a lot of Expected '{' and instead saw 'blah' errors that spit out when I run my scripts through jslint. Is there an option that ignores this error? ...

Using the quickfix window with vim+jslint

I'm using the vim+jslint combo described here, and am having problems figuring out how to use the two together. I'm guessing that the list of errors is supposed to show on the top half and the second half has the actual page? If so, how do I go about doing this? (Caution, I am completely new to the quickfix window, and the documentation ...

How should I define a JavaScript 'namespace' to satisfy JSLint?

I want to be able to package my JavaScript code into a 'namespace' to prevent name clashes with other libraries. Since the declaration of a namespace should be a simple piece of code I don't want to depend on any external libraries to provide me with this functionality. I've found various pieces of advice on how to do this simply but non...

Why does JSLint returns 'bad escapement' on this line of code ?

Why is it that JSLint returns a 'Bad escapement' on the following JavaScript line ? param = param.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); From JSLint documentation I thought that this would be ok since the regex literal is preceeded by a parenthesis: Regular expressions are written in a terse and cryptic notation. JSLint ...

Purpose of JSLint "disallow insecure in regex" option

I have a line of code that gets the following error when run through JSLint: Lint at line 604 character 48: Insecure '^'. numExp = parseInt(val[1].replace(/[^\-+\d]/g, ""), 10); This error seems to refer to the following description from JSLint's option page: "true if . and [^...] should not be allowed in RegExp literals. These form...

What side effects does the keyword 'new' have in JavaScript?

I'm working on a plug-in for jQuery and I'm getting this JSLint error: Problem at line 80 character 45: Do not use 'new' for side effects. (new jQuery.fasterTrim(this, options)); I haven't had much luck finding info on this JSLint error or on any side effects that new might have. I've tried Googling for "Do not use 'new' for side ef...

Contending with JS "used before defined" and Titanium Developer

I have a lengthy JavaScript file that passes JSLint except for "used before it was defined" errors. I used normal function declarations, as in... function whatever() {do something;} as opposed to... var whatever = function(){do something;}; and consistent with Steve Harrison's reply to an earlier post... Assuming you declare a...

JSLint message: "expecting expecting <\/ instead of <\ " -What is the reason(s) for that error?

Hi all, I was using JSLint to validate my code and i received the following error: "expecting <\/ instead of <\" I got that for my HTML code and JavaScript code. For example: element.innerHTML += "<p>here's what happened: You are <b>" + aVariable + " </b> years old.</p>"; and: <input type="text" name="enterText" id="nameOfPerson" ...

JSLint -Tolerate inefficient subscripting?

I'm reading the JSlint Options Documentation to understand each of the available options, and have come across one that I don't quite understand, and can't find any useful information regarding it elsewhere. sub - Tolerate inefficient subscripting true if subscript notation may be used for expressions better expressed in dot n...

emacs: Can I set compilation-error-regexp-alist in a mode hook fn?

I am trying to set the compilation-error-regexp-alist in a function that I add as a mode hook. (defun cheeso-javascript-mode-fn () (turn-on-font-lock) ...bunch of other stuff ;; for JSLINT (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist) (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist '( ("^[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z.0-9_: \\-]+...