
PHP json_decode on a 32bit server

Hi, im writting a twitter mashup service. When i receive the json data, some of the twit ids are greater than 2147483647 (which is the maximum allowed integer on 32bit servers). I came up with a solution that works, which is converting the integers to strings; that way the json_decode() function won't have any problems when trying to ge...

Make output an object array

<?php //example code $url = 'http://clients1.google.com/complete/search?hl=en&amp;q=speed'; function processURL( $url ) { $contents = file_get_contents( $url ); return $contents; } print_r( processURL($url) ); ?> Output: window.google.ac.h(["speed",[["speed test","89,300,000 results","0"],["speed channel","76,100,000 results"...

In PHP, why is json_encode way slower than serialize?

I don't get it, the data produced by json_encode is much more straightforward than serialize and yet both the JSON encode and decode functions are much more slower than the serialize and unserialize counterparts. Why? ...

Decode JSON data in Java

Hi, I'm used to PHP, and decoding json data is just a line of code. What would be the easiest way to do this in java? ...

replace eurosign in json

Hello, Can anyone help me with this one I have this query and only after adding the last one wich is indexed against the euro I get invalid json. $url = 'http://www.google.com/finance/info?client=ig&amp;q=goog,yhoo,AMS:TOM2'; $response= json_decode($response,true); The only thing different if I directly echo the output is the quest...

How to decode Google spreadsheet's Json respose as a Php Array

My google Docs Spreadsheet call returns this response in the json format (I only need everything after "rows") please look at the formatted response here : ) I use php's json_decode function to parse the data and use it (Yes, I am awful at php) This code returns NULL, and according to the documentation, NULL is returned "if the json can...

JSON and whitespaces in identifiers

Question: The JavaScript code below: records is JSON serialized data. I can access it right away from JavaScript by using for example alert(records.data[0].Phone); The problem now is that some bright spark used a whitespace in FirstName and LastName, which means I would have to access it like alert(records.data[0].Last Name); Which...

Unable to decode JSON stripslashed String?

Does anyone know why this happens? var_dump(json_decode(stripslashes(json_encode(array("O'Reiley"))))); // array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "O'Reiley" } var_dump(json_decode(stripslashes(json_encode(array("O\'Reiley"))))); // NULL Are ' used at all by the JSON functions? ...

How does jQuery deserialize JSON?

I am using jQuery.ajax(...) to retrieve JSON data from an ASP.NET MVC service. When the server encounters an exception, I send a 400 Bad Request status back to the client and send my exception as a JsonResult: Response.StatusCode = 400; return Json(new { ex.Message, ex.StackTrace }); And here's my jQuery code: $.ajax( { type: "PO...

URL Decoding JSON in C#

I have an app that uses ajax (jQuery) quite extensively and when sending JSON to my web service I always "escape" any strings to make sure there is not any nastiness in there. To decode it at the other end (in my c# code) I have been using HttpUtility.URLDecode() and this has been working a treat until it came to the £ symbol, it just do...

PHP json_decode() fail on Sun with a depth greater than 6

Hi, one of my PHP script get JSON from an Ajax call. With a depth of 5, all run fine, but if depth is 6, json_decode() fail on Sun box. Under Linux or Windows same scripts and data run fine. Does anyone have an hint for me? Thanks, Cédric ...

[PHP]: json_encode/json_decode - returns stdClass instead of Array

Hi, Observe this little script: $array = array('stuff' => 'things'); print_r($array); //prints - Array ( [stuff] => things ) $arrayEncoded = json_encode($array); echo $arrayEncoded . "<br />"; //prints - {"stuff":"things"} $arrayDecoded = json_decode($arrayEncoded); print_r($arrayDecoded); //prints - stdClass Object ( [stuff] => things...

Detecting json_decode() failure in PHP

When using PHP's json_decode(), I don't see a way to distinguish between a NULL return value indicating a failure in decoding and a correctly decoded NULL value: var_dump(json_decode('nonsense')); // returns NULL var_dump(json_decode(json_encode(NULL))); // also returns NULL And case one doesn't throw an exception. So I'm not sure how...

Detect bad json data in PHP json_decode()?

Hi there, I'm trying handle bad json data when parsed through json_decode(). I'm using the following script: if(!json_decode($_POST)) { echo "bad json data!"; exit; } If $_POST equals: '{ bar: "baz" }' Then json_decode handles the error fine and spits out "bad json data!"; However, if I set $_POST to something like "invalid dat...

Serialising my JSON output problem in JQuery

Am trying to validate my form using an AJAX call $("#button").click(function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php echo $this->baseUrl() ?>/expensetypes/async", data: 'fs=' + JSON.stringify($('#myform').serialize(true)), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf...

how to render data received from JSON in Social App with OpenSocial Templates!

Hi all, I am getting data in the Social App in form of JSON. I am using OpenSocial v0.9 Templates to render data in the App with the tag but the problem is I want to render data in tabular form, but with it repeats items in a row so is there any way possible! Regards, Abhishek ...

Decode sparse json array to php array

I can create a sparse php array (or map) using the command: $myarray = array(10=>'hi','test20'=>'howdy'); I want to serialize/deserialize this as JSON. I can serialize it using the command: $json = json_encode($myarray); which results in the string {"10":"hi","test20":"howdy"}. However, when I deserialize this and cast it to an arr...

How to decode a JSON String

Hi, everybody! Could I ask you to help me to decode this JSON code: $json = '{"inbox":[{"from":"55512351","date":"29\/03\/2010","time":"21:24:10","utcOffsetSeconds":3600,"recipients":[{"address":"55512351","name":"55512351","deliveryStatus":"notRequested"}],"body":"This is message text."},{"from":"55512351","date":"29\/03\/2010","time":...

How to decode a JSON String with several objects in PHP?

Hi, guys! I know how to decode a JSON string with one object with your help from this example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2543389/how-to-decode-a-json-string But now I would like to improve decoding JSON string with several objects and I can't understand how to do it. Here is an example: { "inbox": [ { "firstName": "Brett", ...

Odd behavior of json_decode()

Take the following JSON string (generated by some ExtJS code - but that's irrelevant): [{"action":"Setting","method":"toggle","data":["welcome-home"],"type":"rpc","tid":2},{"action":"ContentExtFeFillout","method":"todo","data":[true,0,8,false],"type":"rpc","tid":3}] being sent to a server as a POST request and retrieved via $GLOBALS['...